The disgraceful Prosecutor 1


At the front of the building stood reporters of the various news stations reporting on the shocking revelation that took place in the courtroom. Something that hadn't happen before took place. A lot of people also gathered at the entrance waiting to see the accused that was set free by the prosecutor.

As soon as Carlos Ryan came out they rushed towards him with questions.

''Did you bribe the prosecutor in charge of your case?''

''We heard you met with the prosecutor last night? What did you discuss with her for her to drop the charges against you?''

''Did she drop the charges against you because your father saved her life 15 years ago?''

''You psychopath killer, go and die''

''Revoke the licence of the shameless prosecutor''

As the reporters asked their questions, the young girls who gathered from before also started protesting.

In all, it was a total chaos at the court building as the whole town were left in shock after what happened.


''Don't you lay hands on my child in my presence''. Gloria George screamed at Charles Gard as he raised his hand to slap Rosa.

They were now the only ones left in the courtroom. The chief prosecutor, together with the chief of police and some prosecutors' from the prosecutors' office.

Rosa stood in front of the chief prosecutor with her head lowered.

''You can discipline her when I am not there but I can't watch you lay a hand on my child whom I haven't even hit before''. Gloria George added as everyone watched.

''What?'' The chief prosecutor chuckled sarcastically.

''Mom, stay out of this. Scarlet, take mom home''. Rosa turned and pleaded with her mother.

''But''. Rosa shook her head and blinked her eyes at her mother. Gloria George didn't want to make things difficult for her daughter hence she walked out of the courtroom with Scarlet.

The others present started murmuring and throwing dirty looks at Rosa. Prosecutor Tim looked at Rosa and shook his head before walking away. He followed the chief of prosecutors closely leaving Rosa alone.

When everyone left, Rosa slumped into the chair and sighed. She closed her eyes.

''I just saw you in a new light today, Prosecutor Ann?'' Norbert Brian said as he stood in front of her.

Rosa opened her eyes after hearing the voice and stood up immediately.

''Norbert Brian…sorry Judge Brian''. Rosa said.

''No need to be so polite. Just call me Norbert''. Norbert Brian said and smiled. He looked at Rosa interestingly.

''Is there anything you want to say to me?'' Rosa said and looked around. Everyone had left already.

''Can't I come to see you without having something to say to you? I'm hurt, Rosa. I thought we were close?''

Rosa smiled awkwardly and looked at him. He was still handsome even in the gown. Rosa would have felt happy if they met under different circumstances.

''I didn't mean to be rude. I'm sorry''. Rosa said.

''Why did you do that?'' Norbert Brian asked.

''Huh? Why did I do what?'' Rosa asked confused.

''What you did? Were you always one to do whatever you wanted? You really gave everyone an interesting show to watch today''. Norbert Brian said with a hint of annoyance.

''Are you here to scold me? I think I have been scolded enough already and I still have a lot of scolding to get at the office. I really don't want to be scolded by you''. Rosa said and looked at him. Her face looked tired and worn-out.

''If there is nothing else, then, let's meet again under different circumstances Judge Brian''. Rosa said and picked her bag ready to go. Norbert Brian held her hand tightly and she turned and looked at him. His distorted face of annoyance from before quickly transformed into a beautiful smile as he spoke.

''I am just worried about you, that's all. I'm sorry if that came out as a scolding''. He said.

''Don't worry. See you around though I doubt we will be seeing ourselves after today. I just dug my own grave''. Rosa said and walked away.

Norbert Brian's beautiful smile turned ugly as he looked at her retreating view. He leaned on the table and his eyes darkened as he murmured ''you really gave me an interesting show today, my love. I will be waiting for you wherever you decide to go from now onwards''.


Paa, paa, paa.

Three slaps hit Rosa's cheeks as she stood in front of the chief prosecutor in his office. Even after giving her three slaps, he wasn't still happy.

''Prosecutor Ann, what did we tell you a few nights' ago? Did you take our words as child's play? You dared to set the accused free? Was that what you meant by giving us an interesting show? Let me tell you. You have just provoked the whole country. You have become the most searched word on the internet and do you know the words that follow? The shameless prosecutor, the disgrace of the prosecutors' office. The national offender. The list goes on''.

Rosa was quiet as he spoke. Her left cheek which was hit three times looked reddish and swollen.

''Charlie, don't bother with her. She has already disrespected us''. The chief judge said.

''You will soon face disciplinary committee. They will decide your fate. Leave my office''. The chief prosecutor screamed.


As Rosa walked the hallway towards their office, she noticed the other prosecutors looking at her with disgust.

One of the prosecutors, Gideon Piper who was posted to the chief prosecutors' office along with Rosa stood in front of his office with two others. He sneered as Rosa got to them saying ''Isn't this the star of the prosecutors' office? Oh, wait. She is now the disgrace of the prosecutors' office. This is why you shouldn't praise people too much. Who knows what goes on behind the scenes?''

Rosa chuckled and looked at him before walking away. Gideon Piper has always been jealous of the fact that Rosa topped the class throughout their time in school.

''Did you just laugh? What is funny? Do you think is funny to set a criminal free? How much did you receive?''

Rosa stopped in her tracks.

''Stop provoking her. Who knows what she might do to you?'' one of the prosecutors with Gideon Piper said.

''Yes, she wasn't even afraid to go against the chief prosecutor. She even set a homicide killer free?'' another prosecutor said.

''So what? She just dug her own grave. What more can she do?'' Gideon Piper boasted.

''Tsk'' Rosa cussed and busted into a fit of laughter making those around to look at her. Rosa turned and walked to the three prosecutors and stood in front of them saying ''you should be careful. Haven't you heard? Anyone who mess with me pays for it. I don't even need to do anything to them myself but strangely, their luck always run out. Be careful''.

Rosa said and glared at them before going to her office.


Rosa opened the door and saw that everyone was already there. she didn't bother to greet them and went to her desk. Rosa placed her bag down and was about to sit when Prosecutor Tim said.

''Aye, what are we going to do now, Mr. Hanson? Someone suddenly feels we are not human beings enough for her to acknowledge us?'' He said while looking at Rosa.

''Prosecutor Tim, that is enough. Rosa has it hard already''. Investigator Hanson said and looked at Rosa.

Miss Jane opened the fridge beside her and removed a drink and passed it to Rosa. Rosa smiled and took the energy drink and unscrewed it.

''Prosecutor Ann, I really wished I had your kind of heart. You still have the energy to drink when the whole prosecutors' office is in chaos because of you? Do you know what you have done is a serious offense? A prosecutor dropping all charges against an accused in the courtroom? This has never happened in the whole of Blue Town before''.

''There is always a first time to everything, am I wrong?'' Rosa said and picked her bag and left.

''Wow, did you hear that? You all heard that right? That woman is a lunatic. She is a nut case''

Miss Jane and investigator Hanson looked at each other and turned back to do their work.