78 Familiarity

Maria opened her eyes and vaguely saw a familiar figure. She tried to sit up and realised her hand was connected to the IV pole and her other hand was covered with a bandage.

The figure seemed to have noticed her gaze and turned. She walked closer to her and smiled brightly speaking to Maria.

''Maria, you are awake?'' Mona Lisa Sun said and sat on the bed closer to her. Maria now recognised her as the mother of Ad-Din.

''Mrs. Denarius?'' Maria called out weakly.

''Yes, is me. Tell me, how are you feeling? Your hand? Is your hand okay?'' Mona Lisa asked worriedly and looked at Maria's hand.

Maria remembered what happened last night and pursed her lips. She tried to hide her hand nervously. She didn't know what Mona Lisa would think of her.