Mad dog 1

''If I get out of this building alive, I promise to give you anything you want today'' Rosa said to Carlo Ryan before getting out of the car and running off with her bag dangling behind her. Carlos Ryan laughed it off and turned on the car, about to drive away when he saw someone looking at him from across the road. He rolled down the window on his side and looked at the person and he curved his lips into a half smile looking back at him.

Carlos Ryan furrowed his brows and drove away leaving him alone. Norbert Brian watched as the car drove away and removed his phone and make a call.

''It's time to separate them. They are becoming too close to each other''


''It's been a while. How have you been, Rosa? Or should I say, Prosecutor Ann?'' a voice asked while its owner leaned against the pillar in a charismatic manner, as she stared at Rosa with a smirk.

''Lemon Grande?'' Rosa looked at the lady she hadn't seen since their graduation.

''I prefer Lawyer Grande, Prosecutor Ann'' Lemon Grande walked closer to her, ''I am the lawyer representing Findley Martino. He is my client''

''I see''

''I heard you beat him up last night, I must say I was quite appealed by your guts. A prosecutor beating up a defendant. You are quite refreshing''

''I know, right? Even I can't believe the kind of guts I have''

''But, I'm afraid you won't be smiling when I bring the doctor's report to the courtroom. Prosecutor Ann, I believe you know what's good for yourself right now. You already don't have a good public image. If we are going to add beating a defendant to the list, I'm afraid you won't be holding unto that title of yours for long''

''What exactly do you want to say?''

''We will have to hear from the chief Prosecutor first'' Lemon Grande said and walked away. Rosa clutched her hands and bit her lips. She brought this upon herself.

Chief Prosecutors' office.

''What? you want me to write a written apology and read it in front of that scum?'' Rosa looked at the Chief Prosecutor who had just told her to apologise to the man and close the case if she didn't want to be forwarded to the disciplinary board of the Prosecutors' office.

''It is either you do that or attend a disciplinary meeting and be sanctioned. Your behaviour wasn't the best. You are a protector of the law, and yet you beat up a defendant who has been hospitalised and according to the doctor's report, he had received internal injuries and will need three months to recover. That is not all, you will be fined to pay a compensation to the defendant. A written apology is only one of the ways to go by this entire situation, his family is insisting on suing you of you don't go to apologise to the victim personally but because he had gotten some emotional shock from what happened, it might not be that easy to meet him''

''This… this is overboard. What about the things he said to me? He harassed me sexually and used perverted words on me. Don't I deserve an apology from him for what he said to me?''

''Prosecutor Ann, according to my client, you are the one who started it first. You tried to seduce him'' Lemon Grande who was sitting quietly finally spoke.

''He tried to bribe me. He said those women deserved what they went through. Tell me, is there any woman in this world who deserves to be stalked and videoed against her will and even threatened with such videos? You want me to apologise to that scum and release him and close the case? Now I believe this was a trap all along''

''Prosecutor Ann, watch what you say'' the chief Prosecutor screamed at Rosa.

''Find, you are the boss. I will do as you say but remember this, the next victim to fall into that man's hands might just turn out to someone close to you and when that happens, I hope you still say we should let him go and you, lawyer Grande, I don't have evidence to back my claims but it doesn't mean I am not aware that you were the mastermind behind all of this. You are childish in your approach though because I will never get at someone based on my past history with them, excuse me'' Rosa turned and left the office.

''This, Prosecutor Ann. She is just a nutcase. How did such a lunatic pass the bar exams and was even the top of the class'' the chief Prosecutor felt that each time he had to deal with Rosa, his blood pressure would automatically go high.

''Because she is a lunatic who dedicated all her time to studying. A mad dog when it comes to reading but a total novice when it comes to social matters'' