Prosecutor Ann, how have you been? 2

''This isn't just a simple rape and murder case, Scar. Look at this place, the cut on the abdomen is a sharp one which is in contrast to the ones made on her upper body. The lines are all zigzag'' Rosa looked at Scarlet's face.

''I don't understand''

''Do you remember the case involving the two women who were raped and then killed by the same man two years ago?''

''Yes, I do''

''Good, this is similar to that but, this isn't the same person. This is clearly a copycat murder. The person wants to copy that case, but he is still an amateur''

''But, the question is, why did he do that to her? That girl seemed so sweet and innocent''

''That is something we have to find out. I will go and study these tonight and get back to you''

''Aunt asked me about you? She wants to know when you are going home?''

''I already have a home now. I don't plan on going back anytime soon''


''Let's not talk about this. I have somewhere to go'' Rosa stood up and gathered the pictures into her bag. Scarlet sighed and leaned back against the chair.


Rosa got down from a taxi and stood in front of the house of the victim. The reason why she asked to see the photos was because she had a feeling that the case was not an ordinary one. she felt it was just one that would lead to many rape and murder cases to come out of the town.

She scanned the vicinity for a while before she turned to go and saw a dimmed light coming from the house. She stopped and hid behind the wall. From where she hid. She could make out the vague appearance of the man inside the house. The house was obviously marked by the police as out of bounds pending the investigation, so who was inside the house?

Watching the figure move back and forth, Rosa furrowed her brows subconsciously before standing up, walking towards the door with her one hand inside her bag holding on tightly to her dagger. She forcefully opened the door and saw a familiar figure standing at the blood stained spots.

''You are here?'' he asked not bothering to look at her. He could tell she was shocked and surprised at the same time but he didn't have the time to exchange greetings with her yet. He couldn't believe the first case he would be assigned to would be this after coming out of special training course.

''Carlos Ryan?'' Rosa stepped forward, looking at the man.''What are you doing here? This place is out of bonds to civilians''

He squatted down in front of the blood stained and asked, ''Prosecutor Ann, what do you think of this case? Is it a simple rape and murder case?''

''No, I have my doubts but, before that. what is going on? What are you doing here?''

''Let's do the introduction later, since we will be meeting sooner than later anyway. You are not the Prosecutor in charge of this case, right?''

''No, Scarlet is the one in charge but I just came to have a look since it reminded me of the case of the three girls that happened three years ago. the criminal is already in jail, so I don't understand how this lady would die that same way. It is obvious whoever is doing this is a copycat''

''Do you want to bet something?'' he asked standing up to face her for the first time. He had a smile on his face but somewhat, Rosa felt that his aura had changed. He looked familiarly different and she couldn't point out a particular thing that was different.

''Your eyes are giving you away, Prosecutor Ann. I can tell you have a lot of questions to ask me''

'What exactly are you?''

''I am special agent Carlos Ryan, dispatched to Blue Town Police Station from the headquarters of Country H. How I became a special agent, that will be another story to tell later on''

''Special agent? You mean the type that works on special cases assigned by the President himself? How is that possible? You were an actor?''

''It's been five years, Prosecutor Ann. A lot can happen in five years. Don't you think so?''

''Well, I guess it can because you look totally different from all perspective''

''Prosecutor Ann, when are you returning to your position?''

''I don't know yet. I am still thinking about it''

''Why don't you go back and take this case on. Let's work together''


''I came back this time for two things. This special badge and you. I intend to make sure I catch the man who almost ruined our lives five years ago. So, will you work with me?''

''I… how did you know I would come here? You didn't look surprise when you saw me. It seemed like you were expecting me to be here?''

''I have my ways, I'm done here. I will take you home'' he said, taking the lead. Rosa shook her head and followed him closely behind. She indeed had a lot of questions but she didn't know where to begin. She felt like he was someone she didn't know at all. Everything about him was different. He was different from the Carlos Ryan who used to smile at the camera and greet his fans fondly.

Carlos Ryan looked at the face of the woman sitting in the car and smiled subtly. It was good to be this close next to her after five years. All the suffering he went through all those years had paid off as he was now with her.

An hour later, Carlos Ryan pulled over in front of Rosa's apartment and turned to look at her. she had zoned out all the while to this time.

''We are here, Prosecutor Ann'' he said and got down. Rosa turned to look at her apartment and came back to her senses. She quickly got down from the car and asked him.

''Wait, how did you know this is where I stay? Have you been stalking me?''

''Prosecutor Ann, this is also where I stay. Top floor'' he said, walking away and she ran up to him on the stair. Blocking his path with her two hands she asked.

''Tell me the truth. I am so confused by you and everything that just happened. Were you keeping tabs on me? Did you come here to stay knowing I was here? what exactly is going on with you? A special agent from the capital?''

''Yes, I kept tabs on you all these years but that was because I wanted to keep you safe. Make sure no one was messing with you while I was away. No, I didn't know you lived here. I only found out this morning when I saw you leaving the apartment. I was at my balcony watering my flowers when I saw you. trust me, I was equally shocked to see you. Special agent from the capital, yes, I trained under the special task force team in charge of providing security to the government. After I left Blue Town, my uncle who was the head of security in the President's house helped me settle in and since then I trained hard day and night to become someone who could protect himself and the people around him. Are we good?''

He asked, looking at her even more confused gaze. Everything he said was the truth but he didn't know if she was ready to believe him or not. After he left Blue Town, he had gone to stay with his uncle who had helped him immensely to become what he was today. It hadn't been an easy path for him. He had undergone serious military training and went on to achieve a lot of success but all of that was to prepare him to become someone who had authority, so that when he finally returned, he would be able to protect her.

''Go and rest, let's talk later on tomorrow'' Carlos Ryan smiled and hugged her. Her body stiffened as she heard him saying, ''it's good to see you this close, Prosecutor Ann''

Rosa turned and looked at him as he went up the stairs. She ran up and followed him until he got to his door. He turned and looked at her before going inside.

Rosa went back to her apartment and sat down. She pondered over everything he said and found it hard to believe him. All these years, she thought he had forgotten about her and was probably living a good life somewhere. Turned out he was training under a special force team. But, still, she felt that there was something missing in the story he gave her. He looked and sounded mysterious in a way. Rosa walked up to the balcony and looked at the cactus plant he gave her before and sighed.