Chapter 113 - Night 107

Ugh… What a much needed nap~ After checking over my status… Looks like everyone has actually managed to be cured of their petrifications… So that's awesome. Gary's still going strong, though. We're doomed. We have 12 hours before he's inevitably forced back into Halloween, and that's IF I magically awoke at the beginning of night.

"You didn't." [Conrad] remarked while side eyeing the Halloween Cat. To which, he simply yawned.

Ugh… Can I go back to bed..? Lianix wasn't pestering me last night… For some reason, it was simply fine. Either that, or I was so tired that I don't remember her pestering me~ We should make sure, for scientific reasons; right?

"Nero… Wake up, release me; and then if you still feel like sleeping… You can do that." [Cetilla] sighed while rolling her eyes.

"Finally fed up with me?" [Nero] shot back with a wry smile.

"Mreh… I'd really like to feel hunger again; you know? I'm ready for my breakfast~" [Cetilla] confessed while shrugging her shoulders before flipping her hair.

"...Kay." [Nero] muttered before hoisting himself back up from the pile of recently conjured clothing and reaching for Lianix.

"...You really just going to sit there, pathetically struggling to reach the Broom? It's two feet away… Just crawl for it. Crawl. Almost there… You've got it. Find the Lantern now, yep! There it is… Almost there…. You can do this… There you go~" [Cetilla] exclaimed with a smile as she coached the Halloween Cat into finding his things.

...That was so unnecessary… Yet she felt the need to do it, and I felt no desire to stop her; or try harder. It simply… Happened. Cetilla, lets… Yeah. Let's get you out of my head.

"Deal." [Cetilla] shot back while nodding her head with a smile, stifling a slight laugh.

And so, the two of us entered Halloween together, and came face to face with… Too many Clans(wo)men, and a boat load of... Randoms. As promised, anyone who desires; may now be free of my pact. Simply follow me to the Hallowed Orb on the north edge of Halloween, form an organized single-file line down the street… And come up, come one; come all… As many of you who do not require immortality without the necessity for Blood… Or as many of you who I simply summoned into this realm without warning, and thereafter limited their freedoms… Whoever wants out, may now get out. I can't send you back to where you came; but I can grant you your freedom. I do not advise going outside during the day for some of you; particularly the Vampires. Should you choose to leave… You do so at your own risk. Please be aware that the likelihood of this Wailing Keep and Town becoming a travelling caravan is still quite high. Overseas travel from this continent is quite rare. This continent is in grave danger from where I'm sitting, you may or may not desire to stay within Halloween or the Forsaken Isles simply for a means to vacate the continent within the confines of a protected herd. Not to mention… If you require Blood in order to survive, you may find it helpful that there's a group of individuals here who are far less likely to judge you for that need. We can help you obtain it.

Glancing around the Town… It would appear that people are discussing it over with their friends for themselves… But I'm sure there are some like Cetilla who are simply ready and waiting, so I might as well get started. Let's go, Cetilla!~ North!


After a few hours… My load has gotten much lighter. Obviously Cetilla, Roah, and Gluttatosk all relinquished their oaths… But my overall list of Clans(wo)men has dropped from a total number of 731 straight down to 66. It was mostly just the new Tier 1, Adventurers, Nobles, Goblins, and Harpies who left… But some of the new Tier 9 also left; and one of the Tier 11 Clanswomen also left. There were a few other surprises; Conrad, Robert, Betty, Christina, Penny, Wendel, Molag Dregora, the entire Crimson Vampire squad, Miscare, Mescarga, and Wolrietta ALL decided to leave; while being followed by dozens of other original Clans(wo)men… They've decided that they want to spend the week facing Dungeons like the Tides of Tragedy to help them prepare for the Mummy Mansion's impending return. I was fine with it… But it means that MOST of my usual go-to guys are meow out of the picture…

"No worries… I'll be here for you in the meanwhile." [Arakanna] sighed while shrugging her shoulders.

"Good point… I rarely get to spend time with you, and… Wait, who else is even still here?!" [Nero] exclaimed with a weak smile before begging the question with a hysterical expression.

