• We Meet Again

At lunch time, Chelsea continue talking with me as we are here in the canteen today with friends. There was also a man who was unfamiliar to me and he has that cold stare as he met my gaze. Sheez! He's not that scary but looks intimidating.

I roamed my eyes around. The tables here are huge that the seven of us can fit. Cheska is not here because she is absent. I am facing Luke who's smiling widely while typing on his phone.

"You have an old-fashioned lovelife, Luke?" Clifford chuckled.

"Tsk." Luke said and pocketed his phone. Nathan and Zaine were the ones who ordered our meals.

"Jane," Luke called me with a smile, he pushed Nathan's ordered food to me. There was some food placed in front of me so I looked at it. "Eat it."

"I have my food already." I said politely. I was touched at his generosity.

"Just taste it. Chelsea's mother cooked that." I was surprised at what he said.

"Okay." I also ate the Menudo, a Filipino dish that he gave me. I just ate quietly while my companions are talking some radom stuff such as school things.

"Cheska seems to be coming today." I finished eating when I heard what Nathan said. He was still leaning his back on his chair while holding a phone on his left hand.

"I thought she was absent?" Chelsea asked.

"She said that she will only took a half day. There was an emergency at their house earlier." Nathan replied. I nodded at what he said. I'm happy that she's with us today.

"Why did she text you?" We looked at Zaine when he said that. He frowned as he looked at Nathan. I also notice his silence from earlier. "She didn't even text me."

"She might have forgotten you, Zaine." Luke teasingly said at him. I just shooked my head by what he said. There he is, still have some time to joke. Zaine just ignored him.

"Just busy maybe." Chelsea said. She stood up and told us that she'll be helping her mother. I'm done eating so I put my things inside my bag and fixed myself.

"Guys!" We looked at the woman approaching. It was Cheska on her uniform. She still looks good. The students are even looking at her direction as she walks towards us

"Cheska." Clifford even waved his hand. Cheska sat down next to me and smiled.

"Hi Jane." She clung on my arms as she gives me a hug. She's smiling right now but I notice something strange about her. I don't know what is it.

"Hi." I greeted back.

"I'm sorry. There's just an emergency." She said. She even glanced at Zaine as she said that.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Zaine asked her. Seriousness is evident on his voice.

"Ah, my phone's low battery. I just used Marie's phone earlier to talk to Nathan." Her eyes are bloodshot and she looks right pale now. I think they also saw it but intended not to say a thing.

"Are you done eating?" She asked. We all nodded. "Shall we go to our room first?" Cheska pulled me upright. Confused, I just took my bag and bid goodbye to them.

Cheska and I were about to go to the room while her arm was on my arm. I just let her cling on mine. She is just quiet right now, not the usual Cheska I talked to.

"Are you all right, Cheska?" I could not help but to ask. She looked at me and then she sighed. She also slowed down walking.

"Just having trouble at home." She bowed as her voice are hoarse. She looks sick based from her appearance but she still intended to come to school. " a real parents came at our house. My mother told us that my father needs me now in the States because he got sick." That seems like a big problem.

"Are you coming?"

"I don't know. I'm confused. If I go with them, I'll leave you all here." She sighed.

In that case, we are in the same situation. My parents will take me too. I do not know why I am saddened by that thought. I can't avoid it. The simple life I dreamed of will disappear after I graduate.

"Think first about it Cheska. Weigh what is more important and what you have to sacrifice. Choose but always remember that we will always understand you."

"It's just really hard to choose."

"Just tell them your problem. I think they will understand you as well." I explained. She just nodded. We passed Ms. Santos' office. Someone familiar came out from the door as it swang open.

Mr. Waltridge? This is Tita Gisselle's boss. Why is he here? He looked at me, and I think, based from his expression, he recognized me because he smiled at us.

"Good afternoon, sir." Cheska and I greeted him. He just nodded.

"Ms. Valdez, Ms. Salvador. Good afternoon." She greeted back. How did he know us?

"We'll go first, sir." Cheska said goodbye to him.

"Oh, sure." He nodded.

Cheska and I walked away from here. We heard the door of Ms. Santos reopened as we walked away. I turned around when I saw the man I didn't expected to see. He is talking to Mr. Waltridge as if they know each other. They also seems close.

"Do you know him?" I looked at Cheska with her forehead furrowed. "Why does he know us? I only saw him in picture."

"Maybe, he read our student profile?" I absentmindedly respond. I still can't believe I saw that man here.

" Maybe." We reached the room and Cheska went inside first. I even looked at the hallway we passed by. I saw him for the second time today. Now, he was also looking at my direction as he wave his hand to me. I arched a brow. Why did we meet again James?