77 The past that was hidden 2

''He is asleep now. Allow him to rest and don't wake him up until he wakes up by himself'' Kobby said as he looked at Ad-Din.

Kobby arrived an hour ago and was able to ease Ad-Din's pain. He gave him an injection that eased the pain and allowed him to sleep.

Kobby followed Calia to the hall and the latter went to the fridge and removed a bottle of water for him.

''What happened to him? How did he suddenly get a relapse after doing so well recently?'' Kobby asked as he unscrewed the bottle.

''This is all my fault. I lied to him and he found out about it. He hates me now''. Calia said and sat down on the sofa.

''What kind of lie was it? Usually people like for two reasons. Either because they don't want to be exposed or they feel that the other person is better off not knowing the truth. So, which lie did you get exposed for?'' Kobby asked and looked at her. Since the day they had dinner, he hadn't seen her again. She looked tired and lean.