"Uhmm… Milton, Rei, Luna… Breni, Brani, Dreni, Drani… And me." [Arakanna] explained with a smile.

"...Why does it feel like I just got ditched?" [Nero] shot back while rolling his eyes.

"Don't worry… I've got this handled. As your strongest offensive type Clanswomen with experience remaining, I'll be certain to fight as if the world were at stake. I'll hold absolutely nothing back." [Arakanna] declared with a determined look in her eyes.

"...Yeah; Rei and I are definitely pretty strong… So, it should be fine?" [Milton] exclaimed while shrugging his shoulders.

...Two decently Tiered Wraiths, two low Tier Wraiths, two low Tier Skeletons, a moderate Tier of Arachne, and a pretty darn strong Unholy Priestess Vampire… That's all I've got with any decent combat experience. Everyone else is probably still getting accustomed to their new forms and this realm… But at the very least, there are still a few stronger than these 7. Misty Cottingham may have decided to be a free spirit, however… Paul; the Tier 13 Rooted Pumpkinkin Siren… Gary, the Tier 11 Gargoyle Hunter… Eduardo, the Tier 11 Inferno Hellhound Windwalker… Firaesun, the Tier 11 Flame Spirit Barrager… Sara, the Tier 9 Apparition Teddy Bear Shapeshifter Story Teller… Olivia, the Tier 9 Ghoul Oracle… Hex, the Tier 9 Incubus Acrobat… Handy Mandie, the Tier 9 Levitating Hand Mystic… Sharpé, the Tier 9 Dark Elf Doctor… Aondrac, the Tier 9 Gremblin Druid… Grave Watcher, the Tier 9 Oculothorax Flyer… and Rodger, the Tier 9 Apparition Oak Puppet Rifleman all remain.

Among them… I'd say that Firaesun, Eduardo, Rodger, and maybe the Grave Watcher are the best in terms of combat; but then again… I really don't know. I haven't seriously overlooked any of their abilities, so I have no idea what I'm about to witness. Please bare with me everyone, as I try to get to know you all. It will take time~ Also, there are some clothing in the Throne Room if anyone wants any… Josh already left… I wonder if he even got clothing… Oh well~

Name: Paul

Race: Rooted Pumpkinkin (Halloween)

Class: Siren

Tier: 13

MP: 63831/90112

P. DEF: 580

M. DEF: 300

STR: 8960

INT: 40960

DEX: 2048

LUK: 6144

AGI: 2048


[Root Man+6], [Siren's Call+4], [Budding Terror+3], [Many Voices+2], [Siren's Symphony+1], [Encore], [Harvester], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Sprout Roots+5], [Thorny Roots+4], [Sprouted Stance+4], [Grow Pumpkin+3], [Pumpkin Chant+2], [Pumpkin Shriek+2], [Pumpkexplosion+1], [Root Ensnare+1], [Hardened Roots+1], [Song of Pumpkin Growth+1], [Harvest Time], [Return to Halloween]

Okay… Here's my issue with this. Paul, has the very same first two titles as Wendel; our other resident Siren. Be that as it may, his abilities are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! What the frick, man?! He's like some super saiyan gender/culture swap for Wendel! Knock-off with a freakin' story, what is this?!

"...Are you asking me to try and explain my abilities to you..?" [Paul] begged the question with a confused expression.

"...Do you know how to?" [Nero] shot back with eyes wide.

"...I believe so…" [Paul] muttered while seeming to be glaring at something off in the distance.

"I'm at your mercy. Please, explain away~" [Nero] sighed before taking a seat and then immediately forcing himself to take another stand with an irritated expression.

