Trial 4

Rosa took the envelope and tore it. She removed the paper and read what was inside. Rosa bit her lips hard and blood oozed out.

''Roa, what is it? You have blood on your lips''.

''Scar, settle my discharge quickly. Did you bring your car?''

''Yes, I did. What is it?''

''Settle the discharge quickly and send me to the airport. I will wait for you outside''. Rosa finished and removed the VI connected to her hand and took her bag and went out. Scarlet sighed and did as she ordered.


''Can you tell me what is going on, Roa?' Scarlet was now driving them towards Blue Town Airlines.

''Scar, later on. I have no time to explain everything to you. all I can say is that. Carlos Ryan is innocent and Ambrose Garcia knows the killer''.

''What? How did you know that?'' Scarlet asked.

''He saved me from the killer today. I am sure I almost died in the killer's hands because I provoked him but, Ambrose Garcia saved me. I don't know how he did but that was the reason why I fainted and was brought to the hospital. Before that, at his house, he told me a lot of things. I really can't go into details but I need to catch up with Ambrose Garcia right now so drive faster or we will lose him''.



Rosa ran into the airport searching everywhere for Garcia. She searched through the check-in line and the guest rest lounge but found nothing. She met Scarlet at the stairs of the airport entrance. They were both breathing exhaustedly and were tired.

''I didn't find him, Roa''.

''Me too''.

''Could he have boarded the plane already?'' Scarlet said.

''No. I asked and they said the plane hadn't taken off yet. He must still be here?''

''Or maybe at his apartment. We didn't check his apartment''. Scarlet said.

''Yes, you are right. let's go there''. Rosa turned to go.

''Wait. If the killer tried to kill you at his apartment, then is dangerous to go alone without backup. Let's call the police and get a search warrant first. It will be illegal to search his house without his permission''.

''This is Breaking News. The secretary to the minister of Justice who visited Blue Town to watch over the singlet case was found dead this morning at his apartment around 11:30 AM'.

Rosa and Scarlet turned and looked at the giant flat screen TV hanging at the airport lobby with shocked expressions. They looked at each other and ran out of the airport to the car park.



Scarlet barely pulled over and Rosa got down and ran towards the entrance of the apartment. She was blocked by the police. Rosa removed her ID card and showed it to the police before they allowed her inside. She was just at the door when it opened and the forensics walked out with the body. She stretched her hand and gestured at them to stop saying 'stop. Can I look at that?'

Detective Stuart came out and saw Rosa and spoke 'Prosecutor Ann, you are here. I was actually going to call you'.

''Call me? For what?'' Rosa asked suspiciously.

''You were the last person to be seen with him this morning before he passed away. We will need you for questioning at the station''. Stuart said.

''Am I a suspect now?'' Rosa asked.

''No, a witness maybe. We just need you to tell us what happened. We checked the CCTV and saw that he was with you this morning between the hours of 8:30AM to 10:45AM before you two left in his car. But the recordings after that time has been erased. We are still checking to find out if there was something else''.

''Can I ask what killed him?'' Rosa asked and followed detective Stuart with the forensics people towards the ambulance. Rosa gestured at Scarlet to join them and she did.

''Detective Stuart, this is my friend Prosecutor Scarlet''.



The two greeted each other before the discussions became heated again.

''We received his call 20 minutes ago about his life been in danger and we rushed here only to find him dead already. He was forced to drink hydrochloric acid. But, we will find out more after the autopsy comes out. The body is already disfigured so the forensics said they will try their best to figure out what happened to him before he died. Say, who did he have a grudge with to be put through this kind of death?''

Rosa and Scarlet looked at each other silently.

''The world is a scary place. We are still yet to go to trial for the 'singlet case and now a special aid to the minister of justice is dead. Prosecutor Ann, are you free to go to the station with me for questioning?''

''Sure, let's go. We will be right behind you in our car''. Rosa told him.




Rosa and Scarlet walked out of the station. They turned towards the prosecutor's office building and chatted as they walked.

''This is all too much for my brain to process Roa. Let's say he was killed because he saved you? but, why? If the killer knows you that well then…aye, aye, my head is aching already''.

''Don't think too much about it. I will investigate into this matter as soon as I am done with the trial'' Rosa said.

''So, what is going to be your decision now?'' Scarlet asked.

''I don't know, Scar. I really don't know anymore. Everything just happened so fast that I don't know what to think anymore''.

''Prosecutor Ann?' Benjamin Black walked to them and spoke.

The two ladies looked up and saw him.

''Lawyer Black?'' Rosa asked.

''Yes, I a Benjamin Black. Carlos Ryan's lawyer. I have tried to schedule a meeting with you for the past week but you were indisposed''.

''I'm sorry about that. I've just been busy lately. Let's go inside and talk''.

''Roa, I will leave you two to talk. I need to visit a victim at the hospital. I totally forgot about it''. Scarlet said and kissed Rosa's cheek before going. Benjamin Black looked at Scarlet interestingly.

''Let's go inside''. Rosa said and led the way.

They were unaware of the cameraman hiding behind the wall taking their pictures. He took a lot of shots of them as they walked inside the prosecutors' floor.