I will do things my own way 3

Rosa and Scarlet walked into the courtroom as they chatted.

''What kind of apology was that? It wasn't even sincere at all'' Scarlet said

''At least he apologised. That Jung Lee isn't someone to mess with. Scarlet, you need to be careful''. Rosa and Scarlet entered the courtroom and saw that Prosecutor Tim was already there. he wore the prosecutors' gown and was seated at the prosecutors' desk.

''What is he doing there? Isn't that your seat? Did you know he was going to be there already?''' Scarlet asked.

''No. See you later, Scar'.

''Oh, Roa, I am here for you even if the world rejects you''. Scarlet spoke like a silly kid and blew a kiss at Rosa. Rosa caught it and kept it in her pocket before joining Prosecutor Tim.

Rosa didn't say anything and sat down facing Carlos Ryan who was seated with his lawyer at a distance.

Prosecutor Tim watched them interestingly. This morning, the chief prosecutor asked him to sit in with Rosa on the case and make sure she didn't have any other ideas. He got information that Rosa visited the penitentiary last night and he got anxious that she might do something unnecessary today.

Rosa was well aware of the fact that Prosecutor Tim was just there to intimidate her but she didn't care about her. She had already made her decision last night and knew exactly what she was supposed to do. She was ready to bear the consequences of her actions today.

From her left, Rosa could see the mayor, the chief of police and the chief of prosecutors. They were seated and were now watching her closely. Rosa felt like laughing. Did they have to look at her with such gazes?

''Court rise!!!''

The preceding judge and two other judges walked in and took their seat as the court clerk announced their entrance. Rosa looked up and saw Norbert Brian, her crush at the school. He was among the judges. He looked at Rosa and smiled subtly before taking his seat beside the preceding judge.

Rosa felt it strange that he was there. she knew he was posted to their unit but she also knew he was out of the Town but she didn't know that he was already back. Rosa looked away as the court session soon started.


''The accused, Carlos Ryan is an actor who is famous for his many roles in films and dramas. The victims were all high school students between the ages of 17 and 18. They were all his fans who attended all his fan club meetings including the most recent one he held at the muse café a month ago. The accused lured his victims by offering free signed autographs to them and getting their contact details from them. He then used those contact details to trace them and later kidnap them and kill them.

The knife he used was a surgical knife in cutting through the victims' necks and hands. The lines created were fine and faint. The accused killed his victims in a very cruel and gruesome manner''.

''My client had never met with any of the victims prior to their death. He had never had any contact with them. He didn't even know them. Those free signed autographs were passed on to the victims through his manager who can testify to that. Your honour, my client had never acted in any medical drama or film before and therefore does not have any basic knowledge in surgery and does not even know how the surgery scalpel looks like''.

''Your honour, the evidence we have against the accuse is the fact that those bodies were found in his apartment. He is the only one who knew that there was a basement in that apartment. We also have a CCTV recording of how he moved those bodies to the basement after killing those girls. I will like to show the recordings on the screen''.

''You are permitted to do that''. The judge said.

Rosa exhaled in and out before proceeding to give the drive to the court clerk to play the recording. The courtroom became silent as they watched the recording being played.

The judge and the chief of prosecutors exchanged looks. It seems everything was going according to their plan. That was the same drive they gave to Rosa that night. They became relaxed because the judge had planned to give her sentence soon after the video finished playing.

Rosa went back to her seat and watched them silently. She was quick to notice everything and every single one of their actions. She was sure of what they were planning to do. Prosecutor Tim looked at Rosa and smirked. He was happy he wasn't in her shoes right now.

As the video played, the people behind the court borderline sighed and the families of the victims started sobbing.

Carlos was also watching the video curiously. They just didn't want to be honest with themselves because anyone with good eyesight would have figured out by now that the man in the video and the accused weren't the same person. But, just as Rosa wasn't able to figure it out the first time, it was the same with everyone except those who really knew.

The video was a short one and finished playing shortly afterwards. Rosa stood up and walked to the middle.

''Your honour, this video was obtained from another apartment across the accused apartment. It could be seen here how he carried the victims into the basement…but''.

Rosa looked at Carlos before turning to look at the everyone in the room. It was time to get doomed. Her silence made everyone curious and interested in her next statement.

''Your honour, the man in this video is not the same one as the accused seated here''. Rosa said breaking the ice. The courtroom turned quiet before bursting into mumbling.

''What do you mean, Prosecutor Ann?'' The judge asked cautiously. The chief of prosecutors and the mayor were now anxious.

''I mean what I said. The man in the video….'' Rosa explained everything while everyone listened. Some even started getting the picture clear.

Carlos Ryan almost lost his cool. He couldn't believe what was happening. He wasn't the only one who was in disbelieve. Everyone, including Scarlet. Rosa looked ahead and saw her mother. Gloria George nodded her head as tears streamed down her face.

''Your honour, the accuse isn't the killer and should therefore not be prosecuted according to the law''. Rosa said finally.

She looked calmed but her mother and Carlos Ryan could see that she was shaking. Rosa clutched her fists together as she walked to her seat. She had left everyone speechless.

Prosecutor Tim looked at Rosa with an opened mouth. He couldn't believe someone would willingly dig their own graves with their own hands and mouth.