"...[Sprout Roots] allows me to grow roots from my own body, at any of my limbs. It costs MP for each meter of roots, but seems to lower in terms of cost depending on how good the ability becomes. [Thorny Roots] conjures thorns onto the roots, requiring more MP depending on how long I've already stretched myself; but also seems to lower in terms of cost depending on how good the ability becomes. [Sprouted Stance] happens whenever I've sprouted my roots into the ground and become incapable of movement, it gives myself additional resistances that seem to improve as the ability does. [Grow Pumpkin] allows me to sprout a Pumpkin on a chosen position of my Roots, it costs me MP that drops as the ability improves and each of the Pumpkins also get to have a higher individual MP total as the ability improves as well; the only downside is that it requires 10 minutes before a Pumpkin can reach adult size. [Pumpkin Chant] allows my Pumpkins to begin chanting, which increases the damage I deal for each chanting Pumpkin; the damage boost increases as the ability does, but only adult Pumpkins can chant. [Pumpkin Shriek] allows my Pumpkins to begin shrieking, damage is dealt to nearby lifeforms capable of comprehending sound and that damage dealt is not only increased by each shrieking Pumpkin; but it also increases as the ability does and even the premature Pumpkins can shriek. [Pumpkexplosion] occurs when a Pumpkin is defeated, they explode dealing damage and momentarily stunning lifeforms capable of comprehending sound nearby; damage dealt is increased as the ability is but only adult Pumpkins can explode. [Root Ensnare] allows me to ensnare my roots around a target, limiting their movement while continuously coiling around them; the ability can only be used within a generally shorter range, however that range will probably continue to increase as the ability does. [Hardened Roots] make my roots more durable than my current individual resistances; the rate of which will seemingly improve as the ability does. [Song of Pumpkin Growth] allows my Pumpkins to sing while speeding up the rate at which other Pumpkins may grow, the rate increases for each singing Pumpkin as well as with the ability enhancements; but only adult Pumpkins can sing. [Harvest Time] allows my Pumpkins to decouple from my roots and begin to attack any nearby enemies or defend myself in an attempt to make way for additional Pumpkins to grow; but only adult Pumpkins may decouple." [Paul] explained while appearing to be reading directly off his status.

...That's pretty freakin' interesting. Paul, from here on out… I'll want you to be slowly growing more and more Pumpkins. Aim for as many you as you can; seriously… I want those things covering our rooftops in Halloween.

"...Okay~" [Paul] sighed before turning around and beginning to grow a Pumpkin on his root hand as he softly sang to it.

Honestly… Paul's ridiculous. I don't even know why I was afraid… He's got god stats. Dude can endlessly conjure children at an EXPONENTIAL rate as long as he has Mana~ I don't even know if I NEED to keep checking over the new Clans(wo)men… Paul's GOT IT! WHAT?! SIREN?! SERIOUSLY?! Explosive hellspawn!~ You don't even need to name them!~ Ugh… I'm definitely going to an underworld when all of this is said and done…

"Unlike your children… Mine have limitations. None of them will ever Evolve… But they can fight." [Paul] muttered with a gentle voice as he cradled his hand Pumpkin and continued to walk away.

"Nyah… But I can't really conjure Clansmen OR children at an exponential rate… I really lucked out with being able to summon you guys if I'm being honest…" [Nero] yawned. To which, Paul simply shrugged before disappearing into the Hallowed Gate.

Name: Eduardo

Race: Infernal Hellhound (Halloween)

Class: Windwalker

Tier: 11

MP: 3491/18432

P. DEF: 4096

M. DEF: 3072

STR: 2048

INT: 512

DEX: 512

LUK: 1536

AGI: 10240


[Flamehound+5], [Wind Manipulation+3], [Lilith's Servant], [Furiously Fast], [Hellborn], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Infernal Claws+4], [Call Winds+3], [Infernal Bite+3], [Fiery Flight+2], [Meteor Dive+1], [Increased Running Speed], [Mother's Plan], [Bask in Fire], [Return to Halloween]

...Uh huh… Eduardo, how about you? Do YOU care to explain your abilities?

