• I Miss Her Too

" Nicole?" I asked.

She give me a looked then at Ethan who was staring at her intently. She smiled and looked up at him. Ethan averted his eyes and turned to me. He approached me and grabbed my arm.

"Jane, come on." he said and pulled me away from that woman. We moved away from the woman named Nicole. She looks sad when I look at her before I turned my gaze to Ethan.

"Do you know him Ethan? She likes you." I said. I'll gossip about the lovelife of this guy. He didn't look at me and just took me to Chelsea.

"She's my neighbor, a very clingy neighbor." he answered.

"Hm, new to you? You don't know her though."

"They moved a few days ago."

I just nodded at his answer. I feel something different about that woman. Maybe, she just really looks like someone. I can't remember though.

We immediately called Chelsea when we saw them. They were looking at a durian sculpture while Luke was taking pictures. We approached them and Nathan's eyes saw us first.

"Ethan, Jane!" he calls. Chelsea and Clifford turned to us and immediately saw Ethan's hand holding my arm. I immediately removed his hand and ignored their stares.

"Holding hands huh?" Clifford smiled. I just shook my head and approached Chelsea smiling looking at me.

" Oh why?"

" Nothing." She replied, shaking her head.

"Let's take a picture!"

We heard Luke said as he held his camera. We took a picture together and wandered around here. We also saw some dwarf sculptures and the designs they used as decorations, one of which is the volcanic rocks and the eagle sculptures here.

It's already four in the afrernoon when we decided to go home. It's fun to walk around and relax here. It was astonishing view to see. You can really see the beauty of the place.

I wish I can come here again, but with my family. I want to bond with them. We have been on vacation together for a long time.

We were about to get into the van when I heard Nicole's voice.

" Wait!"

We turned to her and frowned. What is she doing here? It's already afternoon and isn't she with someone?

"Nicole?" said Clifford and approached her.

"Hey, Cliff. Can I come home with you? "

"No!" Ethan insisted next to Luke. He was about to get into the passenger seat when Luke preceded him.

"That's my seat, Luke!" Ethan complained but Luke seemed to hear nothing. I just shook my head by their quarrel and Nicole's eyes were the first thing I saw when I looked at her direction as she stared at me intently.

"I don't know, Nics." Luke replied.

"It's okay, miss." Nathan said.

"Thank you, and by the way, I'm Nicole Fontilla, Clifford's cousin." She introduced, smiling at us.

"Tsk." I heard Ethan hissed.

"Come in guys."

I got into the van and sat in my seat. I just realized that Ethan was sitting next to me and despite that it was Nicole that I didn't quite see the reaction. I bet she's smiling again, she's always doing that.

The car started and there was silence. There was also almost no soundtrip probably due to tiredness of everyone. I have also heard that a few times Nicole sighed as this man next to me Ethan almost hold back his sigh.

"You have a problem, Ethan?" I asked at once in relation to him.

" Nothing. It's annoying that this girl is sutting next to me. " he muttered weakly that made I laughed.

"Just give her your attention, I bet she really likes you." I teased while whispering.

"Tsk, she's not my type." He immediately said that we heard it all. Her eyes almost widened and she was about to stare at me when I looked at Nicole's side.

"You will like me, Ethan. I swear. " she just said.

"Your mouth really has no brakes, Ethan." I said. He just kept quiet. I thought about taking a nap first before we got home. I was a little tired of touring there.

I was just taken aback when the phone I was holding suddenly vibrated. I slowly lifted it and when I saw a text message from an unknown message, I opened it.

From: *** 2 **** 12*


I was suddenly shocked at the message received. Who is this? I just shook my head. I looked at Ethan who was asleep while Nicole who was also asleep and leaning on his shoulder. I smiled at what I saw. They're a perfect match.

I turned to Chelsea who slowly looked at my side. She give me a sad smile. I was about to speak when the car was parked at a convenience store.

"I'll just buy something we can eat, guys." Nathan said that I just nodded.

"Chels, are you okay?" I asked her. She just shook her head and motioned for me to move to sit next to her.

Although I'm hesitant, I still followed what she said. I slowly moved to a seat as I slowly went through Ethan and Nicole's ways. When I moved, I immediately looked at Chelsea.

" Is there a problem?"

"Quite." she mumbled. "I think I'm going to study in Manila, Jane."

A few seconds passed before I immediately fell silent and smiled at her. "Oh, congrats!" I said. She shook her head and looked at Clifford who was by the window and asleep as well.

"There is a problem. I don't want to leave."

" Why?"

"No one can help mom, here.." She said and sighed. I was also sad to see the expression on her face.

"It's good to study at C.U, Jane. But my Grandmother insisted that I'll study there."

"Just tell your grandmother that you want to study here. You studied well here, didn't you? And also, you're a full scholar. "

She nodded.

"Yes, I also don't want to be away from you. I also don't want to get married prematurely. " She said chuckling.

I was just shaken by the last thing she said. She was too young for marriage. As if that was true.

"Jane," she caught my attention. Her voice was not that loud. That's right, we can't disturb others.

"Do you trust us?"

I was stunned. I don't know what word I can use to answer that. I don't know why she asked that but in my heart I was immediately very nervous. Why?

" Of course." I answer.

"Is that so?" She said weakly. "It's been a long time since Cheska left."

I took a deep breath. I just averted my eyes from her and then nodded.


"You know, Jane, even if Cheska didn't told us her reason, I still understand her. We have been friends for a long time, but I did not lost my trust on her. She will not leave without a good reason. "

I smiled bitterly. I envy their closeness and frienship. I really think Cheska deserves all the people around her but she chose to left.

"She will be back though. Just trust her." I said.

"She will definitely come back," she laughed. "She will still buy me new eye glasses." I immediately looked at her side when I heard her voice rasping.


She immediately wiped the tears that ran down her cheeks. She wasn't wearing glasses so she did it quickly.

"I just miss her." she smiled after she said that.

I miss her too.