Case number 5550

Rosa woke up late because it was a weekend and she didn't have much to do anyway. She went into the bathroom and performed her morning routine before going out.

At the hall, as soon as Rosa got there, she saw her mother, Kylie and Scarlet singing birthday songs for her.

''Happy birthday to you''

''Happy birthday to you''

''Happy birthday to you''

Rosa almost forgot today was her birthday. The long awaited birthday had finally arrived.

Gloria George saw that her daughter was retreating backwards instead of coming to them and signalled the others to stop as she went over to Rosa.

''Dear, what is wrong, Rosa?''

Rosa didn't know why. But her body started to react in a way he hadn't in a long time. Her breathe shortened and there was sweat over her body. She was having panic attacks. Rosa's body started shaking as she clutched her teeth falling to the floor.


General emergency ward.

A doctor checked on Rosa before turning to speak to Gloria George and the rest.

''Doctor, how is my baby?'' Gloria George asked worriedly.

''She is fine. She just had a panic attack. But, what happened before that? Did she received a shock or saw something frightening?''. The doctor asked.

''No, today is her birthday. We only just sang birthday songs to her that's all. Will she be okay?'' Scarlet asked.

''Yes, she will be fine. After the drip, you can go home with her''.

''Okay. then, I will go and make the discharge arrangements and pay the bills''. Scarlet said and followed the doctor.

Kylie said down and held Rosa's hand saying to her mother ''mom, do you think sis will be okay? I think she was scared by the songs. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have asked you and second big sis to join me in singing that song''.

''No, is not your fault. You know your sister's situation. She is just scared that's all. Kylie, don't blame yourself. Let's just get over today. After today, everything will be fine again''

''What if something really happens to her? Mom, why is sister's life so pitiful?'' Kylie said and started sobbing.

Rosa could still hear everything because she wasn't asleep. She clutched her fist under the quilt feeling frustrated.


Detective Stuart walked to his desk and the line phone rang. He answered it and a voice spoke to him saying ''they are all dead''.

''Huh? Who is this?'' His voice alarmed the other detectives inside and they turned and looked at him. Stuart put the phone on loudspeaker and gestured for the others to listen.

''I said they are all dead. The girls you are looking for are all dead'.

''Who are you?' Stuart asked.

''That is for you to find out, if you have the guts. I know who killed them and where the bodies are'.

The detectives looked at each other.

''He is a popular actor. You will be surprised by what you will see, trust me''. The line went off.

''Hello, hello. The line went off''

The chief inspector who was also present stood up and spoke.

''Find out about all the popular actors in Blue town. I will go a search warrant''.

''Yes, sir''. The detectives answered and went on to get busy.

Carlos Ryan came out of his apartment ready to go for his morning jog when the police van pulled over in front of him. Detective Stuart got down from the van with the other policemen and walked towards him. There were three golden retrievers behind him as he spoke.

''Carlos Ryan, we have a warrant to search your house''

Carlos Ryan looked at them and chuckled saying 'is this a joke or what? Why do you have a warrant to search my house? What have I done wrong?''

''We have information that linking you to the case of six missing girls in Blue town. Get inside and search everywhere'. Detective Stuart gave orders to the police behind him.

''Wait, wait. I don't know what this is about but I demand that my lawyer be present during the search. Can I call my lawyer?'' Carlos Ryan asked while taking his phone.

''Sure, whatever you want''. Detective Stuart answered. Carlos Ryan looked at them before dialling a number.

After 30 minutes of searching, the police found nothing in Carlos Ryan's apartment. They were now in the hall.

Carlos Ryan looked at his hall that was now like a dumpster. He didn't understand what was going on.

''Is there a basement in this house?'' Detective Stuart asked Carlos Ryan.

''Yes, but, I hardly go there. detective, can you tell me what is going on? Why am I a suspect of killings? Let me tell you, I am a law abiding person''

''Lead us to the basement now. Mr. Ryan''.

''Fine, whatever. This way''


Carlos Ryan led the way to the basement which was underground. They got down to the basement and the golden retrievers started barking furiously. The police let them lose and they ran to the corner of the basement.

There were six bodies of girls all lined up at the corner. They were wearing singlets and underpants only.

Carlos Ryan saw the scene and fell back shocked and frightened as he spoke 'what…what is this?'

The bodies were gruesome and smelly that the police had to cover their noses. Detective Stuart walked to Carlos and spoke''you are under arrest for the kidnapping and murder. You have the right to remain silent''

Carlos Ryan watched as they put the handcuffs on him and pulled him out of the basement.

Outside the apartment, there were already reporters waiting. No one knew how they got the information and gathered there. They rushed towards Carlos Ryan as the police brought him out. The forensics people went inside afterwards to collect the bodies. It was a total chaos in the neighbourhood as people gathered to see what was going on.

''Why did you kill those girls?''

''Did you mask your cruel behaviour by pretending to be an actor?''

''What do the girls do to you?''

Such and more were the questions thrown at Carlos as he walked with the police towards the van. He was confused and didn't know what was going on. Just this morning, he received a prank call wishing him a happy birthday but it wasn't his birthday. He didn't pay much attention to it and changed to go out for his morning jogging only for things to end up this way.

Carlos Ryan looked at the faces of the reporters and other people that he didn't even know as they threw questions at him. The scene from before was still vivid in his head. The bodies of those girls were caved deep in his mind and he grew more frightened just thinking about how things turned out this way.


Carlos Ryan was put in the questioning cell room. Meanwhile there were more and more reporters outside waiting for answers. They were already broadcasting the shocking news on their various platforms. Soon, it became the top searches on the internet. Carlos Ryan's name became the number one search followed by the six girls.

Because of the nature of the case and the fame of Carlos Ryan, everyone in Blue Town got interested in the case. Both the police and the forensic department were pressured to come out with a statement regarding the case at hand.

The chief inspector of the police station and the chief of prosecutors' Mr. Charles Gard were present. They were watching Carlos Ryan from the monitor silently.