"...As you wish~" [Eduardo] sighed before continuing…

"[Infernal Claws] makes my Claws very hot, it's an attack that gets hotter as the ability gets stronger… [Call Winds] allows me to call upon winds, as the name implies; it allows me to call upon more winds for less MP as the ability gets stronger… [Infernal Bite] causes my fangs to be very hot, it's an attack that gets hotter as the ability gets stronger… [Fiery Flight] allows me to fly through the fiery winds that I can produce, which can both damage flying enemies as well as catapult me away from them; or toward them and I can fly faster as the ability gets stronger… [Meteor Dive] allows me to dive straight down from a very high distance, and deal incredibly high damage to any nearby opponents; the damage dealt increases as the ability does as well as depending on how high in the air I was to begin with… [Increased Running Speed] allows me to run a little bit faster… [Mother's Plan] allows me to more easily understand Mother's Plan… [Bask in Fire] allows me to slowly heal my wounds if basking in fire; more so depending on how hot the flames are… You happy? Cool… I'm not~" [Eduardo] explained with a tired expression before walking away.

[Pumpkin Bomb]! Enjoy, Eduardo… I hope it helps~ If not, I have several other means of heating you up; sweetie~

Name: Gary

Race: Gargoyle (Halloween)

Class: Hunter

Tier: 11

MP: 6026/16384

P. DEF: 2048

M. DEF: 5120

STR: 4096

INT: 512

DEX: 10240

LUK: 512

AGI: 6144


[Stone Man+7], [Soaring Predator+5], [Protector of Night+2], [Gargoyle+1], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Stone Smash+4], [Predator's Flight+3], [Hardened Stone+3], [Climb+2], [Stone Stomp+1], [Perched Stance+1], [Death Mark+1], [Petrified by Day], [Howl of Honor], [Return to Halloween]

Welp… He's not present to explain things, and I'm not about to ask him to forsake the Witches early… I'll need to do this one myself. [Stone Smash] is the exact same ability that Wendel started with as a Golem, so… Gargoyles are a different Evolution of Golem; confirmed. His [Predator's Flight] is probably how he can justify being a flying Stone Man that simply requires Stone Wings… [Hardened Stone] seems pretty self explanatory… As does [Climb], and [Stone Stomp]... If I've learned ANYTHING from [Sprouted Stance]... It's that [Perched Stance] is intended for when Gary perches atop the Wailing Keep. [Death Mark] is interesting… I don't really know what it's going to be used for. If I had to guess, I'd say he marks an opponent for death; and only fights them until it happens… Or something. He's probably already used it on the giant Slime monster… [Petrified by Day] absolutely terrifies me and is a facet that I didn't originally consider when obtaining a Gargoyle, but what I'm being led to believe is that… Our dear friend Gary will be automatically petrified by the system every single time that he's outside of Halloween during the day. Similar to how Vampires burn, but a whole lot more deadly and not okay. [Howl of Honor] is literally anyone's guess. I don't know. It's probably nothing… He can Howl. Okay~ NEXT!

Name: Firaesun

Race: Flame Spirit (Halloween)

Class: Barrager

Tier: 11

MP: 40960/40960

P. DEF: 30720

M. DEF: 512

STR: 512

INT: 5120

DEX: 512

LUK: 512

AGI: 5120


[Born of Fire+5], [Meteor Man+3], [Aerial Nightmare+2], [Power Overwhelming+1], [The Phoenix], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Flame Burst+4], [Raining Fire+3], [Heat Collection+3], [Flame Surge+3], [Meteor Flight+2], [Combustion+1], [Heat Charge+1], [Devour Flame], [Flame Rebirth], [Return to Halloween]

YO! Explain yourself, Firaesun… We just fought a war. Everyone else around you is hurt as fuck… Yet you seem absolutely fine. How? Talk it over it with me, I want all the details. Every ability.

"...[Flame Burst] allows me to spend some of my MP conjuring additional Fire around myself; causing me to be more hot. [Raining Fire] allows me to rain drops of fire down upon my foes. [Heat Collection allows me to absorb heat emitted by the environment or by other individuals and their abilities, I can use it to recover my MP. [Flame Surge] allows me to spend some of my MP to throw my current excess flames at an opponent; in a ball of fire. [Meteor Flight] allows me to focus my flames into helping me soar through the skies and explode upon impact with wherever I choose to land, or whoever I choose to attack. [Combustion] allows me to expend all of my current flames in one final attack, without having any outside source of relighting those flames; I would be left seemingly lifeless. [Heat Charge] allows me to focus on compressing my flames so that I might house more of them at the given moment; in an attempt to release them in an amplified attack. [Devour Flame] allows me to devour outside sources of fire. [Rebirth] allows me to be reborn in a weaker state from a spark in my ashes should I perish." [Firaesun] explained while seeming quite proud of himself.

