Meeting by fate or coincidence

A week had passed successfully since Rosa started working at the prosecutor's office. Her birthday was up in three days' time. Even after passing a week without working on a single case, Rosa was still nervous as the days approached. She had all sort of thoughts running through her head. Things were too peaceful for her. She was getting the hang of the job. She had been learning from investigator Hanson and Miss Jane since Prosecutor Tim didn't allow her to go near any case.

In any case, Rosa was quite satisfied with that arrangement as well. As long as she could avoid having a case until her birthday passed she would be able to feel assured.

Rosa was the only one in the office currently. Even though Prosecutor Tim refused to give her any work to do, she still needed to do her own self-study so she decided to always arrive at work earlier than anyone else to study the cases. She had pleaded with Miss Jane and Miss Jane had given her the keys to the cases wardrobe over the weekend so she was now busy studying the five cases that came in on Friday. There were cases of missing girls that the police were currently investigating.

The girls were about 17 and 18 years old who went missing a week ago. There has being no news yet about them. Reading through the case file, Rosa felt a wave of chilliness and immediately closed the file. She didn't understand why but the case didn't seem normal to her.

If five girls were missing already and the police hadn't gotten any leads to them, then it could pose a lot of meanings. Either they were kidnapped together, or even possibly be a serial case. Rosa felt goosebumps all over her body and put the file away before taking another one to look at when her phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and frowned before answering it ''hello''.

News Today Station.

Jung Lee was an Asian working in Blue town as a reported. He was well known in the industry as a competent reported who was always on the look for new scopes. His work scope covered a large area which included sports, entertainment and breaking news.

He arrived from Hong Kong last night and was now in the office to report to his superior about his work. While on his way from home, he tried calling his sister, Jung Anyong but the call wasn't going through so he got worried and decided to go to the police station after he finished with his superior.

After sorting out the main news items of the day, he left the office to go to the police station.

Blue town district police station.

Since the police station was closer to the prosecutors' office it didn't take time for Rosa to get there. She entered inside and saw Kylie and a man seated in front of the detective and she walked to them.

''K, what happened to you?'' Kylie had a bruise on her lower lip and her hands. 'Hi, I am her sister. What happened?' Rosa asked worriedly while scanning Kylie's face.

''Sis, I'm fine''.

''Shut up. Detective, what happened?''

''Is like this. Your sister caught a pickpocket and brought him to the station but''. The detective said.

''Sis, he is the same person who stole my wallet the last time. He got into the bus with me and tried to steal the new wallet you bought for me. How could I see that and let him be? I decided to teach him a lesson''. Kylie said.

Rosa turned and looked at the man sitting in front of her. He was badly wounded because of the beatings he received.

''Hey, did you do that to him?'' Rosa asked sceptically.

''Yes, sis. He is lucky I didn't break his teeth out''. Kylie said.

''Shut up, K''. Rosa shot Kylie a glare and she kept quiet.

''As you can see, he is badly hurt. I couldn't believe a high school girl could do that to him. Does your sister have fighting skills?'' The detective asked.

''Well, she does have a black belt in taekwondo''. Rosa said awkwardly while glaring at Kylie. ''detective, this could be considered a self-defence, right? He was the one who tried to steal from my sister first''. Rosa said.

''Yes, it is. But, you should warn your sister to be careful next time. The people who do these things sometimes carry knives. It is dangerous for her to always fight with them head on''.

''Thank you, detective''.

''She said you are a prosecutor? Do you work at the district chief's office?'' The detective asked.

''Yes, I do. Is there any problem?'' Rosa asked.

''No, not really. Just that I want to ask you something. Let's talk outside''. The detective said and stood up. Rosa held Kylie's hand and they went out leaving the thief behind. They met Jung Lee as they went out.

Back at the office, Rosa thought about the things that the detective told her.

''I forwarded a case that I believed to be of a serial killing case to the prosecutor's office but I haven't heard any news yet. The thing is, last night, another girl was reported missing. Our district chief here said he had asked for help from the prosecutors' office but they said nothing can be done without a suspect in hand. I have a bad feeling about this case. Could you look into it for me, please?''

Rosa sighed and looked at the file on her table. She shook her head before putting the file back in its place.

She was curious about the case but there were rules that needed to be followed. She couldn't just start investigating a case based on her feelings. Besides, her relationship with her direct supervisor wasn't that good. It was still better to not meddle in such a case. It could turn out dangerous.

Back at the police station.

''I said she isn't answering her phone. When I got to the house, everything was just the same as I left it. I am sure she hasn't been home for the past week that I was away''. Jung Lee said impatiently.

Detective Stuart, the same detective who asked Rosa for the favour looked at Jung Lee as he spoke. It was another case of a missing girl. This was already the fifth case that had been reported yet nothing was done.

''I understand. We will look into it, please''. Detective Stuart said.

Rosa stretched her arms and looked at the time. It was almost 16: 30PM. She looked at the office. Everyone was busy. Investigator Hanson went out to investigate a case. Miss Jane was busy making corrections and filing cases while Prosecutor Tim was also reading through a case. He returned from the court not too long ago and was already studying another case.

Rosa sighed. She was the only one who didn't have work to do because she wasn't given anything to do in the first place. Scarlet had called her an hour ago saying she was following her mentor to listen in on a case at the court. Everyone had something to do except her.

Rosa stood up and walked to Prosecutor Tim to speak to him. ''Prosecutor Tim, can I help you with anything? I see that you have a lot of cases to look into. I can help you if you let me''.

''You want to help me?'' Prosecutor Tim asked sarcastically. He just knew she wasn't the type to sit idle.

''Yes, if you let me''. Rosa added.

''Get me a cup of coffee from the café across the street then''.


''You said you wanted to help me? If you want to help me, why don't you get me a cup of coffee across the street then?'' Prosecutor Tim challenged her.

''Yes, okay''. Rosa said.

''I want black coffee and chocolate cake''

''Yes, I will do that right away''. Rosa smiled and turned to go. Miss Jane shook her head and looked away quickly.

''This hot weather and he wants to drink black coffee? Tsk. He is just finding ways to bully me. Aye, prosecutor Tim, you don't know who you are dealing with? I will make sure I tame you very soon''. Rosa was mumbling to herself as she walked towards the muse café. Though it was evening, the sun was still out and hot.

''I don't have to even go to the beach for tanning. The sun right now is just perfect for heatstroke''.

Rosa went into the café and ordered her coffee. Five people were to get served before it was her turn, so Rosa went to sit on one of the tables closer to the counter and removed her phone. She went into her applications and started to play a game as she waited.