The truth comes out at last

Looking at the identical rings on their fingers, Paula and Andy smiled at each other satisfactorily. They walked out of the bureau office holding hands as they went to their car.

''We are now officially married'' Andy whispered into her ears as they sat in the car.

''I know, right? If anyone had told me that I would do something this crazy, I wouldn't have believed them. But, since it's with you, I have no regrets''

''You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Now that you are my wife, I will protect you and handle all of your affairs. First, let's go and meet your mother. She must be expecting us since you told her we are going over''

''Okay'' Paula sighed and Andy held her hand.

''Don't sigh like an old granny anymore. Whatever happens, we will face them together. Because we are husband and wife'' he and Paula blushed, smiling. She pulled him closer and kissed him before saying.