...So, you devoured enough fire during the war to leave completely unscathed?

"That is correct. Such is the power of a Flame Spirit~" [Firaesun] exclaimed with a snide expression.

Yeesh… Talk about a perfect being… All of his abilities rev him up in an endless combat nuke strategy the very moment that he meets another fire-focused team of fighters; his stats are insidiously well balanced for this, you can tell that his damage type stats have been nerfed hilariously in order to bestow him with the UNBREAKABLE physical resistances and UNPARALLEL MP totals! He's a perfect being, through and through! REBORN with a SPARK?! ARE YOU KIDDING?! Even if he loses a few Tiers out of the ordeal, he's still going to get back up; and the opponent that slaughtered him will likely never even know. There's a good chance that if he were in the wild, his opponent killed him… Then his opponent could leave. The thing about ashes; is that they fly. It takes one spark. He could theoretically be dust on the other side of the fucking world; end up flying into a fire… And BOOM! Back from thin air 10 years later. There's no limit for this kind of an individual… This is absurdly unique. Fireasun could very well become a God on Melchiodore after I've died.

After learning about those 4… The other 8 at approximately 25 percent of the strength each simply don't interest me as much… I apologize. It's nothing personal… I'm simply still tired, I think. I mean… Obviously, I want to learn about the Levitating Hand Mystic; or the Oculothorax Flyer… Among others; obviously… But I'm SOO tired; you know?! Yeah. I need a nap. Just a quick one… Until tomorrow night begins. Yeah. Wake me when a night is actually starting; not ending… Fuck the Witches. If Gary's forced back into Halloween before the night's up… I've done the best that I can do. I wanted their help, they know where to find me. If they do show up; then someone can wake me. If not… Just wake me if the Slime starts coming back or when night starts… Kidding!~ I'll check your stats… But still, I'd appreciate being awake should the Slime decide to return.

Name: Sara

Race: Apparition Teddy Bear (Halloween)

Class: Shapeshifter/Story Teller

Tier: 9

MP: 603/768(-512%7.5_3)

P. DEF: 768(-512%7.5_3)

M. DEF: 768(-512%7.5_3)

STR: 1024(-256%10.0_4)

INT: 1536(+256%15.5_6)

DEX: 1792(+512%17.5_7)

LUK: 2304(+1024%22.5_9)

AGI: 1280(+0%12.5_5)


[Shapeshifter+3], [Story Teller+2], [Jack of All Trades+1], [Possessed], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Shapeshift+3], [Enhanced Memory+2], [True Size+2], [Adapt: Resistances+1], [Lifeless by Day], [Reattach: Limbs], [Return to Halloween]

Woah… Uhm? What? What the fuck is up with those stats?! Every single one has been altered, except AGI… But even then; AGI has additional details… This is a mess. It's a mess! WHAT IS THAT, JANUS?! HUH?!

"Oh… Well, that's quite rare~" [Janus] sighed while adjusting his glasses as he obviously glared at Nero's supposedly invisible Clansman roster.

...Just say it, already! Tell me how she broke the world, okay?!

"She's an All-Rounder… And since she managed to also be a Shapeshifter; she obtained the [True Size] ability, and [Adapt: Resistances]... It's bound to result in a headache for someone with inferior intellect like yours, but to simplify… Due to [True Size], each of the forms that she'll be learning from [Shapeshift] will inevitably alter the way her stats are distributed; to better suit her current form. The added details from the stats show exactly how much of her maximum power is being placed into each stat… And what priority level is being attached to each. For example, in her current form… Her LUK holds a priority level of 9; which is enough to allot her LUK with a total of 22.5% power. [Adapt: Resistances] will enable her with the unique ability to recognize whatever type of attack she is currently withstanding; and will help her to further perfect her stats; by temporarily exchanging additional power from the less used resistance type over to the failing side. For example, if she were dropped into a vat of acid; the priority level of 3 currently placed on P. DEF would slowly be lowered down to 1; while the priority level of 3 placed on M. DEF rises to 5. You get it…? Kay, cool. Let's not talk again tonight. I'm busy~" [Janus] explained with a tired expression before disappearing into thin air.

