111 Jones Cambridge 2

Marvel splashed over on her face and sighed. She touched her beating chest and leaned against the sink.

''I will go and drink water at the kitchen?" Marvel repeated her statement and berated herself ''wow. What was that about? What kind of statement is that Marvel?'' she was busy scolding herself didn't see that Max was standing at the table dividing the kitchen from the dining table.

''What would you like to eat? I will prepare for you'' Max spoke and went into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and Marvel saw that he had a lot of homemade food vegetables and smiled.

''Do you like eating from home?'' Marvel asked curiously and he nodded his head.

''My whole family prefers eating at home. we only meet once every two weeks for dinner together'' Max said and looked at her ''what would you like to eat?''

''Rice, vegetable soup, rolled omelette and fish fillets. Do you have such things?'' Marvel asked.