When Feelings suddenly Change 1

''Thanks to this hand I'm getting special treatment from Carlien. You better heal fast ok? I've got work to do'' Paige said as she sat under their favourite baobab tree waiting for their second lecture. Carlien had gone to buy them some refreshments leaving Paige alone under the tree.

Paige's phone buzzed and she looked at it before deciding to ignore the incoming call from Jordan. She suddenly heard her name and looked up seeing Jordan walking towards her.

''Part-time, why are you not answering my calls? Have you suddenly backed out from our deal? Are you not scared that I will do as I say?'' Jordan said and Paige stood up to face him saying.

''Yes, I'm backing out. What are you going to do about that?'' Paige asked back startling him.

''What?'' Jordan asked.

''Why? Did you think I couldn't do a thing like that?'' Paige asked back.

''I came to see how you are doing and you? What kind of person am I in your heart?'' Jordan asked.