...Did we really need that detail about the vat of acid? Okay, whatever… Sara, that's pretty interesting. I take back EVERYTHING that I've already thought about you. I have high hopes for you~ Reattaching your limbs is also pretty neat, if you ask me! All you need meow, is some genuine combat abilities… You're just like me, in that way… I too; started off without any means of laying it into my foes… But look at me now, you'll be at my level one night; too! I'm certain of it!

Name: Olivia

Race: Ghoul (Halloween)

Class: Oracle

Tier: 9

MP: 3209/7680

P. DEF: 1024

M. DEF: 1536

STR: 768

INT: 2560

DEX: 1024

LUK: 512

AGI: 1024


[Mystical Spellweaver+3], [Undead+1], [Immortal+1], [Zombification+1], [Amplifier of Elements+1], [Guardian of Mana], [Ghoulified]. [Perfect Destroyer], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Contort Spell+3], [Fleshlust+1], [Decay by Day], [Recovery by Flesh+1], [Curse (Zombification)], [Sluggish], [Enhanced Blood Circulation by Brains], [Self Reanimation], [Absorb Mana: All Elements], [Store Mana: All Elements], [Emasculate Zombies], [Release Mana: All Elements], [Return to Halloween]

Okay… So, Olivia is also some sort of All-Rounder. She can absorb any element, she can store any element, and then she can release any element. She can do it all. She's the fucking [Guardian of Mana]… The [Perfect Destroyer]. Similar to Melissa Paislie; the Triplets' Nanny in the Mummy Mansion… Olivia has become a Ghoul, from originally having been a Zombie. Thanks to her anomaly, she's seemed to learn how to properly [Emasculate Zombies]. Probably because they're inferior beings, whom will likely all later become Skeletons after having decayed to a certain extent. If I'm being honest, I never truly considered how a Ghoul may be regarded as a superior being… But this proves it. My girl Olivia definitely started off as a Zombie, should have became a regular Skeleton; and somehow Evolved to become a Ghoul. In other words, there is likely a superior being for our Wraiths to ascend to… And a being superior to our Skeletons. But that's probably just Molag Dregora, the Lich. I want to know about Wraiths, and Flesh Golems.

Name: Hex

Race: Incubus (Halloween)

Class: Acrobat

Tier: 9

MP: 61/4608

P. DEF: 1024

M. DEF: 256

STR: 1536

INT: 256

DEX: 1536

LUK: 5120

AGI: 2560


[Acolyte of Asdmodeus+3], [Lecherous+2], [Charismatic+1], [Overbearing], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Charm+3], [Seduce+2], [Lecher's Lash+2], [Trustworthy Smile+1], [Sense: Hormones], [Influence Lover], [Return to Halloween]

Ahhh… The joke summon. It would appear that he's a tool, through and through. He can woo anyone, with ease. It is truly his only purpose in Melchiodore, poor thing; but alas… I don't know ANYONE else in Halloween who could POSSIBLY front for a Valentines jock as much as this guy can… I expect him to be prove useful. Maybe. Probably not…

Name: Handy Mandie

Race: Levitating Hand (Halloween)

Class: Mystic

Tier: 9

MP: 1026/4096

P. DEF: 256

M. DEF: 2560

STR: 256

INT: 3840

DEX: 1280

LUK: 1024

AGI: 2560


[Dislocated+3], [Levitator+2], [Manipulator of Time+1], [Perilous Poker], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Bend Fingers+3], [Disclocate+2], [Levitation+2], [Reversing Poke+1], [Pausing Poke], [Regeneration], [Return to Halloween]

So, Handy Mandie can literally dislocate all of her flying fingers at once, and can Reverse OR Pause Time on any object OR INDIVIDUAL whom she's laying her fingers on. Not to mention, if a few Fingers are obliterated, she can use [Regeneration] in order to revive herself; not unlike a freaking Starfish. She beat Sara, as she can not only reattach her limbs, but she can regenerate them at will. Handy Mandie for the win~

