Just for a little while

Paige came out of the guestroom after freshening up and changing into new clothes. Maria looked up and saw her and smiled.

''Come here, Paige. Food is ready''

''Are we the only ones eating?'' Paige asked and looked at the empty hall.

''Ad-Din left to pick up Jordan. Let's eat first. Don't tell me you are willing to starve a pregnant woman?''

''Off course not'' Paige went and sat across Maria.

''Look, there is your favourite crayfish and also beef soup to go with the rice'' Maria picked a lot of different side dishes and placed them on Paige's plate, ''eat a lot''

''En, thank you'' Paige started eating.

They ate while chatting but once in a while, Paige's eyes would linger at the door. Maria took notice of all this and felt a pang of pain in her heart.