Find her father and bring him to me 2


Maria and Lexis walked along the streets of the vegetable market shopping as they chatted.

"Aye, best friend, are you still mad at me?" Maria asked as she nudged Lexis. Lexis glared at her and walked away.

"Please, pretty please"

''How could you do that to me? I told you to stay back and say a few words for me and Kobby and you escaped the moment I needed you? Such a traitor''. Lexis finally said and pouted her lips.

''I'm sorry. You know how scary your mom is when she is angry? I didn't have the heart to sit and watch her burst out. Just hearing her scream out her rejection was enough to scare me. So, how did it go?''

''How did it go? My mom said accepting Kobby will be over her dead body. My dad didn't say anything''. Lexis sighed after saying that.

''So, what is going to happen to you and Kobby now and the baby?'' Maria asked, genuinely worried about her friend.

''What will happen? I am not going to leave Kobby just because my mom is against it. I am already pregnant. I can't give birth to a child without a father. Besides, you know how long it took me to be able to get Kobby to like me. I'm not going to let all that go away. My mom has to give in to me. She won't win against me anyways"

"Aunt is just angry now. You're her precious daughter. She will give in to you. You should be glad you weren't born to a mother who didn't want you" Maria said and walked in front. Lexis looked at her and knew who she was talking about.

"Have you still not heard from her" Lexis asked as she caught up to Maria.

"No and I'm not interested in hearing from her. Oh, lets pick some spinach. I will make soup with it for you to nourish your body''. Maria pointed at a woman selling spinach and they walked to her stall.

''Aunt, how much is a bundle of spinach?'' Maria asked as she weighed the bundles of spinach with her hands.

''Is only 10 dollars, Miss. These are fresh spinach from the garden. I plucked them today''. The woman told them.

''Yes, I can see that. They look fresh and healthy. Give me two bundles, please''.

Maria removed some money from her bag and gave to the woman in exchange for the spinach.

Maria took the plastic bag of spinach and turned and saw Lexis at a meat stall drooling over the meat. She shook her head and went to join her.

''Want some?'' Maria asked as she stood beside Lexis.

''Mmm, I am suddenly craving pork. When I saw it, I just wanted to eat some of it''. Lexis said as she waited for the man to package her meat.

''Want some?'' she asked Maria and Maria shook her head.

''No, I am dieting''.

''Dieting? You are already bones. What's the use of starving yourself again? Listen, men like a woman with some meat. If you remain skinny like this, that boy is going to find you unattractive very soon. Let's go''. Lexis took the meat and walked away.

''I told you there is nothing between us" Maria said.

"Someone you have nothing doing with will not stay up late just to speak to you on phone. Do you think that boy is that free?" Lexis looked at Maria.

"Ad-Din and I is impossible Just imagine what I will be getting myself into?''.

'' Best friend, I say, forget about those rules and just have a wild time with him. He is so handsome and is past 18. He is already at a legal age group. Don't tell me his classmates don't find him attractive?''.

Maria took the car keys from Lexis and opened the passenger seat for her to go in before going to the driver's seat.

''His classmates will definitely find him attractive but that has nothing to do with me''. Maria put on her seatbelt and started to drive out of the market parking lot.

''So, are you just going to let him go? Let another girl have him?'' Lexis opened the wrapped meat and put one in her mouth.

''You know; your pregnancy cravings are going to make this car turn into a dumpster very soon. Can't you wait till we get home before you eat that?:' Maria asked.

''I am not just craving it, Portia. I am hungry. Your niece is making me hungry every second. Don't change the subject. I asked if you are just going to let him go like that?'' Lexis glared at Maria.

''I am 22 years and he is 19 years. The age gap and our present situations are all pointers telling me that I shouldn't start something I can't finish. Besides, I think someone already has her eyes on him''.

''Who? Tell me. Who is the girl who dared to compete with you? I will get rid of her for you"

''She is in the same class with Ad-Din and seriously, that girl just gives me wrong vibes. Do you know what she told me in school this morning? She told me she wanted to introduce her brother to me and even added that he is rich but doesn't look down on people''.

''What? That little bitch. Tomorrow I will go with you to your school. I must teach that bitch a lesson''

''Don't do anything unnecessary. I already put her in her place. Right now, I just want to have a peaceful life working and earning money. I like Ad-Din but my work and money comes first before him. He is just a rich kid who has nothing better doing that's all. Once he realises the vast difference between out worlds, he will back off''.

''What if he doesn't back off? He didn't seem like someone who would back off that easily''.

''Lex, let's talk about something else. My head is about to explode from talking about my non-existent love life''.

Later that night.

A blue Bentley pulled over at the road side in front of Maria's house. The car's window rolled down and a young girl's face could be seen. The girl looked at the apartment above and murmured to herself ''so this is where you actually stay, Miss Lee? You are quite ambitious, having thoughts about changing your life by seducing Ad-Din''.

Karen saw a man walking towards her car and she recognised him and looked out of the car window and spoke to him ''get in''. Her driver who was standing outside the whole time opened the door for Marley Suwait.

Marley Suwait entered the car and sat down and the driver drove them away.

Karen's car pulled over at an alley and the driver got down leaving the two of them alone inside.

''Tell me, who are you and what do you want?'' Marley Suwait asked impatiently.

''Is not what I want but what we can both give to the other. Mr. Suwait. Miss Lee is your daughter, right?''

''So what? Why are you asking me about that ungrateful bitch?'' Marley Suwait was still hanged on the last time Maria refused to give him money for gambling. He was someone who was petty and held unto grudges.

''Well, I know you are in need of money right now and I can give you as much as you would want''. Karen went straight to the point.

''What are your conditions?'' Marley Suwait asked.

''My conditions? They are simple. You see; your daughter is my teacher at school but she is biting more than she could chew. She is seeing the man I want to get engaged to''.

''Portia is going out with a student? Is that what you are telling me?'' Marley Suwait looked at Karen ridiculously.

''They are not going out yet that is why we should stop them before they do. I can give you a lot of money and also pay off all your gambling debts but, that is only if you can do something about your daughter. I know her condition is bad and she is only working at our school because of the money''.

''How much can you give me? I need to know what I stand to get before I sabotage Maria. She is my daughter at all?'' Marley Suwait asked smugly.

''I can give you a blank cheque. You are allowed to fill in any amount you wish if only you do something about your daughter. She is a smart woman. I'm sure she will be able to get a new job if she leaves my school. I just need her far away from my man'' Karen Kash said and removed the cheque from her purse and handed it over to Marley Suwait. A smile of satisfaction appeared on the man's lips as he said.

''Consider it done''.

Marley and Karen looked at each other and smiled. They had reached an agreement.