Name: Sharpé

Race: Dark Elf (Halloween)

Class: Doctor

Tier: 9

MP: 5093/7680

P. DEF: 256

M. DEF: 512

STR: 256

INT: 3840

DEX: 1792

LUK: 1280

AGI: 512


[Hellish Healer+3], [Dubious Doctor+2], [Unfaithful+1], [Smothering Smoocher], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Unholy Healing+3], [Wicked Antidote+2], [Huge Syringe+2], [Theological Attack+1], [Kiss It All Better], [Prescription Pills], [Return to Halloween]

…I definitely will not be the last to say this, but Sharpé is not okay. She starts off fine, with some pretty standard abilities; like [Unholy Healing], or [Wicked Antidote]. I could even forgive her for the [Huge Syringe], but [Theological Attack]? She can make others question their own religions. [Kiss It All Better]? She can heal via kissing… But when you add [Prescription Pills] to the mix?! It's done. She's earned her titles, the [Dubious Doctor] and [Hellish Healer]; I'm certain.

Name: Aondrac

Race: Gremblin (Halloween)

Class: Druid

Tier: 9

MP: 2087/5120

P. DEF: 2560

M. DEF: 3072

STR: 512

INT: 3072

DEX: 1280

LUK: 512

AGI: 1280


[Twisted Druid+3], [Horror Past Midnight+2], [Branch Slasher+1], [Protector of Undesired], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Foggy Cleanse+3], [Gloomy Recovery +2], [Midnight Menace+2], [Unlikely Attack+1], [Track: Harmed Cretin], [Shadow Orb], [Return to Halloween]

Okay, I'm impressed. Little Aondrac lives up to the race of Gremblin, as he's indeed; a far more discerning foe after Midnight. Not only that, he shares a very similar ability with Molag Dregora; Aondrac has the [Shadow Orb]. while Molag Dregora has the [Shadow Ball]. I'm curious to see the difference~

"Allow me to explain. The [Shadow Orb] lets me conjure a small orb of shadows around myself for a short period of time, so that I may make use of Night for longer; or a more pure version of Night." [Aondrac] explained while bowing his head.

Ah… So, Molag is able to create somewhat large balls of shadows in multiple locations, while Aondrac is only able to create a shadow for himself. Interesting. If Aondrac learns to further utilize the night, then he and Molag could serve as quite the duet in war~

Name: Grave Watcher

Race: Oculothorax (Halloween)

Class: Flyer

Tier: 9

MP: 1874/3584

P. DEF: 1024

M. DEF: 1024

STR: 256

INT: 2560

DEX: 768

LUK: 2560

AGI: 5120


[Flying Monstrocity+3], [Lunar Legend+2], [Scorcher of Earth+1], [Discerning], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Aerial Maneuvers+3], [Evasion+2], [Lunar Beam+2], [Impoverish+1], [Discerning Eye], [Fiery Seeds], [Return to Halloween]

…I feel like Grave Watcher was worth the wait. This girl has far more impressive [Aerial Maneuvers] than either Conrad, or any of the Bats~ Also, she can focus her power to fire a [Lunar Beam], taking on extra strength from the Moon! It's wonderful work, if I must say. [Impoverish] seems strange, I don't really understand it… But [Discerning Eye] is probably just a head-nod to her one eye. [Fiery Seeds] is weird. She's not a plant, so where do they come from?

"...My [Impoverish] ability allows my [Lunar Beams] and [Fiery Seeds] to deal devastating damage to soil, ensuring that the enemies I face have difficulty producing food to feed their nations. My [Fiery Seeds] ability allows me to emit seeds from my tentacles, as such… And rain fire down upon the realm." [Grave Watcher] explained while displaying a demonstration which effectively rendered a small spot of the nearby soil infertile.

…Next up, is Rodger.

