Everyone has their own pain

''Did you know consider me as your mother? You knew the truth and still kept it away from me. Did you think that the truth was going to stay hidden forever?''

''I… I really didn't know, mom. She is lying against me. Paula, why are you suddenly acting like this? Just because your relationship with mother is bad, doesn't mean you should destroy mine with her. Tell mom the truth''

Mali turned to her mother desperately trying to prove a point. All these years, she had allowed the special treatment that she got enter her head. She felt that it wasn't her fault as long as she was able to get what she wanted, as long as it had to do with her, the fault will be with those who didn't act the way she wanted.

Looking at her daughter, Mrs. Emelia now realised how wrong she was. How her own selfishness had caused her what she was ripping?