• Act Childish

It was raining heavily outside. The rain pours as if someone's mourning above, extremely cold weather and strong winds. I wonder if my friends are okay. They've been very busy this vacation. We seldomly talked over the phone. The last time I saw them was when our Moving Up. We never had a meet up again.

A month from now, classes will resume again. I don't know but it seems like time is moving faster than before. It seemed like only a month passed for me. I do not know if I will regret coming back here or if I will find a way to make my family reunite again.

It was like, I have a complete family but feels like it hadn't.

I would rather live with Grandma Flores than stay in our own house with no one living. They're always busy, and I feel loneliness I felt before. And my only company here are the housemates.

It's okay to be low profile, at least you're complete. Instead of having the things that you want, yet can't have the people you wanted to be with.

I'm scrolling to my phone as I saw Chelsea's latest update on Facebook. She's on a vacation right now, and based from her post, she was with Clifford and they're going home. She's very lucky as she's with her family and they are together. It always saddens me when I saw people with their love ones. I envy them for having their family by their side.

I just wanted to be with the family I grew up with, but that was not enough. Once they've diverted their attention to a certain thing, they will slowly leave and forget you.

I've commented on her post. 'Happy vacation' and scroll again. This was my thing. Always active on my social media accounts. I can't do anything. I left my belongings at grandma Flores' house. Other merchandise of my idols was also left there. Maybe I'll just buy on the mall.

I received a private message from Chelsea.


Let's go next week, Jane?

It was a perfect timing that she asked. I am bored here. I instantly replied to her.


Sure, I missed you. Be careful on your trip.


Thanks, you too. It's raining a little hard right now. Gotta go.

After that, I logged out my account and went to our kitchen. I want to eat something that can satisfy my cravings. These past few weeks, I've been eating a lot, but I didn't gain weight. It was only my cheeks had gained weight.

I saw a cup noodle at the cup board. I just took that and put hot water on it. While waiting, I heard a car horned from outside. And it's still three in the afternoon. Mom and Dad are busy, so as Jack and Jace. They wouldn't go home immediately, especially at this time.

I went to the front door to see the guy with a his coat on. He went near by and I see the face I didn't expected.

"Hi." He's wearing a white long sleeves and a black slack. Maybe he's from work?

"James. What are you doing here?" He went near my side that I need to walked backward a little. He's too close.

"Can I come inside?"


I let him in first before I followed. I saw Mia passing by the door.

"Why did the guard let him in?" I ask.

"Ma'am, Sir Jack and that guy have a meeting so he came here."

"Ah, is that so? Okay, thank you."

I went to the bedroom first to get a towel. When I returned, James was sitting on the one seater sofa. He roamed his eyes as if he's looking for someone. When I got closer, I handed him the towel. He looked at it first before turning his gaze to me. It was strange but I returned it with a confused look. He just thanked me before using the towel I gave him.

"Thank you." He handed me the towel again. The coat he was wearing is hanging on the sofa.

"So what's with the visit?" I ask.

"Nothing really, I think you knew it as I heard you asked the maid earlier." He smirked when he looked at my direction. I've became concious on my looks on we he said that.

"You know what, James. You're different now."

"What do you mean?"

I sat on the opposite chair, in front of him. I stared straightly at his eyes as if I'm looking for something on that blue eyes.

"You see, you're very childish when we first met. And now, you're like a business manager of a well-known company. You get my point?"

" Hmm," he nodded while still looking at my direction. " It depends."

" Huh?"

" I act childish whenever I'm with you, not when I'm in a meeting. And this is me, a serious type of guy you wouldn't dare to meet."

I stared at those blue eyes with seriousness. He's very far from the James I met. It started when we met at the Madrigal's. I closed my eyes before looking away from him. I heard him laughed as if something's funny.

I excused myself to go to the kitchen. My heart raced as if I ran a five-meter race. It beats are faster than its normal pace. I just took a deep breathe to calm myself.

I prepared a coffee for him. Maybe he likes coffee. I didn't ask him as I felt nervous when he said those things. I put the coffee on a tray before going back to the living room.

"Here's a coffee." I put the glass down on the table in front of him. I sat down again on my seat before looking at him again. He's really handsome, but I won't tell it to him.

"Thanks." He got the coffee and simply sip on it. He didn't even hesitate to drink and seemed like he was used on drinking coffee.

"I think, you'll wait a little longer, James." He looked at me before putting down the glass.

"It's fine, I can wait."

I looked outside to see that it was still raining hard. There is a storm coming and it had been since last night.

"You must be feeling lonely here." I heard him say. I nodded without looking at him.

"Why do you always speak English?" I asked while looking at him.

"Because I'm not a Filipino," he replied sarcastically. I rolled my eyes that made him laugh. "I'm just having a vacation here."

"Ah, are you planning to go home?"

"Yes, I have. In fact, I must be at States last January."

"So why didn't you leave?"

"You want me gone, huh?" He smirk.

I shrugged and did not answer. He suddenly lost his grin which made me frowned.

"It's because I found the girl I like." I was stunned by his answer. He seems to have a girl and she's the reason why he can't leave.

"Then court her." I said, like it was a whisper. It was like, there's a lump in my throat that it's hard to say those words.

"I can't. She likes someone else."

He looked at me with those uneven emotions I can't identify. He looks devastated as if he loses a battle. We're in the same situation. I like someone who can't like me back as he likes someone to. How unfateful our life is.

"That life. Sometimes, we like that person yet they can't like us back. Sometimes, they don't like us back because they like someone too. It's painful but that's reality." I told him as I looked at his eyes full of sadness.

I hope I didn't sound affected as I told him that. I can relate to what he said, and people also have the same problem as me, or us. We like the person yet we can be unlucky if they don't feel the same way. Liking or loving someone is like a game. It needed courage and to take the risk it has.

Sometimes you have to bet to find out the result if you will win or not.

"But I want to try. I want to confess my feelings for her before I go back to States. In that way, I'll know if I have a chance or not."

"I'll support you." I said. He looked shocked as he stared at me. Those blue eyes tells me that something is wrong with what I'd said. He shrugged and an devilish smirk plastered on his red lips. He always smirk as if he's planning something.

"Oh, so you'll accept my friend request now?"


"You said that you will support me, so we need to keep in touch." I laughed and nodded at what he said. I held out my right hand that him frowned.


He shook his head and then accepted my hand. It feels different as he's hand touches mine. Somewhat like electricity that I can't determine. He smiled, a genuine one.
