Welcome back 2

Interrogation room.

''Tell me everything you saw and don't leave a single thing out of it'' Rosa said to Jude who was handcuffed as her sat across her. they were at the Prosecutors' interrogation room.

''Anna called late that night and told me that she had a quarrel with her boyfriend and that he thinks we are having an affair''

''Were you having an affair with her?''

''Not really?''

''Deliberate on 'not really''

''We had a one night stand a few months back. That was the time she was having problems with her ex-girlfriend. We never talked about it again until that night when she called me saying she felt lonely and her current boyfriend didn't care much about her either. She said living with him was a mistake and that she really needed my company that night. Her sobs made me uncomfortable so I had to go and see her. I was worried that she might do something since her mind wasn't clear. When I got there, we had a few drinks and she fell asleep on the couch. After sending her to the bedroom, I went to my apartment but when I reached there, I realised that I had left my phone and keys at her place so I went back to pick them up.

I heard screams when I entered the hall. The light was off, so I hid immediately when I heard the sounds. He pulled her out of the bedroom and slept with her. He knew I was there all that while. Anna also saw me, she kept calling me with her hand but I was scared to even scream. I stayed hidden and watched everything that happened. He said that she was a promiscuous woman and that he was out to cleanse the town of such promiscuity. When he finished he gave an eerie laughed and turned towards me saying, ''tell Prosecutor Ann that she is welcome', he said if I didn't tell you, he would come for me''

''Did you see his face?''

''No, he had a mask on. I couldn't see anything but he had a mark that ran from his upper hand to his wrist. There was a little visible mark but I couldn't tell what mark it was. It seemed like a tattoo but I am not sure''

''Okay. Why didn't you tell the police this when you were questioned?''

''He said the message was to you and that I could only say those words when you were present''

Rosa stood up and picked her file on the table, ''you will be released tomorrow but you cannot leave this town until all investigations are over. Is that clear?''

''Yes, Prosecutor''


''What did he say?'' Scarlet met Rosa at the door and asked.

''He doesn't even know who the killer is, but one thing is certain, this isn't the end of those killings. That psycho is on a killing spree in the name of cleansing the town''

''You should take some rest. You look drained out already'' Scarlet massaged Rosa's shoulders as they stood outside the interrogation room.

''Prosecutor Ann, Prosecutor Scarlet'' Norbert Brian walked to them smiling.

''Hi, Judge Brian''

''How is the case coming on? Any leads?'' he asked looking at Rosa.

''No leads. I feel exhausted just thinking about the next step''

''Should I give you an advice?'' he looked at Rosa's face and saw that it lit up.

''Do you have any lead?'' Rosa asked him.

''Not a lead but maybe a way by which you can lure the criminal out in the open''

''Really?'' Scarlet asked enthusiastically.

''I studied a copy of the file from our department. The criminal is a very intelligent person. He won't just come out that easily''

''How do you mean?''

''Let's find a place and sit'' Norbert Brian proposed.

''Sure, let's go to my office. No one is there currently'' Rosa said and turned walking towards her office.

Seeing how she was opened to his suggestions, Norbert Brian smirked meaningfully and entered the office with her.

''Sit down'' Rosa pointed at a chair before she sat on another and Scarlet sat on Miss Jane's seat.

''After studying the case, I realised that the criminal is an intelligent person. To deal with this kind of person, you need to think and act like him''

''That's true. But, what exactly did he mean by he is cleansing the town off promiscuity?'' Scarlet was confused.

''It simply means he is daring the prosecution to catch him if we can. He won't stop with just one person. He might even by on his next kill as we speak'' Rosa explained.

''The killer used a type of knife used by surgeons or people who work in the hospital. This shows that this person either works in the hospital or is someone very familiar with knives. Either way, he is someone experienced with knives''

''Narrowing it down, he is someone who might also be working in the kitchen and not necessarily in the hospital'' Rosa concluded and Norbert Brian applauded her.

''Good, so start your investigations and target it on the people around the victim that specialises in knife works. He must be someone who knows the victim well because he was able to enter her home''

''Thanks a lot'' Rosa said to him sincerely.


Rosa got down from the taxi and saw her mother waiting by the gate to her building and she walked up to her hurriedly.

''Mom, what ae you doing here?'' she took the bags in her mother's hands.

''I came to bring you some food. Scarlet said you are working on a tedious case, I was worried that you weren't eating well, so I prepared a few dishes for you''

''Mom, you really didn't have to, come inside. The weather looks bad, what if you catch a cold?'' she held her mother's hand, sending her inside. Carlos Ryan who was at the balcony saw them and smiled as he sipped his cup of coffee''

''Which floor do you stay?''

''This one, let's go inside'' Rosa opened her own apartment and went inside with her mother. The people hadn't finished installing the security system but she didn't want her mother to know about the break-in or the fact that she was staying with Carlos Ryan. It would just make her more worried.

''Your apartment looks so empty. I will bring your blankets for you to use''

''Mom, sit down first. I am fine, you don't have to worry about anything. I will keep these in the fridge''

''How is the case coming? Is it that hard to solve a single case?''

''It isn't so difficult; this is taking much longer because it is a bit tricky. But, don't worry, I will solve it fast and visit you over the weekend''

Rosa accompanied her mother for a while and they chatted before she sent her outside and hailed a taxi for her. she waved her goodbye before turning to go and saw Carlos Ryan looking down at her from the balcony.

''Was that your mother?'' he asked.

''Yes, she brought me a lot of dishes, I will bring you some to eat''

Carlos was about to say something when his phone buzzed in his pocket. He smiled at Rosa and answered the call. his expression changed as he looked at Rosa.

''Wait there!!'' he said to her as she started to walk inside.


''I will be down'' he said and went back inside. A few minutes later, he came out wearing a blue jacket on top of his all black attire.

''Where are you going?''

''Let's go. we are visiting the crime scene''

''But, I am not well dressed'' she said and pointed at her long black dress that she had casually put on.

''We don't have much time left. If you want to catch the criminal easily, then you have to come with me right now'' he said pulling her along as he walked out.

''What do you mean?''

''Do you know what criminals find amusing the most?'' he asked as he opened the passenger door for her to get in.

''What do they find amusing?''

''Touring around the vicinity of the crime. They feel that they cannot be caught because they are simply smart''

''That killer, I think he might be the same one from that year. He told Jude to deliver a message to me''

''I heard it from detective Stuart, but, are you sure he is the same person? What if this person is just someone who knows you and is using what happened to his favour?''

''What do you mean?''

''We will find out soon'' he pulled over at a distance away from the victim's apartment and they got down. they saw a faint light coming from the apartment.

''There is someone in that house''

''Do you remember the statement from the victim's boyfriend?''

''Yes, I do''

''I found out something today. He is a second year resident at Blue Town hospital''


''The call I received. That was the forensic doctor. There were traces of her boyfriend's semen inside her''

Rosa looked at Carlos Ryan with a shocked expression as she turned to stare at the house. The figure of the person inside now stood facing them, as if purposefully looking at them.