Case number 5550 .4

''I will take the case'' Rosa said as soon as she got into the office with investigator Hanson. Even investigator Hanson was surprised because she insisted on not taking the case when they were outside just now.

Prosecutor Tim closed the case file in his hands and looked at Rosa. He shifted his spectacles a bit before saying ''do you have bipolar disorder?''

''No, sir. I have reflected on myself and I was in the wrong. I apologise for my rude behaviour before''

''This is the right attitude you should have. But, you really need to work on that attitude. I am a man with good sense of judgement and fairness but I am also strict. Don't disappoint me, Prosecutor Ann''

''I won't. I will work hard at the case and make sure I make decisions that will make everyone satisfied''

''Miss Jane will hand over the files to you. You can summon the suspect for questioning. Investigator Hanson will assist you in any way possible''

''Thank you, Prosecutor Tim. I will work hard''. Rosa said and turned towards her desk cussing herself internally. In the end, she still took the case.

Clark, clark. The cutlery of the three people in front of Rosa dropped to the table as they all turned and looked at her speechlessly. Rosa sipped a glass of water and kept eating her food.

'Big news. Sis, you took the case that mom asked you not to?' Kylie was the first to speak.

'When did this happen. Why wasn't I aware of this, Roa?' Scarlet asked.

'Stop asking my questions already. Why delay something I can't avoid. Madam Joan told me I would end up taking the case whether I liked it or not. I guess she was right. Don't worry too much. I will try my best to reverse the situation'. Rosa said and looked at her mother. She was still quiet.

'Eat and stop making noise at the table. Don't you know that food is king?' Gloria George spoke in an angry tone and went back to eating her food. The girls kept silent and continued to eat their food.

Later that night.

Rosa came out of her room and saw her mother removing laundry from their balcony line and she walked to her. Rosa hugged her mother from behind and spoke ''Mommy's back is still the best''

Gloria George ignored her and kept removing the clothes from the line.

''I missed your hugs, mom. Won't you give me a hug, mm?'' Rosa said hugging Gloria George tightly.

''Miss, who are you? Do I know you?' Gloria George asked.


''What? Why? Do you know that you have a mother?''

'I'm sorry, mom. I'm really scared mother. Won't you give me a hug and tell me everything will be alright?'

Gloria George looked at Rosa with sad eyes. She pulled Rosa into her embrace and hugged her.

'Are you alright? It must have been hard on you?' Gloria George said.

''Not hard at all, mom. Because I have you and K, and Scarlet with me. I was scared but, now that I am in your arms I feel safe. I'm energised, mom''

''Silly girl. I was worried for nothing then?'

''Mom, did you know already? That I will end up accepting the case?'' Rosa looked at her mother's face.

''I knew it. Madam Joan called me when you left her place. She told me what happened. It was then I knew that you were going to end up taking that case. Rosa, you have to promise me something''

''Tell me''

''You will do everything possible to win this case''

''I promise you, mom''

Rosa stayed in her mother's embrace for some time before they went inside to rest for the night.




Rosa stood at the door of the questioning room feeling nervous. Her hands were trembling while she held unto the case file. She knew that a lot of people were interested in this case and the weight it put on her.

Rosa exhaled in and out before pushing the door entering inside the holding ceil.

It was like time had stopped for her the moment she saw Carlos Ryan's face. Rosa wasn't the only one who felt that same because the moment Carlos Ryan saw her, he recognised her immediately and looked at her, meeting her gaze.

Rosa came back to her senses after seeing the camera blinking at the corner of the roof. It meant that the chief prosecutor and other prosecutors were watching her from the monitor.

Rosa looked away and sat across Carlos Ryan. Carlos Ryan kept looking at Rosa without blinking and asked.

''Is you, right? The girl from the other day?''

''Mr. Ryan, you are here for the kidnapping and murder of six girls. I have some questions to ask you'' Rosa ignored him and asked him her questions instead.

''This is really a surprise. I never peeked you to be a prosecutor? This is really a small world''. Carlos Ryan said.

''Mr. Ryan, first, I am not a girl. Second, I am not here to chat with you. I suggest you put on a politer behaviour and answer my questions without beating around the bush or changing the topic. Am I clear?'' Rosa finished and looked at him coldly.

Carlos Ryan looked at her and felt that she was very cold towards him. That day they bumped into each other, she acted like a free and liberal person.

''Am I clear, Mr. Ryan?'' Rosa repeated herself and Carlos Ryan nodded his head.

''Yes, Ma'am'.

''Good. Now, tell me. Mr. Ryan, where were you on the 12-21st of August, 2015?'' Rosa asked.

''Do you want me to tell you everything I did from the 12-21st of August? Everything?'' Carlos asked.

''Yes, everything. Don't leave anything out''

''On the 12th I finished filming for the movie 'Gullible' and went home afterwards. I was so tired that I didn't even bath before going to bed. You can check the CCTV cameras at my home. On the 13th I went for a photoshoot for 'Empire Cosmetics'. It lasted for about four hours. We closed at almost 11:00PM and my driver dropped me off at home. as usual, because I was worn-out I didn't wash up before going to bed. On the 14th I didn't have anything going on so I decided to take a week off and rest''

''I asked my manager and assistant and the driver to also take the week off and rest. I didn't plan to go anywhere so I didn't really need a car. All my personal cars are still parked at the garage. I haven't used a car for the last two months.

On the 15th, I was bored at home after my usual jogging so I decided to go to the theatre to watch a movie that was screening privately. I still have the tickets at home. I went home afterwards and ate a light meal I made myself before washing up and going to bed.

''The 16th I didn't do anything and I didn't go out of my apartment. I ordered a delivery and ate at home''

''On the 17th, it was the same routine for me until evening time that I went out for jogging. After my jogging I went to muse café for a cup of coffee where I bumped into this lady who was all touchy with me and…''

''I didn't touch you intentionally, okay?'' Rosa banged her fist on the table and looked at him. She bit her lips after realising they were being watched.


''Okay. So, after getting my coffee I went out and my wallet was snatched by a thief and I gave chase. After a long chase, I finally caught the thief with the help of the lady I bumped into at the café. At first I thought she was my fan but after catching the thief, she left without asking for my name or autograph''

''On the 18th, I went out bowling with some artistes at my agency and we went back home late at night. On the 19th, I went back to the café and sat there for five hours hoping to see the woman I bumped into but she never came so I went back home and slept. I like sleeping a lot because there is nothing much to do apart from that''

''And on the 20th, I went to my parents' graveyard to visit them with some flowers I bought at 'Pretty Flowers'. I bought babies breathe because they were my parents' favourite and went to visit them. I spent about six hours there before I went to the Youg River to drink. I bought beer went there to drink alone. The next day I was arrested and charged with murder. Miss Prosecutor, I am innocent''

Carlos Ryan concluded his speech and looked at Rosa.