The disgraceful Prosecutor 2

Rosa barely got out of the office when she felt a stinky substance on her blouse. She looked up and saw a bunch of girls rushing towards her with eggs and flour and she sighed.

''They really had nothing to waste besides eggs and flour'' Rosa murmured.

''That is the disgraceful prosecutor'' the girls screamed and one threw another egg at Rosa while another one rushed to pour the flour on Rosa. Rosa swiftly caught the girl'' hand and snatched the flour from her startling them.

The girls who were five in total stepped back in fear as Rosa walked towards them with a darkened and cold gaze. Rosa didn't bat an eye and picked on egg from the egg crate the girls brought and broke it on the head of the girl who threw the egg at her and poured a handful of flour on the girl before looking at their shocked faces.

''What else if left? Oil, margarine? Bring them and let's all bake ourselves. How dare you come at me with such ingredients? Don't you know that there are a lot of people starving and you are wasting food here? Do you think I am that easy to bully? Get lost before I bake all of you with the ingredients you brought''. Rosa glared at them and the girls stepped back.

''You are even bold enough to threaten a group of girls after what you did? Prosecutor Ann, I really underestimated you. You would be impartial? I guess setting a criminal free was your definition of being impartial!!'.

Jung Lee walked to the girls and spoke. He looked at Rosa displeased.

Rosa looked around and noticed that people have gathered around and some were even recording her on their phones. It was really a scary world. People just couldn't wait to use anything against a defenceless person.

''If you are dissatisfied with the verdict, as the family of the victim, you have the right to appeal. But, attacking the prosecutor who was in charge of the case is an offence and you could be sued for it''. Norbert Brian walked to them and spoke before holding Rosa's hand. ''Let's go, Prosecutor Ann'.

Norbert Brian pulled Rosa along as he walked away. Jung Lee stood alone with the girls and chuckled. He was the one who incited the girls to attack Rosa just now and he was the same person who leaked both information about Carlos and Rosa's background on the internet.


''Thank you for earlier but I am dirty. I can't sit in your car''. Rosa said as Norbert Brian opened the door to his passenger seat for her.

''I am the owner of the car and I am not even bothered. Why are you worried? Get in''. Norbert Brian pushed Rosa into the car and closed the door before joining her in the driver's seat.

''Thank you''. Rosa said.

''You are welcome. Where to?'' Norbert Brian asked.

''My house. I will put in the destination route for you''. Rosa said and her phone buzzed. She smiled apologetically at Norbert Brian before removing it to answer.

''Scarlet, what is it? I am on my way home''.

''Rosa, don't come here right now. The apartment is full with reporters and so many other people. your mom and I are locked up inside. But, Kylie is yet to close from school. Can you pick her up and find somewhere to stay? Oh, you can go to my apartment''.

''I understand. Bye''. Rosa hung up and sighed helplessly.

''Reporters at your apartment?'' Norbert Brian asked.

''Yes, that was Scarlet. She and my mom can't get out of the house''. Rosa answered.

''So, what do you need me to do? I am free to help you today''. Norbert Brian flashed a smile at Rosa.

''Then, can you do me a favour? My sister is still at school. I need to pick her up first and then go to Scarlet's place. We can stay there for the night''. Rosa said.

''Sure. Which school?''

''Camel High School''.

Norbert's grip on the wheel tightened. All the victims were from Camel High School.

''Is your sister in high school already?'' He asked suspiciously.

''No, she is in her second year at the junior high school. She still has a year before she went to high school''. Rosa said and smiled. Kylie was her sister whom she loved so much.

''I see. Let her to be careful. All the victims were from that school''. Norbert Brian said as he took the road to the school.

''I know right? I wonder if the killer has a fetish for girls from that school. The monster will die in my hands one day''.

Norbert Brian looked at Rosa and smirked. He couldn't wait for that day to come.

''How did you know; the accused wasn't the killer?'' Norbert asked.

''Wasn't it obvious? I did my homework well''. Rosa said

''Does that mean you have seen the killer before?''

''No, I haven't seen him before. I just know that the accused wasn't the killer''. Rosa said and closed her eyes.

Norbert Brian looked at her and drove away.


Rosa rolled down the window and watched the girls that came out of the school. They were at the roadside parking space waiting for Kylie to come out.

Kylie walked out and ran towards the car. She opened the backseat and got in before saying 'sis, what is going on? Why are you suddenly the most searched word on the internet? Did you…no, right?'

''Whatever you are thinking is right. now put on your safety belt, we are staying over at Scarlet's place tonight''. Rosa said.

''Wow. You are quiet the character, sis. How could you be so bold enough to drop all charges against the accused?'' Kylie said and looked at Norbert and smiled shyly ''hi, sorry, I didn't notice you earlier''.

''Is alright. Shall we go?'' Norbert said.


''Sis, what is going to happen to you now?'' Kylie asked as she scrolled on her phone.

''What will happen? I will freeload on you. You just have to work more part times to take care of me from now onwards. I just became jobless because of a psychopath''. Rosa said and Norbert frowned. He was getting annoyed every time she referred to the killer as a psychopath.

''Sis, look. Everyone is trashing you on the internet. Some are even saying you were bribed by Carlos Ryan. While others are saying you are a die-hard fan who couldn't stand to see their idol being accused. Wow. You have become a celebrity in just a day, sis''.

''Kylie, I am the one being trashed, why do I feel that you are even more excited about everything than those people on the internet? Are you really my sister?''

''Hey, don't say that. I am just relaying what the people are saying to you. You haven't checked your phone, right?'' Kylie asked.

''Yes, my phone is off. I turned it off after calling you''. Rosa replied.

''That is why?''.

''Your sister is quite interesting. Kylie, right?'' Norbert asked interrupting them.

'Yes. Are you my sister's colleague at the work place? Or a man who likes my sister?'' Kylie asked.

''Hey, stop messing around''. Rosa warned Kylie.

''I am both. A colleague and a man who likes your sister''. Norbert said and drove off. The rest of the drive became silent.

Rosa looked at Norbert and turned away facing the window. Her mind wasn't in the right place right now to ponder into what he just said. Her mind was far away. She was thinking about Carlos Ryan. Rosa shook her head before closing her eyes.