The apology that came a little too late

A month has passed on and it was finally the day they were returning back to school to finish their last semester. It was going to be a busy final semester for them as they would be required to submit and defend their thesis ahead of their graduation.

Paige and Carlien didn't have any lessons together in this last semester and their individual schedules were packed making it hard for them to even meet each other or keep each other company for a few hours in between lectures.

Carlien and Mirabel still made time in their busy schedules to accompany Paige for meals before or in between their lectures but that was making her feel even more guilty, so Paige asked them to stop patronising her.

After the close of her lectures on that Friday, Paige arrived home to find a luxurious car alongside the blue Bentley of Lucas parked outside her house. She got alarmed and rushed inside but what she saw shocked her.