When fate can't be avoided 2

Gloria George stretched forth her hand and wiped the tears from Rosa's eyes saying ''Rosa, it will be alright. You will be fine. Mom will do everything to ensure that you have a good year this time around, okay?''

Rosa smiled and ate her food in silence.


Rosa got down from the bus and stared at tallest building in the town. It was the Town Prosecutors' office where she was going to begin her work as a junior prosecutor under the district Chief Prosecutor himself. Rosa was elated as she hanged her bag tightly around her arm and stepped on the stairs leading to the glass door entrance. Her lucky amulet could be seen hanging from her neck.

A few steps away and Rosa felt a shadow towering over her. It was her best friend Scarlet who had rushed forward to hug her tightly.

''Rosa De Ann, I missed you so much. You bitch, how could you not even call me once during the vacation?' Scarlet said in a slightly discontented tone.

After their postings came out, they were allowed a few days' holiday to be with their families since they were likely not to get that time again once they started working.

Rosa looked at her best friend and shook her head. She was nagging again like an old woman. But, Rosa loved Scarlet because of that. Call her a masochist or anything but Rosa had a different perspective to nagging. To Rosa, it meant she was important to the one doing the nagging.

''I'm sorry. My phone fell down and broke. That's why I used Kylie's phone to call you the last time. I am still yet to get a new phone. How are you doing? How was the holidays?' Rosa asked as they stood on the steps.

''Oh, right. I totally forgot about your phone. I forgive you''. Scarlet said. ''I am doing well. How about you? How is your mother and sister?''

''They are all doing well''. Rosa answered.

''OH, right. There is still time before we report. Let's go and get you a new phone and a cup of coffee before we go inside''. Scarlet said pulling Rosa along towards a group of chain stores ahead.

A man in black hoodie walked out from beside a tree after the girls went away. He looked at them with an eerie smile and a dark gaze.


Scarlet pulled Rosa into one of the stores selling phones. They walked to a stall and looked at the few phones displayed under the glass box. Scarlet pointed at a pink phone excitedly saying 'pick this one, is so beautiful Rosa'.

''Pink? Is too girly. You know I don't like girly stuff. I will pick the ask one. It suits me more''. Rosa said pointing at the ask coloured phone beside the pink one.

A salesgirl walked to them with a smile saying 'would you like to try it out? This is our latest 4G phone that came in last week. It is really popular especially with upper class men. You know the popular actor, Carlos Ryan, right? He uses this type of phone too'.

''You mean Carlos Ryan uses this type of phone?'' Scarlet asked.

Carlos Ryan was a popular actor whose fame was known all over the world. He was the favourite of young girls and even older women because of how handsome he was.

''Yes, Miss''. The salesgirl answered.

''We will take that one then''. Scarlet said.

''Wait. Scarlet, this is my phone. Why are you the one choosing for me? Besides, who is Carlos Ryan?'' Rosa said confused.

''You don't know who Carlos Ryan is? He is even holding his fan club meeting today at the Muse café today'' The salesgirl said unbelievably. She couldn't understand how someone didn't know who Carlos Ryan was in this age and time.

''Ahm, you know Song Ji Hyo, right? Running man?'' the salesgirl nodded her head. ''Well, she is just like her. You know, Song Ji Hyo is known as the cavewoman, right? My darling here is just like her. She is so clueless about what is happening around her''. Scarlet said.

''Yeah, I told you not to mention Song Ji Hyo's name like that. She is my favourite'. Rosa retorted unhappily.

''Rosa, you said this one suited you. We are buying it. As if who Carlos Ryan is, you need a lot of scolding later on. Please, wrap this for us and charge us through this''. Scarlet said and snatched the credit card from Rosa and handed it over to the salesgirl disregarding Rosa.

The salesgirl swapped the card and finished initiating the payments before handing the card back to Scarlet. Scarlet took the box containing the phone and held Rosa's hand going out.

Rosa and Scarlet entered a café called the Muse Café which was across the Prosecutors' office and sat down for a cup of coffee. It was still 8:00AM and they still had about 45 minutes before their reporting time which was around 9:00AM. As they entered they saw posters of Carlos Ryan and several high school students seated with their boards waiting outside the café.

''So, are these students waiting for that so called popular actor you told me about?'' Rosa asked as they entered

''Yes, boy he is so handsome''. Scarlet said looking at the poster of Carlos Ryan. If I ever meet a man like that, I am getting married straight away, Roa''.

''I think he is made up of plastic surgery alone? What kind of man looks like that unless he went through the knife?'

''Yeah, I take serious offense to that, friend. How could you say such a think about the nations heartthrob? If these people heard what you said, you will be dead by now'.

''Let's stop talking about plastic surgery boy and go for our coffee, Scar''. Rosa walked away to a corner table and Scarlet followed along.

Rosa ordered a cup of coffee mocha who was her favourite while Scarlet went for black coffee with three shots of espresso. They were enjoying their coffee while chatting when Rosa received a call.

''I will go outside to receive this call'' Rosa said and stood up. Scarlet nodded her head and also removed her phone to check a few messages.

''Are you a witch? I just bought a new phone and put in my sim card just a few minutes ago and you are the first to call me?'' Rosa said to Kylie on the phone as she stood outside the café.

''Big sis, can you wire me some money? I lost my wallet to a pervert on the subway. Assh, I better not catch him. I will break his legs'' Kylie said over the phone.

''K, don't you dare go looking for trouble. I will wire you some money through your online money account. Be careful, you said he is a pervert? Don't you dare do anything silly, okay?'' Rosa warned worriedly over the phone.

''Whatever, I won't do anything. Thanks big sis, see you at home tonight'. Kylie said and hung up.

Rosa smiled and quickly went into phone to send the money to Kylie. She finished and turned and saw Scarlet smiling at her through the glass. Rosa turned to go in and bumped into an elderly woman.

''Oh, grandma, are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't see you just now''. Rosa said and helped the woman up. The woman smiled but what she said next completely left Rosa frozen on the spot.

''Be careful and don't fall into a case. Your birthday is coming up soon, right? case number 5550. Don't take it. Make sure you are not the prosecutor in charge or else you and your career will be ruined forever''.

The woman finished and smiled adding ''but, who knows, maybe meet the man who was born to take your curse away through this case. Be careful, the halo is slowly covering your shadow''.

''Rosa, Rosa'' Rosa looked up and saw Scarlet calling her name worriedly. Rosa found herself shaking.

''The woman? Where is the woman?'' Rosa asked nervously.

''Which woman?'' Scarlet asked worriedly. She was inside the café when she saw Rosa bumped into a pregnant woman.

''The old woman? Where is she?'' Rosa looked around and didn't see the old woman. The people around the café started to look at them. The pregnant woman she bumped into also looked shocked.

''What old woman, Rosa? You bumped into a pregnant woman. She is here''. Scarlet said pointing at the pregnant woman beside her. Rosa came to her senses and looked at the pregnant woman apologetically.

''I'm sorry. I'm really sorry''. Rosa said and walked away.

The pregnant woman nodded and her husband came out of the café to her. Scarlet smiled awkwardly and ran after Rosa holding their bags with her.