The evidence against him


Rosa walked to the rooftop with Scarlet. They found a place and sat to drink their coffee and chat.

''What was that about inside? Did you meet Carlos Ryan before today?'' Scarlet asked.

''No, I did not''. Rosa answered annoyingly. ''I just met him some few days ago when I went to get Prosecutor Tim a cup of coffee at Muse café. It was accidental. I wouldn't have even known he was Carlos Ryan if you hadn't told me about him that time. That man is seriously sick. I can't believe he said that inside. He must have done that on purpose''

''Whether he did that on purpose or not, you have to be careful. Everyone heard him when he said you two met at the café. It won't be good if rumours of you knowing the suspect starts going round''

''I know. That is why I'm going to put him in his place when I go after the recess. Is he sick or what? I bet that is why everyone was looking at me when I came out. They must think I have something going on with him now''

''Just be careful. And make sure to explain to the chief prosecutor to clear any misunderstanding he might have after hearing that''

''Sure, I will''


Rosa opened the door and walked inside the ceil once again to continue with the questioning. She sat across Carlos Ryan and started questioning him.

''Mr. Ryan, why did you kidnap those girls?''

''I did not kidnap anyone neither did I kill someone. Madam Prosecutor, I am innocent. I don't even know those girls. Why would I kill them? I have no motive for doing that''

''You won't confess until I make things difficult for you, right? If you didn't kidnap them? If you didn't kill them? Then, what were their bodies doing in your apartment? Did they fly there?''

''How they got to my apartment is for you and the police to find out. I only know that I was framed. All of this doesn't make sense, don't you also think so, madam Prosecutor? The police claimed they got an anonymous informant who told them that the girls were at my apartment and that I am the one who killed them. Isn't the whole situation even suspicious? Who is that informant? How did he know about those girls? Is clear that someone is trying to put all this on me. I have already told the police this and I will tell you again. I am innocent. I did not kill those girls and I won't confess guilty to a crime I did not commit''

Rosa looked up and met with Carlos' gaze for the first time since she entered the ceil. They both looked at each other silently before Rosa looked away and asked again.

''Mr. Ryan, do you have a fetish for singlets and underpants? You dressed those girls in singlets and underpants only. Are you a pervert?''

''You haven't been listening to anything I said, right? Fetish, pervert? Right. You can say that about the killer, but I am not the killer''

''If you are not the killer, then tell us how those bodies got into your apartment. Tell us and the whole nation how those girls died?''

''First of all. Can you stop looking at me with those eyes?''


''Your eyes. They are going to betray you, madam Prosecutor''

''How dare you talk back at me?''

''I don't about anything else but I know I am innocent until proven guilty by the supreme court. And I also know one thing. People's gazes never lie. You don't believe I killed those girls, right?'

''What makes you think so?'

''Call it crazy instincts but my gut feeling never betrays me. You know it. That I didn't kill those girls'.

''I don't know what you are talking about. It seems you don't intend to say anything so I will see you in court in a week's time. I hope by then, with all the evidence against you, you won't still say useless things like you are innocent. I believe you? I'm sorry but I don't believe even myself. Right now, you are a suspect. A serial killing suspect and it is my duty as a public servant to put scum like you locked away from society. Your gut feeling? Don't delude yourself''

Rosa said and left the ceil. Carlos screamed alone in the ceil 'I am innocent. I am innocent.


Rosa heaved a sigh of relief and leaned on the door nervously. She had used up all the courage in her to speak to Carlos just now. Now that she was out, her legs gave way and she leaned against the door for support.

The chief prosecutor and other prosecutors walked out of the monitoring room and saw Rosa leaning by the door.

''Hey, Prosecutor Ann, I didn't know you had that in you? You were great inside there''. Prosecutor Tim was the first to speak. Rosa turned and straightened up when she saw them. She bowed and greeted the chief prosecutor and the others with him. The chief prosecutor smiled and said to her.

''Prosecutor Ann, you did well. Make sure you find the evidence and put him behind bars. The whole town is interested in this case. You know that, right?''.

''Yes, chief''. Rosa responded and watched the senior prosecutors all smile at her before going away. Investigator Hanson walked to Rosa and asked.

''Rosa, where do you want us to go next?''

''The police station first''


District Police Station.

At the police station, detective Stuart handed over some pictures the report from the forensic department to Rosa and Investigator Hanson. Rosa took the pictures and looked at them a she spoke.

''Did you take these pictures on the crime scene?''

''Yes. But, these two pictures were already on the floor of the crime scene. Prosecutor Ann, there is something fishy about this case. Carlos kept denying that he is the killer. Also, I looked at the report from the forensic department. The bodies didn't have his finger prints. Except for the fact that those bodies were found in his apartment, nothing else shows that he killed those girls''

Rosa and investigator Hanson looked at each other.

''If his finger prints weren't on the girls. Then, whose fingerprints did you find?' Rosa asked as she opened her notepad to jot a few things down.

''No one's. they didn't find any fingerprints at all''. Detective Stuart said.

''They didn't find any fingerprints at all? It means it did a clean job then. Thank you, Detective Stuart. I will give you a call if I have further questions''

''Sure''. Detective Stuart turned to go and Rosa remembered something.

''Wait. About the informant. Do you have any information about him? I would like to meet with the person if you don't mind?'' Rosa told him.

''That, I don't know much about him. He never called again after that day he gave the information about the case. I tried getting through to him but he used a burner phone and because he called through the office's landline, we couldn't trace him''

''Okay, thank you''

Rosa and investigator Hanson looked at each other after detective Stuart went inside.

''What do you think, Mr. Hanson?'' Rosa asked and folded her arms.

''I think we have a very tricky case at hand. We can't make any judgements until we are able to find something concrete. The information given by the anonymous informant could be dismissible in court since he is not around to verify and make a statement. The fingerprints didn't have Carlos Ryan's prints on them. If he had a good lawyer, he will be able to get away with it. But, if we want to look at it in two ways, is like this. He is either guilty or not. If he is really the killer yet the prosecutor doesn't find concrete evidence against him then it means that we are letting a serial killer off and he might kill more people again. If he is the killer, and was able to clean after himself so nicely like what we are thinking, then he is not your average killer but a psychopath. But, if he is not the killer and we still find evidence thereby putting him in jail, then we are letting the actual killer off and keeping an innocent man in prison''

Rosa massaged her forehead and said ''why is it so hard to crack a single case? I feel that my head is about to explored from all that thinking''

''I know, right? But, you are a smart person, Rosa. I know you will make the right judgment. let's go and get something to eat before we go to the apartment''
