• We're Just Friends

We roamed around the City Hall since morning. When lunch came, we got back to our hotel room. I asked our driver, Paul, to bring me some food. I don't know where he lives as this is his hometown. When I asked him, he just answered just near the bay.

I received a text from Chelsea when I've open my phone. She asked if I'm free. I typed a message that I'm not and that I'm in Zamboanga right now. Maybe after this trip, I will meet them. I really miss that girl. I really feel comfortable when we're together. She has that feels that can make you comfortable when you're with her.

When night came, I immediately came to my brother's room. He's been very busy the entire day. I received a text from him that he just arrived so I'll visit him. I also want to asked permission about James' offer, a dinner with him.

I knocked on the door three tomee before entering his room. He didn't lock his room that's why I entered easily. I saw him comfortably sitting on the sofa while leaning his back. He's eyes were close as he massage his temple. He looks exhausted. I went closer to him and when he felt my presence, he opened his eyes and met my gaze.

" Sam," he mumbled.

" How's your business meetings?" I asked, politely.

" It's fine. I closed the deal." He shortly answered and closed his eyes again. " I'll go to Malaysia tomorrow." I was a bit at what he said. I sat beside him and gently stare at him.

" I thought we'll be here for three days?"

" Sorry baby, I can't. I will make it with you some other time. But we'll go back home together."

I felt the lump in my throat and nodded slowly. He didn't met my gaze. I can feel the tears that wants to fall. I heaved a sigh.

" It's o-okay, Jack." I looked at him and just massaged his temple. He felt it that made him open his eyes.

" Thank you, baby."

" I wish you won't overwork yourself," I said while massaging his forehead. " You also need to rest."

" Yeah, I will. Don't worry to much about me, in fact, I'm worried about you." I shook my head.

" I'm fine. I'll just enjoy my stay here." I smiled faintly at him.

" Hmm." He sat straight and looked at me seriously. " I know that Waltridge is here too."

" I saw him too, his room were next ro mine." I nodded yet I was surprised at his remarks. I can't stared back at my brother's stares as it was so intense that made me looked away.

" I thought you have dinner date tonight?" He said that made me gaze at his. He just shrugged and I saw him smirk because of my reaction.

" You knew?"

" He asked permission baby," he said. " You can go now, it's your date tonight." I smiled widely and hugged him.

" Thank you, Jack!" He laughed a bit and I felt him kisses ny forehead.

" For you, baby."

He told me some restrictions before I went outside. He's really the best brother I've known. Well, he's my only one brother. I smiled as I went to my room.

I received a text message from James, 'I will wait for you.', he messaged. I took a half bath before fix myself. I just wear a simple white dress that is above the knee paired with flat shoes. I made my hair loosed and tied some strand on the side of it. I used liptint and some powder. I don't know how to use make up. Simple look will do.

I'm nervous when I saw myself in front of the mirror. I smiled before I went outside. I saw James outside while holding his phone. He wears a plain blue polo shirt paired with black jeans. I can even smell the perfume he used, it's very addicting. He looked at me when I finished closing the door of my room. He immediately smiled and looked at me from head to toe that made me blush a bit.

" You look stunning." I heard him said and smiled wider. I give him a smile too.

" Good evening James."

He cuffed. " Ah yeah. Good evening."

" Let's go?" I instantly hold his hand. He was a bit startled. I nodded at him that made me smile. He then grabbed me to other place.

We're at Paseo del Mar. It was full of city lights and the most astonishing site to see is the Fountain Show. It is a wide space that's why many people are visiting here. We sat on a bench near the gate. We also watched the Fountain Show together with other people. It was great and the breeze tonight feels calming.

" I'm sorry if I take you here." I heard him said. " I just want you to watch the show." I looked at his direction when I saw the perfect defined jaw of his. He looked in front of us with a smile on his face. It was more beautiful to see. He

" Thank you, James. I appreciate it a lot."

It really is. I experience it again. I can feel this feelings and emotions now that I'm together with him. I look above us. The night sky were beautiful today as it was full of stars. I appreciate it more especially when it's simple just like this.

" You know I already ate dinner," I chuckled as I told him that. I saw him nodded at my peripheral vision that made me laugh.

" I didn't expect that your brother will agree." He shrugged. " We can eat some—"

" Street food?"

" Yeah." He nodded. We instantly went to the street vendor.

" Some fishball, please." The vendor nodded and served us the food. I get some sticks and plastics cups. I give the other one to James.

He looks uneasy as I give it to him. I just smiled and took the food using a stick. I bring it near his mouth which he slowly ate. I smiled when I saw the satisfaction on his face.

" Taste good." he said that made me smiled. He's cute when he ate those.

" Are you having a vacation, ma'am?" I heard the vendor asked. I smiled at him and nodded.

" Yes."

" You look good together ma'am and sir." he said that made my cheeks blushed. I cleared a throat before answering him.

" We're just friends."

" The view is good here ma'am when it's midnight." I nodded and take a look at my wrist watch. It's still eight in the evening.

" Can I have some of this?" James asked. The vendor nodded while giving him a smile. James looked at me ang pointed my food. I just shrugged.

" You want more?" he smirkly said. I shook my head that made him frown. He reached some money on his wallet and guve it to the vendor.

" Thank you, keep the change." he said and grabbed me again. We went to a stall which has a name, 'Lomihan'.

We sat and take an order. I noticed some people were leaving. Some were group of friends enjoying the music here and some were just chilling. It's peaceful here and very calming.

" So how did you convince my brother, James?" I asked him. He looked at me after he ate all the fishball he bought earlier.

" I personally meet him after his meeting."

" Then?"

" He's very strict yet I still compose myself. I explain that I want to be with you." he smirked.

I felt like I have butterflies inside when I saw those smirk of his. It's very sexy.

" He's hard to pleased yet I convinced him."

" Good for you." I smiled at him. He's very strict when it comes to this.