Disarrayed​ emotions

When Lisa arrived at the café, she saw Leslie there already. He was leaning against his car and seemed to be doing something with his phone because his facial expression looked serious. Lisa closed her car door and stood at her spot looking at him.

''Whoa, he is really handsome. I can't believe you struck the jackpot with such a goodie Lisa'' she complimented herself as she folded her arms and felt pain on her wrist and hissed, ''darn it, this damn blister wouldn't just burst'' she frowned and put her hands down.

Leslie looked up and saw her at a distance and smiled, walking to her. He noticed that she was also looking at him and he asked when he got closer to her, ''what are you looking at?''

''You… I was looking at you'' Lisa said and stepped closer. She touched his face saying, ''this face must have sent a lot of women to hell, right?''