Name: Rodger

Race: Apparition Oak Puppet (Halloween)

Class: Rifleman

Tier: 9

MP: 2501/4864

P. DEF: 512

M. DEF: 768

STR: 256

INT: 2560

DEX: 5120

LUK: 2560

AGI: 256


[Possessed+3], [Sharp Shooter+2], [Puppet+1], [Trickster], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Reattach Limbs+3], [Lifeless by Day+2], [Critical Shot+2], [Overwhelming Loyalty+1], [Cut the Lights], [Flame Bullet], [Return to Halloween]

Okay, I can't hate on it. He's [Possessed], like Sara; so he can Reattach his Limbs, and he's [Lifeless by Day]. Be that as it may, he's got great chances at landing critical hits when he fires his [Flame Bullet], and he's got [Overwhelming Loyalty]. I don't really understand what his [Cut the Lights] ability is about, though…

"If a room has Mana coursing through it to lighten the room, then I may cancel that Mana; darkening the room." [Rodger] explained with a bright smile.

Great. I guess it makes sense. Kind of. But, he was the last one for me to check over; so I guess I'm done for now? It was a lot of information to take in, if I'm being honest. I could very well struggle to properly command them in the future. When you throw in all of the other weaker Clans(wo)men, then… Yeah. Obviously; I won't be perfect. This is going to be insane. There are too many unique Tier 1 Clans(wo)men whom I just summoned… I can't. I literally can't. I refuse. They can power up, and then… Maybe, I'll look over their stats. If you're one of those lower Tier Clans(wo)men… Just know, that I probably don't absolutely need you to ascend to the level of godhood. I've got some pretty darn good support up here, if you could just… Like… Lend a hand with menial tasks, or on the rare off-chance that you personally believe you'll be of use to me in my current endeavor; regardless of your current strength… Then make yourself known to me, okay? Deal. I'm gonna go back to bed~ SARA! Bring Clara to the master's bedroom!~ She deserves the best bedding. I'll take her off your paws in there.

"Are you sure…? I was perfectly content with bringing her along with me into Halloween for the day~" [Sara] offered with a saddened expression.

…Well, now I'm not so sure. Sara's very snuggly. She has exceedingly high quality fur for a Teddy Bear. Clara could end up appreciating her rest with Sara more than she might with me, and Sara's also a bonafide story teller, she could tell her stories to help her fall sleep… And then Lianix wouldn't be bothering my daughter, but would instead be bothering me. Okay. One night with Sara, and we'll see what happens. Sara seems happy. We'll see about Clara… Maybe Lianix has a soft side for Clara and Clara actually enjoys Lianix? It's unlikely, but I'd probably feel more at ease on a psychological level if I weren't forcing my infant child to deal with Lianix in my stead. A less tired self, I'd certainly be… But a more guilty one, I'd also be. [Daily Candy]! Agh… I forgot. I got it earlier today… My sleeping schedule hath perished along with my sanity~



Sorry for the wait! I make no promises on release dates <~>

I wanted to release this Chapter right now to ensure no one figured that I was dropping the Novel, because I'm simply not. Am I slower at writing this story than ever before? 100%, yes. It's a long story, and there are tons of details that I want to tell properly. It's a lot of stress trying to make no mistakes, so bare with me~

There was one other reason for me to release this Chapter right now. It's a warning. In the near future, I will try to save up a bunch of chapters without posting them, so that I can post them all at once in some sort of an event or contest; which may or may not help the story get more noticed. It also may or may not require a temporary halt in nudity/cursing for the new chapters being posted during the course of the contest. If it in any way, shape or form alters the story; then I'd like to apologize now... But I will keep two different copies of the new chapters if it does. One for adults, and one for a younger audience. After the contest ends, I can edit the chapters and replace them with the adult versions. Under no circumstances will any previously posted chapters be edited for the sake of a contest.

As always, you can try commenting a ton on this story to further persuade early releases like this one (you can thank a particular reader who loved commenting on R*yalRoad for lending me my current willpower to complete this story). Fact is, I just don't believe there are many people who are caught up to this latest chapter and waiting for more to release, so I'd rather put focus into trying to get a big following all at once than please the small following still currently reading this story. Prove me wrong ^~^