Discovery before the trial

''Excuse me? What did you just say?'' Rosa couldn't believe what she was hearing at the moment. She was with the lawyer of Carlos Ryan and they were in the office alone. Everyone had gone for lunch so they were alone.

''Wait. Why would he want me to do that? And you are his lawyer. Are you not supposed to be pleading for his innocence? Why does he want to suddenly plead guilty when he had been singing the same song for the past two weeks? It doesn't make sense that he wants to confess to a crime just a day…no hours before the trial. Can you tell me what exactly is going on, Lawyer Black?'

''Prosecutor Ann, I am just relaying the information to you and even though I know the reason for that abrupt decision I can't tell you because it is not in my place to say. Carlos Ryan would like to meet you. He said there is something important he needs to tell you himself''. Benjamin Black said.

''Carlos Ryan wants to see me? We have just some hours before the trial. What exactly is going on?'' Rosa was beyond confused and flustered. A lot of things had happened in just a short time.

Prosecutor Tim and investigator Hanson opened the door and entered the office and saw them. Prosecutor Tim looked at Benjamin Black up and down before turning to Rosa.

''Prosecutor Ann, is just a few hours before the trial. Don't you know you are not supposed to meet the lawyer of a suspect before the trial?''

''I was just about to go, Prosecutor Ann. I will see you tomorrow'. Benjamin Black stood up with his suitcase and nodded before going out. Rosa was quiet the whole time.

''Prosecutor Ann, this is your first case and is a homicide case at that. don't you think you are being too free lately? You don't even take investigator Hanson with you. Are you slacking off because the higher ups are now backing you up?''

''Don't talk like that, Prosecutor Tim. Rosa has been working overtime lately because of the case''. Investigator Hanson said.

''I will be working out of the office today. See you tomorrow''. Rosa picked her bag ready to go out.

''Wait. I heard you were with the secretary of the minister of justice before he passed away? Were you two dating already?'' Prosecutor Tim asked.

Rosa exhaled out and in finding her patience running out by the second. News really travelled faster.

''From what I know, you two met the day you went to dinner with the mayor? You are quite the fast track type…huh?''

''Don't you think your words are disrespectful and vulgar? Must I be dating him because we were together before he passed away? I didn't know Prosecutor Tim had such a unique dating style? Maybe I should come for tips since I'm still a rookie in that area''. Rosa said chicly.

''What? How dare you talk back at your senior like that?'' Prosecutor Tim moved closer to Rosa and investigator Hanson stepped in stopping him.

''Now that you have shown your displeasure why don't you tell me the real reason why you gave this case to me? You are not one to give out such a huge opportunity to sail to a junior? You have never even thought of giving me any case from the beginning so why did you suddenly give that case to me? Was it because you knew already what involved in it and didn't want to risk you job and prestige?''

''Ya!!! Prosecutor Ann. Are you done talking yet? Mr. Hanson, you see the way she is talking to me? She is acting all smug because of one case that she has the backing of the mayor now. Let me tell you. you are bound to lose that case. You are just a pawn in this case''. The chief prosecutor opened the door and saw what was going on and asked.

''What is going on here?'' Rosa looked at the opened door and noticed that a lot of people were standing at the door watching them. Prosecutor Tim realised he had spoken and said things he shouldn't have and kept quiet.

Rosa chuckled suddenly sarcastically before bursting into a hysteric laughter. She was like a crazy person and everyone was baffled watching her act that way.

Rosa quietened down and turned to look at Prosecutor Tim with a cold and darkened gaze as she spoke ''This is why I like to provoke people. brings out their inner demons that show you their honest thoughts that they always hide. A pawn?' Rosa turned her eyes towards the chief prosecutor and he looked away immediately. He didn't want to look into Rosa's eyes. 'Thank you for confirming my guess. Let's meet in court tomorrow. I will make sure you all get to watch a…very interesting show then''.

Rosa finished and walked away. The others at the door gave way as she got to them. They all felt the chills just now when she spoke.

The chief prosecutor looked at Prosecutor Tim and said 'follow me'.


The chief prosecutor kicked prosecutor Tim's leg when they got into the office. He was angry at him for almost revealing their plans.

''How could you say such words in front of everyone? What if Prosecutor Ann finds out that she was just being used for this case? I told you to act like a good senior and make her think you were being generous to offer her that case but now you have made her suspicious''.

''I'm sorry, sir. She has a sharp tongue. She was talking back at me like a parrot''.

''You shouldn't have provoked her first. I heard everything. You were the one who brought up the issue of Garcia Ambrose first. I told you not to meddle in this case''.

''But, sir. Why did the higher ups specially asked for Prosecutor Ann to take up this case? What is she really ends up convicting the criminal and gets a promotion?'' Prosecutor Tim thought he could use the case to propel his career but the chief suddenly told him to hand over the case to Prosecutor Ann. How could he not be angry at such a development? Though he didn't understand why but after watching and seeing how things were going, the case wasn't a simple one.

''Even I don't know. It was the higher ups that specifically picked her for this case. The mayor and everyone has their eyes out for her. I don't know which powerful figure she provoked but you shouldn't provoke her especially at a time like this. You should be grateful to me for keeping you away from that case. This case has only two verdicts. Either she sends the suspect to prison or lose everything she has. Which in any case I am sure that is what the higher ups want''.

''Who exactly is going to benefit from seeing her lose everything or the suspect going to jail?''

''I told you is none of your business, stay out of it''. The chief prosecutor said.


It was raining a lot in the penitentiary when Rosa arrived. The penitentiary was a two-hour drive from the town. She entered and was sent to the visitors' lounge where she waited for Carlos Ryan to be brought out.

The metallic gate opened and a prison guard brought Carlos Ryan out. He was in their uniform and looked haggard. They sat across each other while the guard stood at the door.

Rosa looked at Carlos Ryan nonchalantly saying 'I am here. What is it that only you can tell me?'

''Look at both of us? Prosecutor Ann, you are a free woman but why do you look even worse than me that is locked up in here? You don't look good at all. You look twice your original age in just a week since we met''.

''I see you still have time for jokes. Then, I came for nothing. I will take my leave now'. Rosa stood up and picked her bag. Carlos Ryan held her hand and spoke as he pushed something into her hand.

''Prosecutor Ann, patience moves mountains. Haven't you heard?'' Carlos Ryan said and pointed his head towards the ceiling. Rosa looked at the direction and saw the camera blinking and realised what he meant. Rosa squeezed the drive from him and swiftly put it in her pocket. Their positions were hidden from the camera and no one could tell what was going on. Normal people would think he was trying to stop her from walking out.