Trap 2

''I forwarded his case to court. He is a habitually offender who has harmed women for the past three years. I am going to make sure he pays for his crimes'' Rosa added.

''You… how dare you send me to court? I am going to call my uncle right now. Let's see if you have the guts to still talk after you lose your job'' the man boasted and took out his phone. The chaos brought out the other prosecutors who were working on their own cases in their offices.

''Prosecutor Ann, that's enough'' the chief Prosecutor said to Rosa and she looked at him.

''Enough? What about the women he harmed? Do you think is enough to just give him a warning and make him write a long list of nonsense in the name of self-reflection every time and get away with it? I am going to make sure this filthy man gets exactly what he deserves or I am not Rosa. You want to call your uncle? Call him and let's see just how powerful your uncle is against the law, you must pay for what you have done. People like you who treat women like they are mere objects are the reason why society is still backwards despite the advancement in technology. Old geezers like you should be exterminated from society for women and children to be safe''

''What? Old geezers? Look here, I am not old. I am just 45 years old. How dare you call me an old geezer?'' The man said and walked towards Rosa. ''I can still take care of a tough woman like you. You will be begging me to let you off once I take you to bed'' the man added and looked at Rosa lustfully. Rosa chuckled sarcastically and folded her sleeves. She pushed the man's shoulder saying.

''You, come here. I'm going to kill you and go to jail, you bastard. You don't even deserve to go to prison, you should just die by my hands'' Rosa said and was about to hit the man when Scarlet ran to her and held her waist, pushing her backwards. ''Scar, let me go. I need to teach this insufferable bastard a lesson''

''Prosecutor Ann, you just threatened to kill me. I have a recording of it here. Everyone, you are my witness. If I go and something happens to me, you are all my witness'' the man said proudly after wielding Rosa up.

''Rosa, stop. He is setting a trap for you'' Scarlet pulled Rosa aside and said to her.

''Whoa. That insufferable bastard really got to me'' Rosa said and tussled her locks.

''Take him away right now'' the chief Prosecutor said to the two policemen before turning to Rosa. ''You… we will talk about this tomorrow morning'' he said and walked away.

The other prosecutors started murmuring among themselves.

''Let's go'' Scarlet pulled Rosa back into the office and closed it. ''Look at you? Are you a member of the thug? Why do you always use your fists first?'' Scarlet placed a lunchbox on the table.

''Why did you come back here?'' Rosa asked looking at the lunchbox.

''I told aunt you were working on a tough case and she prepared some tonic for me to deliver to you. Who knew I was going to meet you beating up an accused''

''He got to me, I couldn't think straight. That man is a beast. Are women play things? Why do they always put the blame on a woman when it is their fault that they can't even control themselves?''

''You shouldn't act based on your feelings, Rosa. We are following a law. Beating him up won't be good on you. Do you know why that man was sent to you? It is because no one wants to deal with him. He is trouble. Not only his uncle is Denise Martino, his sister is a lawyer. The one handling his case. Do you know who she is? Lemon Grande''

''Lemon Grande?'' Rosa furrowed her brows.

''Yes, that is his sister, no his cousin. Remember what happened between us back at school? You practically just dug a grave for yourself with your haste actions. That man is probably going to be set free because of what you did? I even suspect that he intentionally got you wield up so that you will hit him''

''So, I just got myself into a trap made by Lemon Grande so that she can set that man free?''

''Yes, Rosa''

''Shit'' Rosa cussed and sat down. she felt really stupid at that moment. She sighed and looked at Scarlet who looked back with a worried gaze.

Meanwhile at the same time, in a tall luxurious building a woman with a sharp gaze wearing a black suit and pants sat on a comfy chair. She kept tapping her fingers on the table until the landline by her side rang and she answered it immediately

''Okay, thanks for your hard work'' she smiled and took her personal phone from the table and scrolled it to a picture of three young girls; Rosa, Scarlet and she herself. With curved lips, she murmured.

''Rosa Dee Ann, you always act before you think. Let's see who wins'' she murmured and laughed.


Rosa entered her apartment and slumped on the chair. She didn't bother to turn on the lights as she was too preoccupied with the events of the night.

''Are you back?'' Carlos Ryan walked out of her bedroom startling her.

''Gush, you scared me''

''Didn't you see me when you came in?''

''No'' Rosa said and laid back on the sofa.

''What happened, you don't look good''

''I messed up big time. I am doomed, Carlos Ryan''

''Tell me about it. Maybe I can help'' he placed a small alert system presser on the table. ''I installed a security system on your door. You can press this one if something happens and I'm not with you''

''Security alert system?'' she placed it in her bag.

''So, what did you mess up with today?''

''Why do I feel that you expected me to mess up?''

''With your temper, it will be a miracle to not mess up but it's good to mess up. I will clean after you'' he said and smiled.

''Tsk, I'm afraid this time around you can't clean after me. I literally dug my own grave. The only thing missing is my body which is still here right now''

''What happened?''

''I was given some cases to handle but now that I think about it, those cases were simply traps. Traps to get me kicked out of the Prosecutors' office, just that I didn't realise it early. A man who already has several criminal records was sent to my office this evening. I just allowed my emotions to get the better part of me''

''Did you beat him up?''

''Oh, and not a small kind of beatings. He might have to be sent to the emergency but do you know the cherry on top of the case? I just had to say what was on my mind to the chief Prosecutor. I think I might get suspended tomorrow''

''Rosa, it seems I need to teach you some things''

''Huh? What things?''

''You are suffering from anger control management and not only that you also allow personal feelings to get into the way of how you judge a situation. You allowed your emotions and sense of judgement between right and wrong make you dismiss my case in court five years ago. in all honesty, I still don't understand why you did such a thing knowing very well that it was all going to come back to bite you''

''I know, right? Even I still don't understand why I made such a decision back then? My life wouldn't have been so hard like it is now. I am an outcast in the Prosecutors' department. Do you know the name they associate me with? Lunatic, time bomb and the latest one will be a suspect beater''

''Rosa, thank you for what you did for me back then. I don't care how emotional you are and how often you mess up. I will be with you in everything that happens. Don't forget to lean on me when things get hard''

''Then, can you start looking for law firms for me? I think I might end up as a lawyer very soon'' she suddenly said and Carlos frowned.

''You are going to remain a Prosecutor'' he and stood up going to his apartment.

''Why? Are you not going to ask around for me? Maybe I can be your assistant'' she stood up running after him and he closed the door behind him. ''Tsk!!'' Rosa turned back and went to fall on the sofa again''

''I am really done for. Rosa, why don't you ever learn from your mistakes? Lemon Grande'' she sat up, ''I can't believe I am seeing her again in this kind of situation. Aye, I don't have a good feeling about this. that woman really knows how to talk and make things work in her favour. I don't even have evidence to back my claims that she has a hand in all this? Should I not go to work tomorrow? What will I do with the piling cases?'' she screamed at the top on her voice in the room, rolling around on the sofa