Leaving Blue Town 2

Rosa changed into her shoes and opened the door leaving the apartment. She got down and started to take a stroll down the road. It was already late evening and the streets looked deserted with only a few people using it.

Rosa wore a black outfit and covered her head with a cap that also covered half of her face. She walked for a while and saw a salon that was still working at that time and a thought crossed her mind.

Rosa walked to the salon and after a lot of contemplation, she decided to go in. Pushing the doors opened, Rosa entered the salon and saw that the owner was about to leave. The owner turned at the sound of the door and saw a young lady standing in front of her.

''I'm close for the day''. The salon owner said.

''I know, but I really need your help with something. I'm really frustrated and feeling down right now. Can you help me?''. Rosa spoke to the woman.

''How can I help you? Do you want to do your hair at this time of the night? Is already past 20:30PM''.

''I know, but please I still need your help. I have to leave the city early dawn and I'm afraid people will eat me alive when they see me at the train station''. Rosa said and removed her cap, showing her face to the woman. The woman instantly recognised her but asked suspiciously.

''Are you, Prosecutor Ann?''

''Yes, I am she. Now that you know who I am, are you also going to ask me to leave? Am I not even worthy to stand in front of you?'' Rosa asked back and the woman shook her head.

''What hair style do you want?'' the woman asked.

''A total makeover. What do you specialise in?''

''Locks, I do all sorts of hair but I specialise in dread locks''.

''Then, how long do you think you will need to be able to do that for me?''

''Is your hair natural?''

''Yes'', Rosa removed the wing from her hair and her natural black hair fell down to her shoulders shocking the woman.

''This is really your hair?''

''Yes. Do you think you can do the locks with this?''

''Yes, but because I am alone, it might take the whole night''.

''I don't care. As long as I don't miss my train''. Rosa said and went to sit in front of the mirror. The woman smiled and started assembling the things she needed to make the dread locks. It had been a really long time since she locked someone's hair.

Rosa closed her eyes and a tear dropped on her cheek and the woman saw it.

''I haven't started yet. You can leave if you are regretting it'.

'Go ahead. I don't regret it''. Rosa said and looked at the woman through the mirror.

Outside, a black figure stood a distance watching her.

Next day.

Scarlet woke up to an empty bed and got down alarmed. The closet of Rosa was empty and all her clothes were gone. Scarlet rushed to the hall and saw Gloria George at the kitchen and spoke.

''Aunt, Rosa is gone''.

''I know''. Gloria George said calmly.

''You know? Then where did she go? Aren't you worried?'' Scarlet asked.

''What can my worrying do. she is not a kid. She will come back when she gets tired of roaming'. Gloria George said as she prepared breakfast. 'Go and wash up before you come for breakfast. Are you not going to work?'

''Aunt, you know where she is, right? Can you tell me? Will she be alright?'' Scarlet asked worriedly.

''She will be fine wherever she is going. Don't worry, she will call us when she gets settled''.

''Okay, then, I will go and wash up before having breakfast''. Scarlet said and turned back to the room confused.



A young woman with an unusual hairstyle stood among the people holding her training ticket at the checkpoint. She held a small luggage bag and looked forward not paying attention to the eyes that followed her.

Dread Locks weren't a popular hairstyle in the world and most people associated them with people who smoked or were involved in vices. For a lot of people, spotting the unusual hairstyle raised suspicions coupled with the young lady's nonchalant appearance. She looked chic and savage.

Rosa stretched her hand that held the ticket towards the train master and he took the ticket to check before sizing her up. He returned the ticket to her after stamping on it and said to her.

''Going to Cosmos for camping?''

''How is that any of your business?' Rosa snatched the ticket and walked away towards the train she was going to board. The train master looked at her retreating figure and smiled before attending to other people.

Rosa soon found her seat number and went into sit on the two seater per row train. She placed her luggage safely beside her and sat down. She was about to close her eyes when a little girl about 7 years walked to her holding a pot of cactus plant and a drink.

The little girl watched Rosa curiously making Rosa to frown.

'Big sister, what kind of hairstyle is that? I haven't seen it before?' the little girl asked.

''This is dread locks''. Rosa answered impatiently.

''It looks beautiful on you''. the little girl said.

''Thank you. are you travelling with your family?'' Rosa asked her after noticing she was alone

''No, I am not travelling with anyone. A handsome brother asked me to give these to you'' the little girl handed the drink and the plant to Rosa.

''A handsome brother? Where is he?'' Rosa asked and the girl pointed towards the window. Rosa followed her the girl's direction and saw Carlos Ryan watching her from outside. The little girl after showing Rosa quickly got down from the train.

Rosa stood up to go out and noticed the train had started to move. She watched Carlos Ryan from her seat as the train started to move. Carlos Ryan waved and smiled at her as he watched the train move farther and farther away from his sight.

Carlos Ryan smiled and murmured to himself ''take care of yourself, Prosecutor Ann. I will come for you once I succeed, so make sure you wait for me''.

Carlos Ryan removed his plane ticket and looked at it before going away. The airport and train station were not that far from each other.

Rosa sat back after she could no longer see Carlos Ryan. Her eyes fell on the plant and the drink. She took the plant first and saw a note stuffed into it. Rosa removed the note and read it 'Prosecutor Ann, make sure you are still healthy by the time I find you. Take care of the plant. I will return by the time it grows up. It doesn't matter where you are, I will find you. Make sure you stay hydrated till then''

Rosa smiled and stuffed the note into the plant pot before unscrewing the bottle to drink the juice.