When fate can't be avoided 3

''Rosa, wait''. Scarlet caught up to Rosa in front of the Prosecutors' office and stopped her. ''Speak to me, Rosa. What happened to you? What was that about? Which old woman were you talking about?''

''Scar, if I tell you what happened to me right now, you will think that I am going crazy. But, honestly, I don't think if I am really going crazy or I am just too agitated and worried because my birthday is coming up hence all sorts of things are going through my mind. I don't even know what I'm thinking, Scar. I am sure I saw an old woman and she said something to me but then when I looked again? It wasn't an old woman but a pregnant woman. I am not in the best of feelings right now, Scar''. Scarlet pulled Rosa into a hug as Rosa wept.

Scarlet unscrewed a bottle of water and handed it over to Rosa. They were now seated at the balcony space at the top of the prosecutors' building. It was a resting and chatting place for the workers there but because it was still morning no one was there. Scarlet had been there once and knew about the place hence she took Rosa there to help her calm down. She didn't want people to see her in that state.

Rosa sipped the water and placed the bottle down. Scarlet sat beside her and spoke.

''Roa, are you okay?' Scarlet was worried.

''I'm fine, don't worry. Thanks Scar'.

''You know, we never really spoke about whatever was happening with you, right?' Scarlet said.

''You must be dying to ask me about it? I wonder why you never asked me in the last 15 years that we've known each other?'' Rosa said.

''Right. I am the most curious person but I also have something called conscience. Aye, why am such a good and kind-hearted friend? Blame it on my sense of loyalty''.

Rosa chuckled and seemed more relaxed than before.

''You just laughed''. Scarlet said.

''Blame it on your wrong use of vocabulary. I am still surprise at how you passed the Bar Exams, friend. You always manage to say the most unexpected things at the most wrong places. Who else can laugh at your terrible jokes besides me?'' Rosa asked.

''Is not that I never wanted to ask you. The number 5 and your birthday are both sensitive issues in your life. I have been through them with you. Even though I don't know what is really going on, I still made up my mind a long time ago to stick with you until the end''.

''Even if your life be in danger because of me?'' Rosa asked.

''Why would my life be in danger? Remember, I am your lucky charm right? Your mother said it herself, as long as I am with you, that damned halo won't even dare to get near you. your birthday is coming soon. I intend to stick with you even more''.

''Aye, I can't believe you agreed to my mom. Don't you have to go on blind dates anymore?'' Rosa asked.

'Precisely the reason why I chose the latter. Your mom's request was a saving grace. I can finally be free from my mom's matchmaking sessions for a while. How wonderful that is to me'.

'Scar, later, much later after my birthday. I will tell you everything you need to know, okay?' Rosa said.

''Okay, take your time. Let's go before we are late''. Scarlet said standing up.



''Carlos Ryan, I love you''

''Carlos Ryan, my muse''

''Carlos Ryan, my only husband''

''Carlos Ryan, I only have eyes for you''

Such were the writings on the signboards held by the many high school students standing at the entrance to the 'Muse Café'. It was the same place Rosa and Scarlet left some few minutes ago.

Carlos Ryan, the most popular actor of the current times was holding a fan club meeting at the café. The café was decorated with Carlos Ryan's photos. The inside was arranged beautifully.

Carlos Ryan's manager and a few bodyguards shielded him as he got down from the van that pulled over. The students and some reporters rushed towards the van in an attempt to get closer to him. They screamed his name crazily and he smiled at them and went inside.

The man in the black hoodie walked out from behind one of the poster stands and looked at Carlos Ryan as he went inside. As if feeling an intense gaze on him, Carlos Ryan instinctively turned around but saw nobody. She shook the feeling off and went inside to kick start his fan meeting.


Rosa, Scarlet and a few other junior prosecutors stood inside the chief prosecutors' office. The chief prosecutor was a slim but lanky man. He looked younger than a man in his early fifties. He looked pleased as he held the year book containing the names of the prosecutors posted to his office. They were all brilliant and smart ones. The first top 7 to have completed this year.

''You are all welcome to Blue Town's Prosecutors' office. I am the chief prosecutor, Charlie Gard but you can just call me Chief Prosecutor'. The chief prosecutor said proudly. 'I am happy to be working with such smart juniors like you and I hope that you will protect the reputation of the prosecutors' office as you work here. Two people will work for me for a period of two months after which there will be a rotation. All of you will get to work with me so there is no need to rush. The rest of you will be assigned to mentors but you will still be working on your own. Except that you will consult your mentors if you have any difficulty with any case. Am I clear?''

''Yes, Chief'' the junior prosecutors responded enthusiastically.

''The first people to work with me will be Rosa De Ann and Gideon Piper''.

Scarlet gave a low thumb up to Rosa for her success. Working with the chief prosecutor was a big deal especially with juniors who were chosen first. It was an honour and it meant they were going to be exposed to difficult cases that could help them grow and be eligible to early promotion. Scarlet was sure that with Rosa's abilities, it was just the matter of time before she shone and became the star of the prosecutors' office. Rosa was extremely proud of her friend.

''Let's go and check out the food at the Prosecutors' canteen Rosa''. Scarlet said joyfully as they walked out to the hall from the chief Prosecutors' office.

''Hey, are you rearing a pig inside your stomach? We just finished having coffee and sandwich?'' Rosa said and laughed.

''What? I find that statement very offensive. How can you say that to my face?'' Scarlet acted hurt.

''Wow, anyone who saw your face right now would think you are really hurt. Let's go. I will accompany you to try out their food as an apology''. Rosa said.

''That's about it. what is the use of a best friend if I can't even get to go to places with her? You should be grateful to me Roa. Who else can stand a sharp mouthed woman like you?''

''Yes, yes. I am extremely grateful that's why I am going with you''.

Rosa and Scarlet chatted as they walked towards the canteen which was situated downstairs. On their way they met several prosecutors' wearing the prosecutors' coat.

''When will I get to wear that? I am so jealous of them''. Scarlet said.

''Don't jinx it, friend. I wish I never get to wear that for at least a month'' Rosa said.