Announce to the world that you're in love

Paula sat in her office pouting her lips. She felt tired without doing anything. It was lunch time but she felt that it had been a year already. She didn't know working in such a high profiled hotel was going to be such a headache.

Her phone buzzed and she picked it from the table and looked at it. She smiled when she saw the name of the caller and quickly answered, ''is it too late to say I don't want the job, Andy?'' Paula said into the phone and heard his chuckle.

''It's that why you locked your door? Open it'' he said to her.

''Are you outside?'' Paula hurriedly went to open the door. she looked at both sides of the hallway before pulling him inside and locked the door fast.

''What was that?'' Andy asked her as he placed a bag on her table.

''This place is no job. I didn't know I was coming into the lion's den when I accepted the job''