• About Cheska

I am in my room, reading my notes for our reporting tomorrow. Cheska sent this notes yesterday yet I didn't review it. I just recently saw her message to me. The next day I hurriedly going to school. I did not realize the time. It's already 7:54 in the morning and our class starts at 7:30.

I am outside of our house now but there's still traffic and a lot of people busy. I have a hard time getting into it. I rapidly walked to passed them but I suddenly collided with a bulk guy. The books I am carrying fell so I picked them up.

"Sorry, I didn't see you." I just heard his voice so I looked at it. I was stunned to recognize it. "Jane?"

"James..." I mumbled. He give me a smile before he gave me the books. I just nodded and quickly went to school. Why do I always see that guy?

I even met Clifford as I arrived at school and he was about to call me when he saw I am in a hurry. I turned the lock on our room when I got in front of the room and was shocked to see the man standing in front. Zaine...

"Ms. Valdez, you're late," said our teacher Mrs. Villas. She's strict but for no apparent reason she didn't frown like what she used to. The expression is always like that whenever there's late.

"Good morning everyone, I'm sorry, I'm late." I just went to my place when our adviser just nodded.

I looked to the front when I saw Zaine there, smiling while discussing a lesson. We are not in the same class but why is he here?

He is good at speaking and knows the words that come out of his mouth. Because of that, I admire him even more. I just listened until he's over. Our adviser even admired him for his ability in explain the topic. Maybe he is in the 1st section.

"Look at Mr. Madrigal. He is good at sports, he is even good at studying." Our adviser said. Someone's still clapping in front of me as if there were his fans. I just shook my head while smiling.

"Ms. Valdez." I looked and quickly stood up when Mrs. Villas called me.


"Join Zaine in my faculty. Get the attendance notebook I left there," she said. I just nodded and approached Zaine who was already outside.

"Zaine." I call him. He looked at me and smiled slightly.

"Hi." He greeted. At that moment I seemed to be stunned by his smile. "You're Jane, right?"

"A-ah, yeah."

"Nice to meet you, again. Shall we?" I just nodded and started walking with him. We were just quiet. I didn't know what to say to him so I just kept quiet.

"Where is Cheska?" He suddenly question that made me frown. I still answered so that he would not be misled.

"Ah, I don't know," I replied. "Because I'm late."

"Sorry." We reached the faculty so I entered first. He followed with me quietly again.

"Will you stay here?" I asked him when I got teacher's notebook from her desk. I didn't notice that I was intimidated by him.

"Yes, I have to wait for someone."

"Ah, all right. I'll leave you here." It's good that I didn't stutter. My heart is beating so hard now.

"Sorry for asking about Cheska, earlier. Maybe she's just really absent." I was suddenly nervous at what he said. If Cheska's absent today, I will report alone in our Filipino subject later.

"Ah, sure." I said before I left him there. I immediately returned to the room carrying the attendance book that my teacher told me. I don't even know why they always order it to me. I was always quiet in class and did not participate. But they will still ordered it to me.

I also don't want to be called a favorite because the teachers always tell me to.

Our class ended immediately when we got the attendance for today. Cheska is really nowhere to be found. I suddenly felt nervous. We still have free time because our teacher used the time of our second subject earlier. My classmates got up and approached their groupmates. Maybe these are the groups for English.

I saw Berna, Fatima and Hailey approached me while Jake and Dem were holding the visual aids.

"Jane, how is it? Cheska is absent. You will report, right?" Hailey said while smiling. I know Cheska isn't here, obviously. "You have nothing to contribute though." she added.

I just looked at her from head to toe. She didn't look like she also contributed to the group, she only knows how to do make up.

"What do you think?" She asked again. I just ignored her and turned to Jake. What a waste of time talking to her.

I reviewed our reports and only half of them was I remember because that was all Cheska gave me. Our English is at 1 pm and I only know half of the topic. I did not expect Cheska will absent.

"I will report later." I said to Jake and Dem when I finished reading our visual aids. They just nodded and smiled slightly.

"I'll keep it." Dem replied and left. We even discussed possible questions that other groups could ask to prepare ourselvess. When we heard the bell, it signaled us to adjourned.

As usual, I am eating alone now. I had an early lunch because I plan to review our report in English again. I'm still a little nervous now. Maybe Cheska just took a half day? She's not really the kind of student who will just pass the responsibility to others. I hope she will be here by afternoon.

"Jane!" I turned to the one who called me. I had not seen it yet so I just ignored it when someone suddenly tapped me on the shoulder that made me stood up in shock.

"Oh, sorry!" Chelsea apologized. She entered the room yet she is in another section. I think, A?

"It's okay." I told her. I was just shocked.

"Jane, come on." I frowned at her. " Let's eat."

"I already ate mine." I even showed her what I am eating today. She just nodded.

"We don't have a review on MTAP right now. Let's just go and eat lunch together, okay?" I refused but she shook her head. "Don't refuse. We are your friends now."

I just sighed and nodded. I can't do anything either. Whatever excuse I have, she will still push it.

"All right." I answer with a smile.

Smiling, she bid goodbye and left. I just smiled to myself. Maybe they were different from my friends back then. Maybe, they can be trusted. Maybe, with them I can find the true friends I was looking for.

I wish.