• Miss Me, My Friend?

" Yes, we'll be there after an hour."

Jack was talking to some business partners. We are in Francisco Bangoy International Airport. I'm just waiting for my brother to end his call before we go inside. We'll be going to Zamboanga City and stay there for three days.

"Let's go." I followed Jack as I saw him finished talking to someone. He went first and I even saw some other men on their black suit followed us while carrying our luggages.

It was a private plane owned by our father. I felt ashamed because of the attention of other people as they looked at our direction. There were even four stewardess aligned and smiled us which I smiled back.

Jack is on the other side then will look at me once in a while. When I got to my sit, next to my brother, I instantly take a nap. It will only take one hour before we can land.

I deaved when someone tapped my shoulder. I saw Jack's face and met his cold stares. He was mumbling something I can't understand but at the end, I can totally hear him.

"We're here," he said and then stood up straight. I just nodded and fixed myself before following him out.

We saw a car parked when we got out from the airport. A man wearing a white plain shirt is waiting with an earpiece on his ears. He's familiar yet I can't recall where I saw him.

I saw him smiled towards me that made me frown. He maybe noticed the confusion on me that he immediately shook his head as a response. I saw my brother went first to the van that's why I followed him. I sat beside him while the man on white shirt sat on the driver's seat. He immediately maneuvers the van.

I just outsee the buildings and the people we are passing. We also passed one of the parks which they called Paseo del Mar and also their City Hall which are inspired by Spanish design.

" I've already book a hotel room for the both of you, Sir."

" Good," my brother answered. " Jane, you can stay at your room or you can roam the city. I won't bring you to my meetings anymore ."

I got confused to what he said.

" Why?"

" You don't need to be there. Just enjoy your stay here."

I just nodded at his response. Finality was evident on his voice. I will just enjoy my stay here alone. I think I will have a great vacation here.

We arrived at the hotel and went inside. I just followed my brotehr as heknow where to go. We just stopped when we're already in front of a room.

" That's your room." He pointed the opposite room of his. I just nodded again. I went to that room when I gazed a familiar figure beside mine. I looked at him when he turned his body that made me shocked. Our faces are few inch apart as we look at each other's eyes.


I instantly looked away and walk backward to give space. I looked back to his direction and give him a death glare which made him chuckle. He smirked while looking at me as if he's enjoying my reaction.

" Miss me, my friend?"

" Wha—" I stopped on my rebut when I remember the friendship thingy I offered to him. I don't know what spirit possessed and asked myself to why I did that last night. As far as I know is tuat I have trist issues and it's hard to trust but with him, I am the one who offered a friendship.

" What are you doing here?" I asked. He smiled and raised his hand. He's holding a card.

" I'm staying here for three days."

" What?"

" You heard me right, lady."

" Ah, well enjoy staying, tsk." He laughed again at my reaction. My heart instantly beats faster than it's normal rate. Maybe because of the nervousness I felt earlier. " See you when I see you."

" Si, hermosa." That's the last thing I heard before I went inside. I unconsciously put my hand above my right chest to feel the fast paced beats of my heart.

Be calm self.


I woke up early the next morning and ready myself for a tour. My only problem is I don't have person who will accompany me. My brother just left early as he has a meeting to attend to. He just reminded me to enjoy myself here.

I will just ask our driver to accompany me here. I will just ask them to wait or they can tour on their own. I went outside and I saw our driver waiting outside my room.

" Ma'am, good morning."

" Let's go," I simply smiled. He just nodded.

The door beside my room swang open and a man wearing a long sleeves paired with black slacks went out. I smelled the perfume he used that I instantly knew that it was James. He looked at our direction and his eye brows instantly furrowed.

" Hey, where are you going?" I got curious with the stares he's giving me. He looked at me from head to toe as he spoke. I am wearing a floral dress and flat shoes as my footwear. It's sunny day today.

" Just want to roam around, how about you?"

" Meeting."

" Goodluck." I said and smiled at him. He's really busy for his age. I don't know if he graduated or what. He looks like a teenage boy, around 18 years old when in fact, he's just turning 20. He looks mature when he wears a business attire, yet his personality is childish.

I can't even understand him sometimes. He's being serious and childish at the same time. I can't explain his true self when I'm observing him. He's very secretive and hideous when it comes to himself.

" Thank you." I saw him smiled. I don't know if I will look away because I got distracted of his reddish lips. It was heart-shape and reddish.

" Ah, I gotta go." I said and pointed our driver who's waiting at me beside the lift. I immediately leave when he grabbed my arms.

" Jane."

I looked at him, confused. "Yes?"

" Can I have dinner with you, tonight?"

I stopped and just stared at him for a couple of second. I don't know what to respond on his questions. I just felt some butterflies inside my tummy. I heard this question again after years as my brother will stopped any guy who will this question.

And speaking of my brother, I'm sure that he won't allow this. I know tjat he's very serious and strict in this kind of matter. He wouldn't agree on this one.

" I don't know, James. I still need an approval from my brother. He's that strict." I said as I look at his eyes.

" I see."

" Sorry. I got to go."

He just nodded and smiled a bit before I went to the lift. I even sa the sadness on his eyes as he looked at me earlier. I instantly want to take back my response earlier to him.

But I know that my brother will get furious if he wouldn't know about it. Just like my like suitors, he will do anything to stop them. Some of tuem even transferred to other school because they want to get rid of me.

It was good and bad at the same time. I have suitors and some of them went too far. They went to the point where they've made themselves stalkers and meddle my private life. That they've been to much in stalking me.

It was also the time when I thought my friends were real, but weren't. They're the reason why I've suffered from bullying in our school. They're the reason why those photos of mine were leaked. And they're the reason why I can't easily trust people now.

That's why I understand my brother being protective of me, even my sister Jace. They've witness my sufferings. They knew what I've been through, and they understand myself more than I am.

Maybe, if I am at my right age, I'll accept them again. Maybe, in the right time, I'll learn to forgive my old friends back then without remembering those bad memories I just want to bury and forget.

I smiled at our driver and went to the lift first. He followed me afterwards and before the door's lift close, I saw James standing in front of his room, talking to someone on his phone while looking at our direction.

" Ma'am, you look good together."

I looked at our driver and immediately chuckled at what he said. It's impossible.

" I don't think so," I replied. " Because I like someone else."