Meeting by fate or coincidence 2

Rosa stood up when it was her turn and went for her coffee and cake. She turned to go and bumped into a man pouring the hot coffee all over him.

''Oh my God. I am so sorry. Are you hurt?'' Rosa subconsciously started touching the man's body for confirmation. The man stepped back and held Rosa's hand tightly and spoke coldly to her as the people in the café watched on.

''What are you doing?'' Carlos Ryan asked angrily.

''Ah, I'm sorry''. Rosa realised she might have over reacted because the coffee didn't really pour on the man but on his shoes. Only his shoes were wet. ''I thought it poured on you, that's why. I'm really sorry''.

Rosa looked up meeting the man's gaze. He was a beautiful man. Even she had seen a lot of men before but this man's looks could pass off as a celebrity. He was wearing a blue hoodie and black jeans with a cap.

''Are you done looking? Can I go now?'' Carlos Ryan said to her. This wasn't the first time a woman looked at him that way.

Rosa flushed and pulled her hand away. He was still holding her hand. Rosa smiled awkwardly and stepped back making way for the man to go. Carlos Ryan looked at her again before going to get his coffee and Rosa went out.

At the door, she looked at her hands and realised she didn't have neither the coffee nor the cake and cursed herself deep down. She was so embarrassed earlier on that she didn't even want to go back inside again but now she had to, because it was either that or taking the risk of forever been banned from cases by prosecutor Tim.

Rosa turned back into the café and went to the counter. She saw the man from earlier and looked away. She quickly went to another waiter and ordered the same items.

Carlos Ryan took his order and turned to go out. He looked at the woman who tried to hide her face before going.

Outside, Carlos Ryan held the coffee in one hand and his wallet in another hand and a young man snatched his wallet and started running away.

''Hey''. Carlos Ryan screamed and ran after him. Rosa saw what happened and her sense of justice and fairness kicked on. She looked at the coffee and cake in her hands and curse under her breathe ''guess Prosecutor Tim is meant to crucify me today''. With that Rosa took off after the man and the thief.

The thief was quite familiar with the area and ran fast through the corners dodging the obstacles on his way. Carlos Ryan didn't give up either. That was his favourite wallet and he wasn't about to let a random thief take it away from him.

After a long chase, Carlos Ryan finally found the thief who was stranded. He saw the woman from before standing in front of the thief. It seemed she had chased after him too.

Rosa smiled and gave the thief an arrogant expression infuriating him. If Kylie had black belt in taekwondo, then she had not only a black belt in taekwondo but also she learnt tai chi and boxing when she was in the university. It was their uncle who taught them how to fight.

The thief cursed and removed a dagger from his back pocket saying ''if you come near me, I will kill you''.

Carlos Ryan saw the knife and got worried for the woman meanwhile Rosa was busy studying the movements of the thief. He was anxious which meant he was afraid.

''You should put the knife away. I really don't want to beat you. Just hand over the wallet and I will let you go''. Rosa said to the thief. The thief laughed and looked at her.

''Woman, this is not even your wallet. Why you are so bent on taking it? You have chased me for so long till here. Why don't you mind your own business and scram?''

''I don't want to. I am usually the type to mind my own business but strangely today I don't want to''. Rosa replied.

Carlos Ryan looked at the woman curiously. She wasn't scared at all for once. She looked even brave talking back at the thief. He was getting curious about her.

''Assshhh, don't blame me for being ruthless, woman''. The thief said and charged towards Rosa. The place where Rosa stood was a door that led to the next street. As long as the thief was able to go pass her, he would be able to escape.

Rosa looked behind her at the door. She knew what was on the thief's mind and smirk. As the thief rushed towards her, Rosa swiftly turned her body and gave him a high kick landing him down unconscious. The knife fell to one side while the wallet to another side.

Carlos Ryan rushed to the man and took his wallet before saying ''I called the police just now. They will be here soon. Are you hurt in any way?''

''No, I am not. You can handle the rest here, right? I'm about to get roasted by my boss for meddling. That's for the coffee and your shoes''. Rosa said and ran away. Carlos Ryan looked at her and the police soon arrived.

Rosa stood in front of the office holding a cup of coffee and cake. She exhaled in and out bracing herself before going inside. Miss Jane opened the door just then. She was about to go home.

''Miss Jane, are you leaving now?''

''Yes. I have to go and pick up my niece at preschool. But, why are you coming back just now? Prosecutor Tim is angry''.

''I know. I meant some unfortunate incident on the way''.

''Mmm, let me tell you a secret. When you go inside. Whatever he says, don't reply and make sure you flatter him. He likes to be flattered. I have to go. Bye''.

Miss Jane walked away immediately. Rosa looked at her before going in.

''Prosecutor Tim, here is your coffee and cake''. Rosa spoke.

''Prosecutor Ann, I asked you for this how long ago? One would think I asked you to go and dig a grave for me?'' Prosecutor Tim said. Rosa really wanted to laugh at his sarcastic comments because they were really funny but she couldn't.

''Why are you not answering me, Prosecutor Ann? Did I force you to buy me coffee? Were you not the one who offered to get me coffee? Why do I feel like you are intentionally trying to tick me off?''

''I don't care about your grades and performance in school, Prosecutor Ann. But, don't try to act smart with me. I do people like you very well. Why? Because I was just like you. Smart people like you think you can just play with people. But, let me tell you. Don't act smart with me. You still have years of practise to do if you think you can tame me''.

Prosecutor Tim kept talking while Rosa stood at the same spot not saying a word.

''You…you are taking me for a joke right?''

''No, sir. I will never do that''. Rosa answered.

'''Then, why are you not saying anything. I spoke for so long and you didn't even say a word''.

''That is because I was listening to your kind advise Prosecutor Tim. Your words are full of wisdom. I feel that I should learn a lot from you by quietly following your shadow. I just want to be a humble junior that looks up to you''.

Rosa put on her flattery skills and decided to go for the kill. After all, it was all in or nothing.

''Prosecutor Tim, ever since I got here, I have been looking up to you. You have never lost a case before. The whole prosecutors' office sings of your praises. To be able to serve under you is a great honour. you don't know how I brag about you to my peers. They are all jealous of me''

Prosecutor Tim looked up at Rosa. He suddenly felt that she wasn't bad after all. She was able to recognise who was the boss around here. If she had put on this attitude from the beginning, he wouldn't have made things hard for her. It seemed she had learnt her lessons.

''Well, if you had put on this behaviour from the start, I wouldn't have made things difficult for you''

Rosa looked at him. So, he knows he was making things difficult for her?

''I am not an unreasonable person who likes to bully juniors. Now that you know what is right, I will consider taking you under my wing and teach you very well''.

''Yes, prosecutor Tim. It is an honour to work under you''.

''You can go home. Tomorrow, I will be going to the court. You can follow me and learn one of two things there''

''Really? Can I really go?'' Rosa was so elated.

''Yes''. Prosecutor Tim stood up and picked his bag ready to go home.

''Thank you, so much. I will not disappoint you''. Rosa said and humbly bowed down. Prosecutor Tim smiled and went out of the office.

Rosa sang and danced in the office. Had she known all it would take for her to tame this man was flattery then she wouldn't have hesitated to pour all sorts of praises on him. In any case, his view about her just changed.

''Yes. You rock, Rosa Dee Ann!!!''