I will protect the woman I love 1

Marley Suwait got down from the car and went away towards Maria's apartment and Karen's driver drove out of the area.

Marley Suwait met Maria on the way and they looked at each other. Maria didn't say anything to him and went away holding a lot of garbage. She went to the big garbage bin and started sorting the waste. She saw the black Bentley drive out of the building pathway and frowned and turned to look at her father. Maria was sure he came out of that car. She also found the car a little familiar but ignored the eerie feeling within her because she was too tired to bother.

After returning from the vegetable market, Lexis had drained her off all the energy in her by making her to work around the kitchen which she was bad at by the way. If there was something she dreaded doing, it was kitchen chores.

Maria was lost in her thoughts when her phone buzzed and she removed it from her pocket and saw that it was an unknown number which she immediately recognized as Ad-Din's because he had used it to call her the other night. Maria smiled and answered trying to maintain a nonchalant face.


''What are you doing?''

Maria pretended to not recognise the number and asked.


''Who else would call you if not me, your future boyfriend? Don't tell me you have another man in your life that loves you like I do? Did you not even save my number?"

Maria chuckled and shook her head.

Since when did this boy learn to say such sweet nothings?

''I am busy. What do you want?'' Maria asked after putting in the last waste and turned to go in and saw the light of a familiar car blinking. Maria smiled and ended the call and walked towards the car.

Ad-Din got down from the car with a bundle of rose flowers. They were 99 pieces. He wore a suit and pants today and looked dashing.

Maria felt her heartbeat rising as she walked closer to him. He looked so handsome.

''I heard 99 pieces of rose flowers signifies an everlasting and forever love that knows no boundaries, place or time, so I brought you some. I hope to have such kind of love with you, Miss Lee. A love that last forever''.

Maria flushed and looked at him. He was smiling and looking back at her affectionately.

Maria bit her lips and tried to contain the joy in her heart. She didn't know she could be so touched by something so simple. She felt it was so beautiful and heart-warming to have someone to share the same feeling with. She couldn't stop the tears from flowing out.

Ad-Din didn't know why the woman in front of him was suddenly crying but it hurt him to see her that way and he couldn't help but pull her into his arms and gave her a tight hug trying to comfort her.

''Are you that touched by something so simple?'' Ad-Din asked as he held unto her in his embrace. Maria nodded her head and spoke hoarsely.

''No one has ever bought me flowers or acted this way towards me. You are the first man''.

''Then coming here was worth it after all. I was so tired after attending a meeting for hours but I just couldn't go back home without seeing your pretty face so I decided to come. I am glad I did''.

Ad-Din said and held Maria's shoulders making her to face him. They were standing so closed to each other.

''Ad-Din, this is wrong. We…this is wrong''. Maria said and took some steps back.

''What is wrong about us? We like each other and that's all that matters. Listen to me. I don't care what happens but I am never letting you go. It took me a lot of guts and courage to come here because I can't stop thinking about you''.

''I'm sorry, Ad-Din. But, I can't have anything doing with you. It is not just right. I am your teacher and we are from different worlds. Been with you will only bring me trouble" Maria said and stepped back, creating a distance between them.

"I will protect you, you just have to trust me Maria. I will make sure no harm comes to you" Ad-Din stepped closer to her as he spoke.

''I didn't want to do this here and right now, but you leave me with no choice''.

Before Maria could open her mouth to speak, Ad-Din pulled her closer and put his arm around her head holding her in one place as he kissed her.

Maria's body stiffened and she tensed up. Ad-Din took that chance to go in deeper and let his tongue play with hers.

After a few seconds of kissing her Maria responded, giving in to her feelings and kissed him back. She held unto his shirt tightly as she clumsily kissed back.

It was like time had stopped for the two people as they kissed each other for a long time. Ad-Din was the first to let go because Maria was losing her breathe but he didn't let her go completely. His hand was stilled wrapped around her waist as he looked deep into her eyes saying ''remember to breath my love or else we would be going to the emergency room after the kiss''.

Maria flushed and looked down murmuring ''but that was my first kiss''.

''That was my first kiss to'' Ad-Din said and smiled at her. "You have to take responsibility now Maria for taking away my heart and my first kiss"

"And who will take responsibility for my first kiss?'' Maria asked back and blushed.

"What do you think?" Ad-Din said and pulled her closer to himself. He wrapped his arms around her waist as he leaned against the door of the car.

Maria's heartbeat increased and she felt like she was going to die from happiness.

Right now at that moment, she felt so happy and blissful.

Seeing her smile, Ad-Din pulled her closer and hugged her tightly saying ''I don't care whether this is wrong or not. I don't care what people will say about us. All I can say is that. I am so crazily in love with you, Maria Portia Lee and no matter what happens. Whoever tries to harm the woman I love will have me to content with.

I will protect the woman I love with everything I have. I need you to trust me. You don't have to do anything, Maria. You just have to stand behind me and let me receive all the insults, the ridicule and the pain that will come with loving you because you are worth all that and more''.

''Ad-Din, it might not be that easy. I don't have a beautiful past. My current situation isn't that good either. People might think I am a wrench who seduced an innocent rich boy''. Maria said and looked at him.

''You don't have to listen to anyone. I am the one who seduced you first. I am the one who chased you shamelessly and I am the one who can't live without you. I am the one who can't be without you''.

Ad-Din picked the flowers he placed on the car to Maria. ''I will bring you these everyday if you like them''.

''Not every day, once in a while. My room is small to contain them if you bring them every day''. Maria said and they both laughed.

''Then, I will bring them once in a while. Maria, today is our first day of being together, right?'' Ad-Din asked a little unsure.

''If you kiss a woman and don't take responsibility, you are a jerk''. Maria said and they both laughed.

''But, you can't act like this with me at school. Remember, I am your teacher''.

''Don't worry. The woman I love, I respect a lot. You don't have to worry about that. Because I always want to see that you are happy. I like to see you smile like right now''.

"I know it will be hard on you but for now we can't reveal our relationship to anyone until you complete school"

"Don't worry, I know that already but, I can't promise not to be stalking you at school"

"What? A stalker is a turn off" Maria said.

"A redefined stalker then?" Ad-Din said and Maria shook her head.

Ad-Din kissed Maria again before they said goodbye and Maria went inside her apartment.

Maria cut the rose and placed them neatly in a jug of water and put it on her vanity table. She sat on her bed and smiled as she watched the flowers. She was so happy for the first time in her life. Maria didn't know love could make one feel this way. Now she understood everything Lexis have been telling her about love. She looked at the time and quickly went in to wash up before going to bed.