An Apology or not? 1.

Maria waved at Lexis and went inside her apartment. She opened the door and heard noise inside the house and rushed in.

She saw her father in her room searching through her clothes while her aunt tried to stop him.

''What is going on here?'' Maria asked and the two people turned and saw her.

''Maria, I tried to stop him. He came back and asked me for money and I told him I didn't have any. He went into your room and started making a mess''.

Maria walked in and looked at the room. Her well folded clothes that she hanged in her wardrobe were on the floor and some were on the bed.

Her room was like a dumpster. Her father was stepping on her clothes as he pushed her shelf of lecture books down to the floor. He reeked off alcohol too.

Maria sighed feeling frustrated. This wasn't even the first or second time he was doing this. He was never at home for most of the time. The only time he would come home was when he had no more money to gamble or when his debtors were looking for him.

He started this behaviour when Maria was 15 years old. He lost his job and started drinking. Soon he joined gambling and even sold their four-bedroom apartment which was the only thing they had back then. Maria was left homeless and had to find her aunt who took her in.

Her father changed completely to a different person.

Even the money she worked hard and saved for her University entrance fees was stolen by him. He took the money when Maria went out to work and promised to get double of that from his gambling. The result; he borrowed money from a loan shark in addition.

Maria almost missed her chance to go to the university. It was Lexis' mother who worked at the student loan institute who introduced her to student loan and even guarantee for her to get enrolled in that. That was how Maria was able to go to school.

Just thinking about the hardships she had to endure, the nights she had no food to eat and the times she left class halfway just to go and work part time. And even the countless times her father's debtors stood at her university gate just to demand their money from her made her tears to fall out uncontrollably. She couldn't help but snap at her father.

''That's enough!!! Stop it already''. Her father turned and looked at her. he stumbled backwards. He couldn't even stand properly because he was drunk. He stretched forth his hand towards Maria saying.

''You're here? Is good that you're here. You don't put money in your room anymore? Why can't I find any money? Give me some money. I was on the verge of winning when my money finished. Ten thousand dollars is enough. If I go back right now, I will be able to win a million-dollar''. Marley Suwait said.

''I don't have money. If you didn't win the first time what makes you think you will win? Please, leave before I call the police''. Maria said.

''What? How dare you talk to your father that way?'' Marley Suwait gave Maria a slap.

Her aunt Anne Suwait rushed to her side and pulled Maria behind her and spoke.

':How dare you slap Portia. Leave this minute before I call the police you bastard. Beating your own child?'' Anne said.

':She is just like her mother. No wonder you don't even share my name. Lee? What is Lee? Did you think you could be an Asian just because you have a Lee in your name? What about you skin colour?''

''I'm actually grateful to her; my mom for giving me that name instead of yours''. Maria said and picked her bag leaving the house.

Her comment irritated her father and he screamed after her.

Maria ran down the stairs of her apartment and when she got down she ran out of the neighbourhood. She didn't even see the cayenne that was following her.

Maria looked at the clouds that had become a little cloudy. She looked at her wrist watch and realised she was already in the next neighbourhood. It was already late evening.

Maria saw a supermarket ahead and went there. She entered and went to the shelves. She removed a pack of cigarette and five can beers and sent to the counter. The salesperson was an old man and he looked at Maria suspiciously.

''Are you not a student? I don't sell these to students''. He said.

Maria sighed and removed her ID card and banged it on the table and spoke irritably to the man.

''Mister, I am not a minor, okay? I am 22 going 23 in a few months''.

''You don't look like you are even 17 yet?''

The man said and packaged the things for her. Maria paid him and walked out.

At the door, she saw a boy standing by a parked cayenne car and stopped in her tracks. The boy smiled and said.

''I already saw that, Miss Lee''. Ad-Din said.

Maria walked to him and asked ''what are you doing here? Are you following me? Are you a stalker?''

''I am not a stalker but I was indeed following you. A lot of our students live in this area. If you don't want to bump into them then you should come inside''. Ad-Din said and opened the passenger door.

Maria looked around suspiciously and noticed it was a high-end community. When did she walk to such a place?

Maria didn't waste time and got into the car. It was better than being caught drinking by a student.

Ad-Din got into the driver's seat and turned to look at her.

''What?'' Maria asked.

''Your seatbelt''. Ad-Din said and Maria quickly put the seatbelt on and looked ahead. Ad-Din smiled and drove away.

''Where are you going?'' Maria asked.

''Somewhere only I know. You don't look good so I want to take you to a place that will make you feel better''. Ad-Din said.

''Don't ask me why I am not feeling good''. Maria said.

''Don't worry. I won't ask. I know that much''. Ad-Din smiled and focused on driving.

Maria stole glances at him. He looked different in a way. His outfit didn't make him look like a high schooler but just a regular guy next door. Maria also noticed that his aura was a bit different compared to when they were at school.

'Does he have a bipolar disorder?'' Maria muttered to herself.

''No, I don't''. Ad-Din answered.

':Huh? Did I say that out loud?'' Maria didn't know she said that out loud.

''I don't have bipolar disorder. I am just different when I am outside school''. Ad-Din said.

Different his foot. Only he knew how he coaxed Calia into teaching him how to behave towards a girl he liked.

He even had to give that wrench a blank cheque just so she could teach him. He learned everything and decided to come and look for her. He felt great that Maria noticed the change and felt he didn't waste his money after all.

Meanwhile Calia was at her quarters swinging the blank cheque fanning herself with it. She was yet to decide on the amount to put in it and how to use it.

Calia never imagined that her cousin would be a hopeless romantic when he was in love. To the extent of giving her a blank cheque. She was in a very good mood but it was soon disturbed by the doorbell that dinged.

Calia walked to the door and opened it and saw the butler at her door 'Uncle Max, is anything the matter?'

''Is like this, young Miss. There is someone here looking for the young master. She said her name was Karen Kash. I saw the young master coming to your quarters. Is he still here?'' Butler Max said.

''No, uncle Max. He stepped out in his car to get something. You can tell her to go back. Even if Ad is around, he wouldn't want to see her''. Calia smiled mischievously.

''Yes, Miss. I will do that''.

''And, don't mention anything about me. She is from our school. I don't want her to know about me''. Calia added and the butler nodded his head before turning to go.

Calia went back to her hall and picked the iPad on the table. She turned on the screen to one of the cameras at the main quarters and saw Karen standing at the door. Calia sighed and murmured to herself 'wow, she is trying too hard'.

The butler went back to the main quarters gate and spoke to Karen who was waiting there.

''Miss, our young master stepped out a few minutes ago''.

''Ad-Din is not inside?'' Karen asked cautiously and looked at her wrist watch. It was almost 19: 00PM.

''Yes, Miss''.

''Okay. I will come back another time''. Karen said and went out. She got into her car and the driver drove away. Karen bit her lips angrily. She decided to come her against her own pride and he wasn't even in the house. Where could he have gone to? She thought.