Date Him!!!!

Calia was the first to chuckle sarcastically and also the only one who was capable of doing that.

In the entire class, no one dare to laugh at Karen Kash because of her background. Her father was the owner of Cosmos Airlines while her mother was from the prestigious Haile family in Badmos, another rich town an hour drive from Cosmos.

Though no one really knew Calia's background, there were rumours that she was related to the Britain's Prime Minister and her parents were known Jewellery appraisers that controlled the jewellery world in the whole of Britain. One word from her parents could determine the fate of any jewelry company. She was from the real aristocratic family just like Ad-Din Denarius.

The Denarius family were people that controlled the Military and had connections to the world's largest Pharmaceutical Company called Kais.

Kais main headquarters was in Great Britain while its subdivision was situated at Cosmos where Ad-Din's senior brother was the current vice-chairman and his grandfather the chairman. Ad-Din's father Ken Denarius worked in the Military refusing to take over the leadership of the company his father built while his mother, Mona Lisa Sun was a famous fashion designer.

Karen had previously done a lot of investigations and found out bits from her parents about the Denarius family before deciding that no one but her deserved to be with Ad-Din Denarius. She treated Calia as a rival because she thought there was something going on between them.

Off course, Calia's personal information and background was limited to the public. A lot of people didn't know her because her parents concealed all information about her to keep her safe.

The only thing people knew was that she came from a family of old money hence no one dared to mess with her and so was Karen. Both girls came from powerful families and couldn't be messed with.

Calia stood up from her desk and removed a box of imperial chocolate from her bag and walked towards the back door when a voice stopped her.

''Stop right there, Calia Banks''. Karen spoke.

Calia turned to look at the person that asked her to stop. Karen walked to her and stared at the box of imperial chocolate and asked.

''Where did you get that from? My mom couldn't even get some when she went Badmos last month. Are you sure those are real? Aren't they fake? Knockoff?''

Karen asked attracting the attention of the class. Globus was the first to walk up to them. He snatched the box of chocolate from Calia and looked at Karen with a funny expression saying.

''Knockoff? This is the real imperial chocolate. Are you blind now? Calia might not have the nicest temper but she never eats knockoffs. Look at the imperial logo on it? This logo couldn't be forged''. Globus said.

Calia snatched the box from him and looked at Karen irritably. She removed the official seal from the box and pasted it on Karen's forehead saying ''why don't you check the seal for yourself. Whether it is fake or not?'' Calia looked at her and walked out.

Karen removed the seal and looked at it feeling annoyed. She screamed making the students in the class to look at her. She looked like someone who was really mad.

''Only Calia can act like Calia. That was so cool and sexy. Makes me love her even more''. Globus said and walked away.

Karen turned and walked back to her desk and secretly stuffed the seal into her bag. She was livid. How dare Calia embarrass her that way? She must make her regret this day.


It was soon closing time and Maria felt refreshed just thinking about going home. She picked her bag and said her goodbyes to the other teachers before going out.

Maria got to the school park and saw a group of students playing basketball. Her eyes caught a particular player. He looked really handsome in that uniform playing. She couldn't help but let her eyes linger there some more. She was at least 500m away from the playground so she felt safe watching. After all, no one was likely to see her watching from where she stood.

Her attention was on the boy playing that she didn't even realised her best friend had arrived to pick her up. It was more like she came because her level of curiosity was stronger and she couldn't afford missing out on her best friend's first love story.

Lexis pulled over and got down from the car. She saw Maria at a distance watching something. Upon closer look, Lexis noticed she was watching a basketball play going on at the park. Lexis tiptoed to her friend and stood beside her but she didn't even notice her presence. Her mind was on the boy with the ball. Lexis followed Maria's gaze and landed on Ad-Din. Seeing how attractive the boy was made her smile.

Her friend had every reason to fall for him. Lexis decided to tease her.

''Even I would fall for a face and body like that''. Lexis said startling Maria. Maria turned and saw her and almost fell backwards but Lexis was faster and quickly held her hand. "Darling, your taste in men is not so bad after all. Top grade"

''When did you arrive?'' Maria asked her friend.

''Not too long but long enough to know who your heart belongs to. Wow. He is really handsome. Say, how do you manage to teach when there is a face like that in your class? I would have made terrible mistakes by now if I were you?'' Lexis said.

''Let's go. Why did you even come here?': Maria said and held Lexis' hand pulling her away as they chatted.

As the two women walked away the boy playing the basketball momentarily stopped playing and stared at them. He was aware of her presence from the moment she stopped at that spot. His heart skipped a beat just thinking that she might be watching so he put on his best performance hoping to impress her. After she left, he passed the ball to another student and walked away. He was only playing there because he wanted to wait till she was gone before he left. He didn't want to leave her in the school alone.


''Date him''. Lexis said as she curved into the main road startling Maria.

''What?'' Maria couldn't believe the words that came out of her friend's mouth. She turned and looked at Lexis with a frown.

''He is handsome, has a killer body and is rich. He is the total package. Also, from what you said he did this morning, I'm pretty sure he has feelings for you. I say, just date him already. Don't think too much into it and just go with the flow''. Lexis said as she curved into the main road.

''Whoa. You are so out of it. How could you say such a thing? He is my student and I am his teacher. Leave that aside, I am three years older than him''. Maria said as she unscrewed a bottle of water to drink.

''So what? Who cares about age? Who cares about you being his teacher. Didn't some lecturers date some girls back at our school?''. Lexis defended her statement.

''Lex, this is a high school. He is just an 18-year-old boy who is high on hormones. He is probably going through puberty''.

''Portia, if that boy has feelings for you, is mutual. He is an adult already if he is 18. What is wrong with dating him?"

'Everything is wrong, Lex. It could send me packing and becoming jobless. The school is no ordinary school and you know it. Besides, I will be tarnishing my reputation by doing something like that. Why am even discussing this with you? Him and I, is impossible" Maria said shaking her head "I am just going to ignore whatever it is I am feeling and do my job. It wasn't easy for me to get this job. It pays so well and I need the money to pay my student loan and my dad's debtors. Right now, I don't have the luxury to do feelings''.

''Is he still gambling?'' Lexis asked. She was referring to Maria's father who was a gambler and an addict at that.

''He won't stop anytime soon. I just need to get enough money to leave that apartment with my aunt. I can't even keep money in the house because he searches my room every day. Say, Lexis. Why am I so unlucky?"'.

''You are not unlucky, Portia. You are the bravest person I know''.

''Three months. Just three months and I will get rid of him. He won't know where to find me once I relocate, I swear''. Maria said and closed her eyes. Lexis looked at her and focused on driving.

Maria's only fault was probably having such an irresponsible father who stole from his daughter just to gamble.