• She Trusts Me

My forehead creased to what she said, didn't understanding what she meant.

"Why did you move from your house? If we hadn't asked Ethan, we wouldn't have known." I was stunned for a moment and looked at Ethan who's now turned his attention to me.

"Daddy took me from Grandma, the one where I used to live."

"You're hella rich, Jane," I heard Luke said. I looked at him and nodded slowly. "That's why your surname is familiar because you are the daughter of Mr. Valdez, my dad's friend. "

I couldn't answer and just looked away. Why didn't I tell them about my situation?

"Yes, everything you said is true. We are rich and I am one of the heirs of my family, but I don't like that kind of life. I just want something simple and peaceful. It does have pressure and great responsibility because of my family business." I answered as I looked at them one by one that stopped Ethan who was now smiling.

"Wait, you run away from your family? "Nathan asked and looked at me seriously. I barely nod again.

"Before I came here, we lived in Manila and just took a vacation here in Davao. That was happen 2 years ago and I was younger that time. I don't understand how busy my parents are. The pressure they put on me has come to the point where I feel like I'm choking on the leash they tied on me." I gave them a sad smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that." Clifford mumbled.

"It's okay," I replied with a mixed laugh to Clifford when he turned his gaze. "I just didn't tell you guys my situation because I don't want you to worry anymore. It's not that important too."

"Even so, Jane. You could have told us so we could be aware. " Chelsea replied worriedly.

"Yeah, and one more thing, we even got lost when we looked for your house earlier. It's a good thing Ethan knows a little bit so we didn't get lost either." Luke said. I laughed at the 'little bit' part that he said.

"It is good that I helped to find, tsk. I even called my mom to ask where you live," Ethan replied.

"Are you Jane's stalker, Ethan?" Nathan asked with a grin on his face. Obviously they are starting to tease him.

"Our mothers are friends." I laughed at them. They just nodded while still teasing Ethan with something I can't understand.

There were girls passing in front of us who seemed to be getting the attention of my guy friends.

" Zaine did not come, tsk." Luke said suddenly holding his camera and capturing the scene. It's not like I expected him to be here, because in the first place, it would me and Chelsea's meet-up today, not with these guys.

"He still can't move on." I turned to Chelsea when she said that.

"What do you mean didn't move on?" I asked. She turned to me and smiled sadly.

"Zaine likes Cheska. When Cheska left, she couldn't even bid goodbye to us, especially Zaine because they were the closest. "

"And remember the night before our Moving-Up?" Clifford asked. "That was also the time that he confessed to Cheska, but he was rejected. That was their last meet. "

I nodded and looked away. It pained me to hear these things that they've just said. It was a confirmation that Zaine really likes Cheska. And that time when we're having our Moving-Up, Zaine was cold as ice.

It may gives a big impact to him. He also was the one who hurts the most after Cheska left. He was rejected by the girl he likes. And that time was also the day she left for no apparent reason.

I want to get mad to Cheska for being so selfish. She can told us why she left. She can give explanation and we will understand that. Back then, I wanted to understand her situation, but now, I don't know.

I know she's in America right now, and there's no assurance that she'll be back again. I was the only one who knew when she left. She mentioned that it was because of her real parents. She chose to be with them which I understand, but the fact that she never told us that she'll leave unexpectedly, I don't know anymore.

"Earth to Jane?"

I stopped in deep thought when I felt Chelsea tapped me. She look worriedly at me. I smiled at her to make an assurance that I'm okay.

"Where are we?" I turned to them and stopped at Ethan. He looked at me seriously while there was a trace of annoyance in his eyes.

I raised an eyebrow at him that he just averted his gaze.

" Let's eat?" Luke interfered. "I am hungry all of a sudden."

"Then eat," Nathan laughed. "After this, let's take a walk."

Luke took a spoonful of food and then we took turns. We laughed and ate and then rested for a while. Luke and Clifford stood up and went around first. They seem to have take pictures.

"All right, you go first. I will take care of it. " I told Nathan. He just nodded at me and suddenly pulled Chelsea towards Clifford and Luke. Chelsea even mouthed 'I'll be back' which made me laugh before she drifted with Nathan.

I arranged the mat we were sitting on. I felt someone's watching me so I looked around to my left side. It was Ethan who's looking at my direction with those intense glare.

"Why?" I asked. He's a little scary now because he looks like he's throwing me. His thick eyebrows were furrowed too.

"You knew where Cheska is." It was a statement. I don't know if I will shook my head or nod in response. I want to keep this a secret as Cheska told me to do so.

"Tell me honestly, Jane." he seriously said. " Did you know?"

"No." Finality was in my voice. I don't want to say this not because of my decision but because Cheska trusts me. I told her that I will keep this as a secret because I do not have the right to say it to others, even to her friends. Why did she tell me if it was okay with Chelsea or Nathan? She trusted them the most compared to me that she just recently met.

He looked at me which I equally look back, with the same intensity. I want him to know that I'm also serious about my answer. Eventhough I lied, I still want to value the trust Cheska gave to me.

He then looked away and heavily sighed. He tilted a little so I clearly saw his side features. It reddened like rashes. I immediately approached and looked carefully to make sure what that blush really was.

"Are you itching?" I asked and walked away a little. He was almost out of breath when I approached him and immediately turned to me.


I immediately pushed down on the grass when someone suddenly pushed me away which I didn't expect. I looked up and looked at the person who did pushed me. A girl, I think a year younger than me, because of her height. She was only up to Ethan's shoulder because they were standing side by side while he was throwing a bad look at me.

"Who the heck are you to kiss 'my Ethan'?" he asked sharply. His cheek was almost red and then he looked up at the man next to him. "Are yo—"

"Who are you?" Ethan asked the woman. He even emphasized the word 'you'. They were only a few feet away from each other. And what, kiss?

"Miss, what do you mean by kiss?" I answered them and then slowly stood up. The pain of my butt felt intense due to the force of the woman's push. I felt Ethan lend a hand on me before turning to look at the woman.

"You ... kissed him." She said as she saw Ethan holding my arm. I immediately removed my arm from Ethan's grip.

"I didn't kiss him—"

"But I saw you!" Her eyebrows almost met.

"Miss, who are you?" Ethan answered. Suddenly, the face became bright a little and she voluntarily held out her hand.

"I'm Nicole Fontilla, your future wife." she said to Ethan with a wink.