Case number 5550. 2

Kylie turned on the television as soon as they got home. Scarlet helped Rosa to her room to rest before returning to the hall. Gloria George also went to the kitchen to prepare some food for the girls.

''Second big sis, come and see something. Big News, look''. Kylie pointed at the TV and Scarlet stood behind her watching. It was the news of Carlos Ryan.

Scarlet snatched the remote and turned on the volume and sat down.

''This morning, popular actor Carlos Ryan was arrested at his home for the kidnapping and murder of six girls. The bodies of the girls were found in his basement by the police'

''What a frightening world. Second big sis, do you think he really did it?'' Kylie asked.

''I don't know, K. I am confused too. He doesn't look like someone who could do such a thing but then again a criminal doesn't wear a plate around telling people he is a criminal''. Scarlet said.

''Right''. Kylie agreed with her.


Benjamin Black entered the questioning cell room where Carlos was detained. He took the first flight to get to Blue Town fast as soon as he heard what happened.

When he entered the room and Carlos saw him, he sighed and sat across him asking 'what is going on Carl?'

'Ben, my mind is blank. I don't know what is going on. I don't even know why I am here. Those bodies, I don't know how they got into my apartment. I am innocent'. Carlos said.

It had just been a few hours since his arrest but it felt like a few years had already passed for him. The police locked him up in the questioning room and left him there because he refused to speak without his lawyer.

Outside the police chief and other detectives watched the monitor listening in on the discussion between Carlos and his lawyer.

''I understand. Carlos, I need you to tell me what you have been up to in the last one week. I just came from the forensic department. I heard those girls have been dead for a week now. They were all girls who belonged to your fan club. The police have already concluded the case to be a serial killing case and you are about to become a serial killer''

''After concluding the final filming and the fan signing event last week, I decided to cancel all my schedules and rest. I asked my manager and assistant to also take the week off and rest. I didn't go anywhere in the last week except for times I went out for coffee at muse café. You can check the CCTV at my house. I am innocent, Benjamin''

''I know you are innocent. Don't worry, right now I will work things out and see if I can get you a bail out while investigations are underway'.

Detective Stuart entered the cell room and spoke 'now that your lawyer is around. Do you want to confess to your crimes?''

''I told you I am innocent''. Carlos screamed at Stuart.

''Detective, my client has the right to his speech. I can sue you to forcing a confession on him''. Benjamin Black said.

''The case has already been forwarded to the prosecutors' office. He will soon be transferred there to answer questions. I suggest he confesses fast. The evidence is already there; what else do we need?''

''If you do anything unlawful to my client I will see you in court, detective. Carl, I will be back soon'

Carlos nodded his head and watched Benjamin leave the room.

''Why did you do that to those girls?' Stuart asked now that they were alone. 'Just a few days ago, one of those girls' mother came here crying. Another one's brother also came here'

''Am I supposed to answer that? Well, I don't have an answer to give because I did not kill them. I don't even know anything about those girls. Why would I kill them?'' Carlos asked back.

''You have already concluded that I am the killer simply because you found those bodies at my apartment. Did you see me killing them? Sometimes I wonder how you the police do your job? I have acted as a policeman before and I know some basic rights too. I will never plead guilty to a crime I know nothing about. You found evidence? Those bodies in my apartment? Fine. Go ahead and tell the world that I am the criminal and let everyone hate on me then. But, detective, let me tell you something. Those girls that were killed would be dying in vain because the real killer is out there while you people are holding an innocent person for it''. Carlos said and closed his eyes.

Things were getting clearer to him now. He realised he was now not just a suspect but a criminal. A serial killer at that.

Detective Stuart said nothing and opened the door leading Carlos out of the questioning room.


It was in the night that Rosa finally woke up after sleeping for the whole day. No one mentioned or talked about the birthday anymore. Gloria George prepared a simple meal that they ate together and gathered around the hall to watch a movie.

Rosa sat down and watched how everyone walked on eggshells around her and sighed. She turned to face them saying ''do you people have to walk on eggshells around me? Why is everyone behaving this way?''

''Roa, we just feel bad that's all''. Scarlet said.

''You people did nothing wrong. I was the one who overreacted. But, I am fine now and I hate the way you people are acting around me. K, this is not your fault. Don't get any wild ideas and blame yourself. Mom, this is not your fault and you, Scar, this is not your fault. I am happy that you people did something for me on my birthday and even though it didn't turn out well I am still grateful. To be able to get past today without any worries is enough for me. how about this? Tomorrow Sunday we will go out and play?' Rosa said.

''I'm in'' said Kylie.

''I am also in'' said Scarlet.

''Mom is always in''. Gloria George said.

''Good, then we will go and watch a movie at the theatre tomorrow. That your favourite actor. What was his name again? Carlos Ryan. Did I tell you that I met him a few days ago? We can watch his movie tomorrow''

''Big sis, haven't you heard? Carlos Ryan was arrested this morning for a serial killing case. He is at the police station''. Kylie said.

''Huh? What case is she talking about, Scarlet?'' Rosa turned to Scarlet. Scarlet hadn't wanted to tell her about it because she wasn't feeling well.

''It is just as K said. Even I too don't know the details. I called someone and heard his case will be forwarded to prosecutors' office on Monday. He was arrested this morning for the murder of six girls. According to the news those girls were missing already and their bodies were found at Carlos Ryan's apartment this morning. The situation is really out of control. The internet, everyone is cursing at him'.

''Missing girls?'' Rosa thought about the case file she saw the last time at the office. ''Were the girls around 17 and 18 years?''

''Yes, how did you know?'' Scarlet asked and both Kylie and Gloria George turned to look at Rosa.

''The day I went to the police station because of K. The detective in-charge asked me to look into it but I rejected him because Prosecutor Tim was handling it''

''Rosa, stay away from that case. I have a bad feeling about it''. Gloria George said.

''Don't worry, mom. Prosecutor Tim will never give that kind of case to me. That man likes such cases as this that can guarantee him a quick promotion. He will never let me go near it''

'That's good'.

''But, when I saw him. He didn't look like someone who could harm anyone? He was afraid of a common thief'' Rosa murmured to herself.

''What will happen to him now? His career is gone just like that''. Kylie added.

Back at the police station.

The family of the victims all came around and waited outside the station. The rushed towards Carlos Ryan the moment they saw him been brought out. They wanted to tear him apart. Jung Lee, whose sister was one of the victims walked to Carlos and spoke to him.

''You, psychopath. You killed my sister. I will make sure you rot in jail''

Carlos Ryan looked at him and said nothing. the police pulled him away.