Untainted Prosecutor Ann

Rosa ran into the apartment and followed suit. He met her at the door and pulled her back before removing the gun around his strap.

''He is armed, stay behind me'' he said and her before opening the door.

When they entered they say the lady's current boyfriend standing at the marked side where the body of the girl laid. He looked at them with a creepy smile.

''You are finally here, Prosecutor Ann''

''Ah, I can't believe I missed a criminal like you'' Rosa said and attempted to walk pass Carlos to the man. She wanted so much to beat him up but Carlos Ryan pushed her back.

''The police are on the way to arrest him. Don't soil your hands''

The man threw the knife on the floor and laughed looking at the distorted face of Rosa. He smirked and asked, ''Prosecutor Ann, it was nice meeting you but you shouldn't be so happy just because you caught me. It was I who wished to be caught''

A while later, the police arrived and handcuffed the man whose name was revealed to be Stanley. Rosa watched as he was sent to the car and driven away.

''How do you feel?'' Carlos Ryan stood by her side after speaking with the police.

''I need to speak to that man. He knows something about me. You heard what he said, right?''

''Rosa, don't let him get to you''

''I can't help it, Carlos. I just can't stop thinking that everything happening is planned by that stalker that I don't even know. You told me before, this was just one of many cases yet to come. But, I feel that everything has been orchestrated by him. It's like he is purposefully creating cases for me to solve. He derives fun and excitement from seeing me work so hard only to end with nothing in every case''

''Let's wait till you question him tomorrow. Whatever he knows, we will find out'' Carlos said walking with her to the car.


Next day in the morning.

Interrogation room of the police.

''I am not speaking without Prosecutor Ann. Tell her to come and see me. I have a message for her'' Stanley said arrogantly as he smirked at Carlos who was sitting in front of him in the holding room.

''Why do you want to meet with her? You can pass me the message; I will let her know of it''

''It won't have the same effect. If I tell you the message, then it will only lose its efficacy. The only person I will talk to is Prosecutor Ann''

''You are really determined to drag this further, right?''

''Not really. You are the one dragging this further. If you hadn't come back to Blue Town. If you hadn't entered back into her life again, perhaps she would have been free of what is happening, but since you are already here. I can say this for sure. This is just the beginning'' Stanley chuckled as he stared at Carlos Ryan. His eyes held a hint of nonchalance and mocking to them.

''Why did you kill the victim? Wasn't she your girlfriend?''

''She was just a promiscuous woman. The town needs more women like Prosecutor Ann. Pure and untainted, reserved only for the boss. Sooner or later, he is going to come for her. He will make her his woman and then dominate this town''

''Really? What to do? Prosecutor Ann has someone to taint her already''

Hearing his words, Stanley chuckled before a frown appeared on his face. He leaned closer, putting his hands on the table, he smirked saying, ''you are not serious, right?''

''Do I look like I am joking?'' Carlos Ryan looked at him determinedly.

''I want to speak to Prosecutor Ann'' he said again and leaned lazily against the chair. Carlos Ryan stood up and casted a look at him before going out. He went over to the recording room and the two detectives including the Chief Inspector looked at him.

''What exactly is going on between you, Prosecutor Ann and that man?'' referring to Stanley, the chief inspector asked.

''Don't let Prosecutor Ann see that recording'' Carlos Ryan said and the door opened and Rosa walked in.

''You called for me?'' she looked at the men who had become silent.

''He said he will only speak to you'' Carlos Ryan pointed at Stanley.

''Really? Then, can I go in right now?''

''Yes, but, whatever he says. And I mean anything he says, don't think too much about it. If listening to him gets hard, just walk out and I will handle the rest'' Carlos said warmly to her.

''Okay, can I go in now?''

''Sure'' Carlos Ryan opened the door for her and she went inside.


Stanley looked up lazily at Rosa and smiled, ''you are finally here, Prosecutor Ann? I thought I was going to die without getting the chance to speak to you''

''Why did you kill the victim?''

''Aren't you curious about how I came to know you? Let's not talk about that boring woman. The one I am more curious about is you'' he smiled creepily at her.


''I've heard so much about you. Now that we are sitting so close to each other, I can understand why the boss is crazy about you. You are beautiful, slender and full in all the right places'' he sized Rosa up smiling.

''Say that again and I will rip that mouth apart''

''Feisty, are we?''

''You raped an innocent woman who took you in believing you were a normal man. Even after raping her, you killed her in such a disgraceful manner. Are you even human?''

''That woman had it coming. She was a lose woman''

''A lose woman? Your definition of a lose woman is someone who took your sorry a** into her home?''

''No, my definition of a lose woman is the kind who sleeps with her co-worker even though she had a boyfriend. A woman who allowed a man she didn't know anything about into her home and even made her sleep on the same bed with her; that is my definition of a lose woman. Prosecutor Ann, are you by any chance such kind of woman?''

''Why? Are you going to kill me if I am such kind of woman?''

''No, I dare not touch the woman of the boss. But, I am really curious about something. What is the exact relationship between you and that man?'' he lifted his head and pointed at Carlos Ryan whose face could be seen from the small holes in the window.

''I am the one giving the questions. Don't ask me anything''

''My bad. Forgive my manners. I was just curious but, you don't have to tell me''

''Did you know? Rape is just another word until it happens to your wife, your daughter, your sister, your mother, your aunt, your niece, your cousin, your best friend, until it happens to you and then it becomes a pain that you live with for the rest of your life?''

Rosa said and studied him carefully. Become coming to the police station, she had studied his family background and found out that he was from a dysfunctional home. his father was already in prison for defiling two of his own daughters who were currently in the hospital. He was the only boy who finished school to become a doctor.

Stanley crossed his legs and chuckled but his eyebrows were raised signifying his discomfort with the topic.

'He is uncomfortable' Rosa said to herself and leaned closer to him, ''actually, I know about your sisters. You think that the world owes you for what happened to them and therefore you go about repeating that same act on other women. But let me tell you this, Stanley. No woman, no matter where they are coming from. It doesn't matter how their life is. No woman deserves to be raped or even forced to do something against her will. Your sisters might have been unfortunate to go through something like that but, it doesn't mean you should exeat revenge on every woman''

''Shut up''

''Why? Does the topic make you uncomfortable? Then why did you do that to someone's sister? What were you trying to show by copying the exact same crime someone who is in prison committed?''

''You think this is the end? Even if I die today, it will not be the end because someone is going to come and do more nasty things than I did. But, Prosecutor Ann, are you prepared for what is going to come?''

''What is going to come?''

''As we speak, somewhere, someone is having the time his life, preparing the perfect murder. I ask again for the last time, are you really not curious about how I know you?''

''Tell me about it?''

''I'm sorry, I don't think I have much time to do that. Since you wasted the time yourself''


''I told you before, I didn't have much time left but you didn't believe me'' he said as started coughing out blood. It splatted out and smeared Rosa's face before he fell down to the floor.