112 Jones Cambridge 3

After breakfast, Max went to the hospital with Marvel. They arrived and met Calia and Kobby already in the private ward where the models were admitted. They were not alone. Ad-Din and Maria were also there as well as Mona Lisa.

''Hi'' Marvel greeted them politely as she walked toward them from the door. Ad-Din turned and looked at his elder brother suspiciously but didn't say anything. They just smiled at each other and turned to the doctor who was discussing with Calia about the health of the models.

''As I said earlier, they are a lot better but their meals must be properly monitored. Their stomachs have become sensitive because they starved themselves. I know a lot of models suffer from anorexia and often don't want to eat for fear of gaining weight but if they don't take care, the next time they come here, there might be the need for a surgery''