When feelings suddenly change 2

''No, sweetheart. Everything is fine'' Gertrude said but Paige could see the worry in their eyes that they tried to hide.

''Mom, dad, I have something to say'' Paige said to her parents.

''Tell us, what is it?'' Thomas Payin asked.

''Mom, dad, I don't want to skip grades. I am just 13 and already in my second year in junior high. If I write the high school entrance exams and skip grades, I will be bullied at school because I will be the youngest there. I want to remain in the same class with Carlien. She protects me whenever someone wants to bully me because of my stature'' Paige told her parents and smiled.

''Paige, but your teacher said you are doing so well and could easily ace the high school entrance exams and win a full scholarship'' Gertrude said fearing that her daughter might have heard their conversation.