Prosecutor Ann, how have you been 1

Five years later….

A moving vehicle drove into the city and took a curve into a remote part of Blue town. It pulled over in front of a two storey building apartment. The driver and two other men got down from the vehicle and walked to a young woman standing in front of the house.

''Miss Ann?''

''Yes, please'' she replied.

''Your things have arrived''

''Bring them in, first floor room 209, please'' Rosa said and watched the movers pull out the thick blue cover from the things in the truck exposing them. she stepped aside and stood by the gate watching them move her things into her new apartment. This was her new place, the place she decided to move in after returning back to Blue Town a few months ago. she had been staying in hotels while house hunting. She wanted a place that was out of the public eye.

After the movers were done, she paid them before going to the apartment in the first floor. there were five apartments in each of the blocks, the ground floor and the first floor. she lived just a little closer to the stairs.

Entering the room, she stared vaguely at the things in the room and sighed. 'Looks like I need to start unpacking. She dropped her bag on the single sofa seat in the hall and started rearranging the things according to the way she wanted the place to look like. The apartment had just one bedroom, a small adjoining kitchen with the hall and a balcony where a cactus plant could be seen in a flower pot.

She neatly placed her law books according to the year she bought them on the shelf situated at the right side of the hall.

After almost finishing all that she needed to do, she heard the sound of a truck and peeped through her window to see, ''oh, who else is moving into this place?'' her phone on the small table in the middle of the hall rang. she frowned and pulled the curtains, closing the window.

'Hello, Scar. Alright, let's meet, even I have something to talk about''


Blue Town Prosecutor's office.

Scarlet walked out of the building and bumped into Norbert Brian who was entering into the building.

''Scarlet, hi''

''Hi, Judge Brian, it's been a while''

''Yes, it's been a while. How are you?''

''I'm fine''

''Going somewhere?''

''Yeah, I'm meeting someone for a brief moment. I will be back shortly for the arbitration between the two men''

''Sure'' he looked at her until she got into her car and drove away.


Muse café.

Scarlet went into the café and saw Rosa. She pulled a chair across the latter and sat down, taking the chilled Americano from the waitress to drink.

''Must be very thirsty huh?'' Rosa looked at her and turned to the waitress, 'bring me another cup, thank you'' the lady smiled and went back to get another cup of Americano for Rosa.

''Answer me just one question. Are you back for good, or are you here for a brief moment?''

''What a way a welcome a friend you haven't seen for five years'' Rosa relaxed on the chair and pulled her black cap lower, hiding almost half of her face away.

''Answer me''

''I'm back for good''

''Really? Then, are you coming back to the prosecutors' office?''

''Haven't thought about that. I plan to open my own law firm''

''I heard something from a colleague that your position hasn't been given to anyone. As to why your office remained vacant till date is still the mystery. I think you might really have a backer hiding somewhere''

''How is the case going between the two thieves?''

''They both refused to settle, today is actually the last day of arbitration and is going to be with Judge Brian. Let me tell you, he looks so handsome now''

''Now, did he go somewhere?''

''Right, I forgot to tell you. he left Blue Town the same month after you disappeared. He came back a month ago''


''Yes, what did you want to ask me about?''

''Can you look into something for me?''

''What is it?''

''About Ambrose Garcia, I want the files on his murder''

''Rosa, are you still looking into what happened that year?''

''It's the only thing keeping me sane. Is the fifth year, and I am sure that something is going to happen. I need to prevent what happened from repeating itself this year''

''Okay, but won't it be better if you just came back. Your revoke will be over this month. You will be able to return to the Prosecutor's office next month''

''Before that, I need to do something. The moment that 'person' finds out that I am back, he is going to do something. I need to prepare myself this time and not be caught off guard''

''I will do that. do you have a place to stay?''

''I do, but I'm not telling you. don't tell my mom anything about me for now''


''I will leave now, pay for the Americano, I don't have money''



That night, after working on the case file that Scarlet sent to her email, Rosa ate a late night snack and went to her balcony. She looked outside, from where she stood, she could see the whole city. It brought a smile to her face and she leaned by the wall.

A distance away, a figure watched her from a telescope and smiled. He captured her rare smile before going into his room. He removed a stack of photos he took of her that afternoon and pasted them on the board in the room.

He picked up his phone and made a call, ''she is back. Yes, I will keep my eyes on her and let you know of any new development''

He hung up and placed the Nikon camera on the table and went out.


That same night, in the remote part of the city, a woman's body laid bare in the cold floor of her apartment with blood splatted on the wall and on the floor.

Next day.

Scarlet and another man from the prosecutor's office arrived at the scene that people were gathered outside the house.

''Detective Stuart, brief me in on the case''

''Prosecutor Scarlet, name, Anna Demune, 26 years works at Muse café''

''Muse café?'' Scarlet went closer to look at the body. She removed the quilt from the dead body's face, 'I saw her yesterday''

''She was at work yesterday. The forensics have yet to write a report for us. but, we found that she had bruises and signs of forced entry in her private part''

''She was raped?''

''Perhaps but we need to confirm from the forensics department''

''Okay, thank you'' Scarlet looked at the body for a while before taking her phone out to make a call. she went out of the apartment.

''Scar, to what do I own this early morning call''

''Rosa, someone was murdered this morning. the girl who served you the drinks at Muse yesterday''

''What?'' Rosa woke up from her bed immediately. 'How did it happen?''

''We are yet to receive a report from the forensics but I don't think this is a normal murder. This is the five woman to have died this month alone and the signs are all the same. The victim just like the other women had signs of forced entry and bruises in their legs. But do you know what I find similar in all these cases? The women are all between 26 and 27 years old''

''Scar, can you describe the scene into more detail for me over the phone?''

''Let's meet. I will bring you some pictures to have a look''

''Okay, send me the location''