• City Of Flowers

We immediately released our hands when someone suddenly coughed at the back. I saw my older brother Jack near the door as he looked at us with those strict look. The last time I saw that stares was when someone dares to court me on my junior high school years, particularly on Grade 7.

"Good afternoon brother," I greeted. A maid approached him and gave him a towel. He still looked at us seriously as he approached. He immediately looked at James' direction.

"I'll just take a shower, Mr. Waltridge. Don't you ever hit on my sister."

"Sure, I can wait."

He climbed upstairs leaving James and I were alone. I invited him to go to the kitchen to eat but he refused.

" I'm still full, Jane."

" Oh, okay."

I just take a sit again so I can accompany him. After a while, my brother will go down stairs. I just took my phone and checked my emails and other things on my social media account. I gasped when I received a message from Zaine. I think it's a group message. He asked everyone to take a trip even though it's raining heavily outside. I shooked my head as I was typing my reply to him.

" So, do you know Zaine Madrigal?"

I got stunned when James asked that. I looked at him. He's holding his cup of coffee on his left hand while looking at me, waiting for my answer.

" Ah, yes. He's my batchmate."

" I see." He suddenly nodded then sips on his coffee.

" Why is that?"

" Nothing."

Eventhough confused, I just looked at him and nodded when I heard his response. Maybe he also knew Zaine.

" Mr. Waltridge, let's go to my office."

We instantly looked at my brother that's on the stairs' railing while looking intently at us. He's seriously looked especially at James' direction. He seems very scary when he has that aura.

" Sure," James answered before standing up. He looked at me and slightly smiled." Thank you for accompanying me, Jane."

I just nodded and smiled back. They left me and went to my brother's office. I even saw my brother's stared at me before leaving. I frowned. He looked pissed. I just sighed heavily.

I also went upstairs to read. I really like reading some novels especially Romance genre. It feels real and my imagination is really working when I'm reading those scenes that I like. I imagined that I am the main character and wished that I have a happy ending with my partner. But most especially, the lessons of life.

Sometimes, I'm being a fangirl of a Korean-Chinese pop band EXO. I admire their uniqueness when it comes to music and dancing. The way they dance and sing those masterpiece, just send shivers down my spine. Even though I can't understand a thing, something with them never fails to amazed me. And the unity that they have. They lost three Chinese members and take a different path, though they're still strong despite the struggles they have.

They become more successful as time passed by. And now, they're famous of what they have. Their ambition is the path to their success, and their persistence is the vehicle they arrive in.

And they've became one of my inspiration.

After a couple of hours, I went outside to have dinner. I heard some foot steps coming towards me that made me look back. I saw kuya Jack with James as they walked side by side. They both went at my direction. James give me a look that made me conscious as he smiled at me.

" I found the one I like."


"Eat, Jane."

I looked at my brother Jack and confusedly looked at him. I feel like I have committed a sin to him. I'm really confused at his gestures. He looked pissed for no apparent reason.

We're eating together our dinner because he went home early today. He told me that he has an early flight tomorrow. He's been very serious now compared last few days. He's been like this since James came.

" Do you have a menstrual period, Jack?"

" What the heck are you saying?" I laughed at his reaction as he deadly looked at me. His eyebrows furrowed that made me laughed even harder.

" I'm just joking, my grumpy old brother." I sheepishly grin at him. He just went silent and finished his food. I just eat my food when I felt him stand from his seat. I look at him.

" You'll come with me tommorow."

" Where?"

" Business trip. It would be three days."

I just nodded before he went upstairs. I don't have anything to do here so it's much better to go with him tomorrow. I finished my food before I went upstairs.

It's already 8:43 pm. I had eaten late because of James. He left earlier yet the words he said still lingered in my mind. I'm really confused to who's he is referring to.

I instantly went to my bed and picked up my phone. This is my routine for the entire month. I just spend my vacation days here at home. It may sound boring but I'm used to it as I preferred to be alone.

I didn't received any message which I asked myself, did I expect someone to message me?

I packed my things that I'll bring for tommorow. Simple dresses and some shirts and pants will do. I'm not that choosy when it comes to my things. I think my brother won't make me his secretary for about three days. He knew that I don't want to be in the business world and I'm not interested. Lastly, I don't have any corporate attires here if ever he'll make me his secretary for that three days.

When I got finished, I instantly laid on my bed. I wonder what James been referring to. He's really different from the other guys that I've met. He's not some other guy that can easily be read. He's not an open book and you'll just be surprise to what's he will say next.

Maybe, he's just mumbling things that it didn't need some importance. Just some nonsense things that I wouldn't give attention to.

Yes, that's right, Jane. Don't overthink too much.

Suddenly my phone tinged on the side table. I reached it and received a It was a text message from an unregistered number.

: Can you open your facebook account?

Eventhough confused, I opened my account. Mynphone vibrated because of the unexpected messages. It was 23 unread message from him and I read every single one of them.

James Waltridge

: Can you accept my friend request now?

: Are you busy?

That's some of his messages. I visited his account first and accept his friend request. I go back to the my Messenger app to reply his messages.


:Hey there! Didn't know that you're very excited to be accepted.


: Oh, is that so. I'm sorry.


: It's fine. What are you doing?


: Chatting with you?

I laughed at his reply. He's very sarcastic, huh?


: Okay, night.

: I need to sleep early

: I have a flight tomorrow.


: Where are you going?


: City of Flowers.


: Oh, good night, lady. Have a safe flight tomorrow.

I didn't reply and logged out my account. I sighed heavily. Maybe trusting him might not that wrong. He's trustworthy, I guess, and he's somewhat my type to be my best friend. If that's what fate will offer.