The evidence against him 2

Blue Town Forensics Department.


Rosa and investigator Hanson followed the doctor in charge of the case to the morgue where the bodies of the girls were kept after the autopsy was done. He handed them a file as he explained the details of the autopsy to them using one of the bodies as reference.

''First, the killer used a surgical scalpel to cut through the neck of the victims, he created a fine line along the neck in the shape of a necklace. The cut was smooth and deep but not deep enough to take the victims' life away that fast''

''Clearly, he wanted to torture them before finally killing them'' Rosa added.

''You're right. I asked our criminal profiler in the office to study the case and she came out with this analysis about the case. The details are in the file I just gave you. According to her study, she said the criminal is likely in the medical field or a butcher who is skilled with knives. From the wrist cut here, it is also a finely cut one. He only stopped at the veins to prevent excessive breeding and quick death. His motive wasn't to give them a fast kill but a slow death because the autopsy that we got after the examination shows that those girls all died an hour before their bodies were found.

The lines around their waist was also made using the same scalpel. Now, if you want to connect the various lines that he made, this number could be found''. The doctor took the file and opened to a series of numbers and showed to Rosa and investigator Hanson.

''2081995/25? What does that numbers mean, doctor?'' Rosa asked.

''Is a date. 20th August, 1995. Each number was found on the bodies of the victims. It was like he was preparing them for something. Our profiler said you can try looking for people whose births were on 20th August, 1995. It will help in knowing his motives in case there is a special reason for him killing those girls. She also added that the killer's intent could be to present those bodies as a gift to someone whose birthday fell on that day''

Rosa felt the chills after listening to the doctor.

''Prosecutor Ann, this case isn't a simple one. We are dealing with a dangerous killer in our hands'' The doctor added.

''I know. Thank you, doctor. I will study the file and give you a call if I have any questions later on'' Rosa said and went out with investigator Hanson.


The scene of a serial crime is undoubtedly the visual mirror of the killer's mind. For this is essential to reconstruct the personality of the offender to be able to prevent further homicidal actions and to attempt a quick capture.

For this very reason, Rosa dedicated all her energy and time, patiently at the moment studying the crime scene to know the mind of the killer. She took criminal profiling courses during her vacations and right now she felt it was coming in handy.

Rosa sighed putting her arms on her waist as she looked at the blood splatted on the floor. They were in the basement of Carlos Ryan's apartment.

''Mr. Hanson, isn't it strange? The blood splatted on the ground is too small to belong to those six girls. No matter how hard I think about it, I still don't understand''

''Those girls died before they were brought here that is why there wasn't any sign of force or coercion used. The blood only splatted at where the bodies were laid. It means he either cleaned the blood thoroughly with a solution or he carried them inside here using something'' Mr. Hanson said.

''But, where exactly did he kill them? We need to find out where he did the killing first for every other thing to fall in place'' Rosa massaged her forehead and yawned tiredly.

For every criminal, first the serial killer, expresses his behavioural inclinations during the execution of the crime during the first killing which shows his motives and intent.

''I read Carlos Ryan's profile and there was nothing strange about him. He had normal parents and grew up in a loving family. He doesn't have a psychological or psychiatrically disorder or problem. Everything about him is normal'' Rosa said as she compared the pictures in her hands to the crime scene once again.

''Usually, that is the mistake people often make. People associate serial killing to people with mental disorders but the truth is. These people who commit such homicides are often normal people living among us. They come from normal families, have normal lives, ordinary unsuspecting jobs and loving families. Is a myth to think that serial killers are insane or evil geniuses. As a group, serial killers suffer from a variety of personality disorders, including psychopathy, anti-social personality and others. Most however are not adjudicated as insane under the law' investigator Hanson added.

''Then, based on your experience, Mr. Hanson. Do you think Carlos Ryan is the killer or just a cover up that the killer used to deceive the public, the police and even the prosecutors' office?'' Rosa asked.

''That is a difficult question, Rosa. But, until we find more concrete evidence that points to him apart from the fact that those bodies were found in his home, then, we will be losing the case. Losing the case means that the prosecutor involved could risk losing her licence and getting the shorter end of the deal. She will become the public enemy that set a homicide criminal free and her competence and integrity will all be questioned''.

''Are you telling me to prepare for all that or what? I know this case was a lost one even before I took it. but, right now. It is either my job or Carlos Ryan and I choose my job every time. I won't risk my job just to save anyone's ass''. Rosa walked to a corner and looked at the ceiling after saying that.

''Do you mean, even if you find evidence that shows Carlos Ryan isn't the killer, you will throw it all away and indict him?'' Investigator Hanson asked as he scrolled through his phone.

''Yes. I am going to go against my own conscience. You just told me what will happen to me if I lose this case. Do you think I am that stupid to choose another man's freedom over my job and become everyone's enemy?'' Rosa walked to the door adding ''You go and check the living room and see if we can find something. I want to study this place some more''.

''Okay, but don't keep long. This place doesn't feel right''. Investigator Hanson said before going up the stairs leading to the living room.

''Don't worry, nothing will happen here. We are the only ones here, remember?' Rosa said and turned away as investigator Hanson left.

Rosa spread the pictures taken at the crime scene and the ones taken after and before the autopsy on the floor and sat down to examine them.

''Let's see what your motives were, you perverted psychopath''. Rosa knelt down and started sorting the pictures out. She arranged them according to the numbers that were written and opened her notepad.

''I am going to find your motive and make sure you are kept far away from the society''

The lights in the basement suddenly went off startling Rosa. It was now dark and she couldn't see anything. Rosa was somewhat scared of the dark, so she fumbled trying to find her coat pocket and finally removed her phone. She sighed a relief and turned on the light and realised that she wasn't alone in the one.

A voice chuckled in the dark.

Rosa felt goosebumps and turned pointing the light towards the dark corner that the voice came from.

''Who is there? Who are you?''

''I heard you are a smart person. Why don't you find me instead? after all, I did kill those girls as a birthday present for you''. The voice spoke again.

Rosa's hands trembled and she calmed herself down and spoke ''you are the killer, right?'

''Yes, and I did all that because of you, my love. How is my present? Do you like it? Are you satisfied with it? Or do you need one more?'' the voice said.

''You, psychopath. How dare you kill people and put it on me? I don't even know you. Do I like it? No, I am disgusted by it and I am going to catch you and make sure you rot in jail''

''Before that, you should find evidence that starts otherwise. I did the killing but another person is going to pay for it and is all because of you my love''

''Shut up''

Rosa finished and ran towards the corner where the voice came from. The man smiled and turned running away.