Case number 5550. 3

''Huh? You want me to do what?'' Rosa asked Prosecutor Tim sceptically. They just returned from a court hearing case. The same one Prosecutor Tim asked her to go with him and witness.

Prosecutor Tim had won the case and was quiet happy with himself so when they got to the office he wanted to be more generous and hand over a case to Rosa to see how she handled it.

''Prosecutor Ann, what kind of attitude is that?'' Prosecutor Tim asked. He just told her right now that the chief prosecutor had given him a case and he decided to be a good senior by handing it over to her but her response wasn't something he had expected.

''Sorry, sir but, I don't think I am following you''. Rosa said again.

''I said you will be in charge of the 'singlet case' that involved that famous actor''.

Rosa heaved miserably feeling her breath leave her as soon as she heard it. Prosecutor Tim looked up at her and saw that her face had turned pale and asked worriedly.

''Prosecutor Ann, what is wrong with you today? Are you sick?''

Investigator Hanson and Miss Jane also looked up from their desks at Rosa. Rosa's body was shaking and she looked frightened. Investigator Hanson got up from his desk and went to hold Rosa's hand saying ''Prosecutor Ann, are you alright? Why don't you sit down for a while? You don't look too good?''

''I want to be left alone, please excuse me'. Rosa said and ran out of the office. The others were confused.

''Mr. Hanson, did I do something wrong?'' Prosecutor Tim asked quite confused.

''You didn't do anything wrong. Maybe Prosecutor Ann is just shocked that you will give such a case to her. This will be hr first case after all since she came here''

''Is that so? Well, you are right. She probably didn't think I would be so generous to her, right? She must be quite flustered''. Prosecutor Tim said proudly. ''This is why I don't like to be generous. Look at how she reacted?''

Investigator Hanson and Miss Jane looked at each other and shook their hands before going back to their work.

Madam Joan opened her door after hearing the knock and saw Rosa at the door. She quickly gestured for her to come in and closed the door. Madam Joan lived at the most remote part of Blue town. She was a medium between the spirits and the human race. Most people referred to her as a shaman.

Rosa has known Madam Joan since she was 15 years old. Everything she had predicted about Rosa always came to past. She was the same person that Gloria George visited often and got the amulet for Rosa the day she started her work at the prosecutor's office.

Madam Joan offered Rosa a cup of tea and Rosa took it as she sat on the floor cross-legged in front of Madam Joan. Rosa sipped the tea quietly without saying a word and Madam Joan watched her.

After sipping all the tea, Rosa felt dizzy and soon fell asleep. Madam Joan put a pillow under her head and watched the girl as she slept. Madam Joan went back to her secret room to communicate with the spirits allowing Rosa to get some sleep. She reckoned she must have walked from the town to her place because Rosa's foot was all dirty and she looked haggard.

After sleeping for an hour, Rosa woke up and entered the secret room that Madam Joan was in. Since Rosa wasn't a stranger, she didn't need permission before distracting Madam Joan. Rosa sat facing Madam Joan's back and watched her as she communicated with the spirits.

''Did you get a good rest?' Madam Joan asked and turned to face Rosa.

''Yes, thanks to you'. Rosa replied and added 'Is there really no way for me to get rid of whatever halo that is shadowing my life? Why is living becoming harder, Madam Joan?''

''You survived your birthday. Whatever that will come next I already destined, Rosa. You can't fight against what was written''

''I really want to die, Madam Joan''

''Don't speak about death in front of the spirits, Rosa. Is bad omen''

''I met someone two weeks ago and she told me to stay away from my first case. But, I was given a case by my superior today. Do I do it or not?''

''Rosa, what you can't avoid, you face it head-on. What you can avoid, you prevent it from happening. Is it something you can or can't avoid?''

''I don't know. I don't know anything anymore''

''Child, listen to your heart and make the right judgment. What I know is that, you will be able to overcome whatever pain that you are going through. You are such a bright kid but why is there such a dark shadow covering your star? The spirits have refused to answer me concerning you. So, all I can say is that, this is your battle, Rosa''

''Then, I am doomed already, right? This case is going to be the beginning of my doom and there is no stopping it, right? Somehow, I will end up taking this case''

''Rosa, don't be too hard on yourself''

''Madam Joan, don't you have anything that could make me sick for a week or two? Something that is very strong? I don't mind going through pain''

''I can't do that for you and you know it''

''Right. The grim ripper will come for your life in you intervene with human live. Then I should just sit back and watch how my life will be made miserable. Tell the spirits or whatever they are that if they are really alive, then they should stop fucking my life up. Or else I might just decide to end it all'' Rosa said and got up to leave.

''Don't do anything rashly, kid'' Rosa chuckled pathetically and went out.


Back at the Prosecutors' office.

''You will not do what?'' Prosecutor Tim asked.

''Sir, I said I will not accept the case. I don't have confidence in myself'. Rosa said in a straight tone. Investigator Hanson and Miss Jane looked up from their desk at her.

''Hey, after leaving your post for two hours, you come back and dared to tell me that you will not accept the case that I am assigning to you? And what? You don't have confidence? Do you see me as a joke? Do you know how many prosecutors' have their eyes on this case? Not only that, the whole town is interested in this case. Prosecutor Ann, I thought you wanted to learn from me?''

''I am sorry, sir. I will take any other case but not this one'' Rosa insisted.

''Hey, were you always this arrogant? You even want to choose the kind of cases that you want? Okay, why don't you take my position now? Since you are so capable''. Prosecutor Tim said angrily. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. After fighting for the case and bringing it to their office, he decided to be a good senior and hand it over to his junior only to be humiliated by her? What would the others think if they were to find out?'

''Prosecutor Tim, let me speak with Prosecutor Ann first. Prosecutor Ann, come with me'' Investigator Hanson said and pulled Rosa out of the office.


At the rooftop of the building.

Investigator Hanson walked to Rosa with a sup of instant coffee and gave it to her before sitting a distant by her side.

''Thank you''

''Why don't you want to take the case, Rosa? Can I call you Rosa?''

''Yes, you can, Mr. Hanson''

''Can you tell me? Is there a reason why you don't want to take on that case? Or is it because the who town is interested in the case?''

''Is not that, Mr. Hanson. Is just that, that case doesn't suit me. I feel that I might not do a good job with and disappoint everyone''

''Really? Then, you don't have to worry about that. You have me. I have 20 years of experience in criminal investigations. I can help you''.

''I know, but, the whole thing is not clear to me, Mr. Hanson. Would you believe me if I told you that this case was going to be my doom?''

''How? I don't understand?''

''Is a long story. To cut it short, I don't think I can handle this case''

''Have you made up your mind about it? You will forever be blacklisted by Prosecutor Tim because of this case. You have finally been able to make him like you. Are you going to throw all that effort away?''

Rosa didn't reply but ran her hand through her hair feeling frustrated and confused.