I will do things my own way 2


It was still a few hours to the trial of the singlet case but reporters were already crowded at the Blue Town court house. They were already talking about the case and the possible verdicts that could come out. A lot of people were also gathered there ready to go inside and see what was going to happen to the suspect.

The family of the victims were already seated in the courtroom waiting for justice to be served on behalf of the family they lost through the case.

The police van pulled over and the suspect was brought out of the van. The reporters rushed forward with their mics asking the suspect a lot of questions.

Carlos was handcuffed and stood in the middle as the reporters made it difficult for him to go through. A lot of school girls rushed forward and started throwing eggs and flour at him followed by curses.

It should be noted that those girls were the same fans that gathered to see him a few weeks ago at his fan club meeting. Indeed, the world was a scary place. The same people who rooted for you would be the same people to throw you under the bus when you do a single thing wrong. Carlos wasn't surprised at all. It had once happened to his father.

His father during his time of working as a bus driver, people hailed and praised him. He was given a lot of awards for being a considerate driver, a good citizen and so much more. But after the bus accident, the same people were the ones who said he deliberately tempered with the bus leading to the death of the 29 people in the bus back then.

Right about now, his family background and every information was leaked to the public. Everything about him was now on the internet and people even compared him to his father saying he came from a family of psychopaths.

His agency was the first to cancel their contract with him and even his assistant and manager whom he trusted and treated well never called or visited him. It was like the whole world was ready to cast him aside. He was a private person who didn't have a lot of friends. The other artistes at his agency whom he usually went out to drink with all ignored him.

But, that was to be expected. The entertainment industry was like that. There wasn't anything like real or honest relationships involved. People got along with others for the sake of what they stood to get.

''Carlos Ryan, can you tell us why you killed those girls?''

''You, psychopath, people like you should die. Why aren't you dead like your parents?''

''If I were you, I would kill myself already''



Such were the words and statements made by both the people and the reporters present. They saw him as a psychopath who didn't deserve mercy.

Carlos Ryan looked up as he was being pulled away and saw Rosa. Rosa was already in her prosecutors' gown and she stood at a distance watching everything.

Rosa could almost see Carlos Ryan's father in him. Back then, this was the same spot she stood as she watched how the people treated the bus driver who saved her. She had wanted to stand in and speak up for the bus driver but the prosecutor in charge back then refused to give her that chance.

Back then, and even now, she was still helpless and powerless against those higher ups. Scarlet walked to Rosa and handed her a cup of coffee and stood next to her as they watched what was going on.

''People are so unlawful these days? They waste food and they attack blindly. Those eggs could have been donated to the needy but they are wasting them on him''. Scarlet said and sipped her coffee.

''I know, right? What has the eggs done wrong?'' Rosa added.

''Do you think they want to turn him into some kind of dough or something? What's with the flour and the eggs? Are they going to bake him?'' Scarlet said.

''Tsk. You still dare to joke at this moment?'' Rosa chuckled.

''You just laughed. Your face has been gloomy since we left the house. Only my dry jokes could make you laugh. You should smile like that and go inside. Let those people understand that they cannot mess with you''.

''What a friend you are. Let's go in''. Rosa said and they went towards the entrance. Jung Lee saw them and rushed towards them mentioning her name making the other reporters to rush towards them.

''Prosecutor Ann, you have arrived. The court session will start very soon. What are your thoughts on the case? Do you think you have the evidence that could send the suspect to prison for life?' Jung Lee asked and almost hit Rosa's face with the mic.

''First of all, you should take that mic away from her face. Do you to break her nose with the mic before the proceedings?' Scarlet asked making the reporters to turn and look at her. Scarlet was unfazed by their gazes as she looked at Jung Lee. That reporter always gave her wrong vibes. It was like he was giving unnecessary pressure to Rosa and Scarlet didn't like that at all.

Rosa pinched Scarlet subtly and shook her head. Reporters were scary people and need not be provoked. Who knew what sort of nonsense these people were going to write after here.

''First of all, I thank you for your interest in this case. But, I cannot say anything until the judge makes her final judgement. I am just a protector of the law and I will make sure that whoever is guilty will be made to pay for their crimes''. Rosa said and walked away pulling Scarlet along and the reporters followed them.

Jung Lee chuckled sarcastically making Rosa and Scarlet to stop. The other reporters gave him way as he walked boldly towards Rosa.

''Prosecutor Ann, I would like to know. Did you know that the bus driver who saved you 15 years ago had a son and that son is Carlos Ryan, the suspect?''

At his questions, the reporters and the people there started mumbling and throwing questionable gazes at Rosa.

''Now that you are met with his son, what do you intend to do? His father saved you and you were the only survivor in that bus incident 15 years ago?''

''Was she the little girl who survived the bus accident 15 years ago?''

''What a strange world. His father saved her and now she is the prosecutor in charge of the case?''

The reporters started mumbling while others found the new scoop buzzworthy and quickly started to report on it.

''Ya!!!'' Scarlet screamed and walked towards Jung Lee angrily. ''I knew you were just a reporter with rotten manner but don't you think you have gone overboard?'' Scarlet asked.

''Why? My sister is also one of the victims. I am asking because I need justice for my sister and I don't want Prosecutor Ann to end up making a mistake because she feels indebted to the suspect's father who saved her. Am I wrong in asking that question?'

''Woww!!'' Scarlet was beyond livid. She started folding her sleeves and Rosa cursed before walking to her. Rosa pulled her aside and looked at her with a warning gaze. Scarlet was about to lose her cool. Scarlet didn't care the place or people around when she was angry. She was capable of beating up Jung Lee which would have caused another problem.

The reporters present saw what Scarlet was about to do and got scared and moved backwards.

''Mr. Jung Lee, why don't you be the prosecutor yourself if you don't believe in the law? I am a prosecutor of this country and I serve this country and do everything for the good of this country. I will not be impartial just because of an incident that happened a long time ago. your question is an offense to my image and I demand an apology for your impoliteness and rude behaviour'' Rosa said coldly meeting Jung Lee's gaze.

The other reporters started reasoning with Rosa and nodded their heads. They were all reporters and would get angry if someone questioned their integrity simply because of a past event.

''My apologies, Prosecutor Ann''. Jung Lee said.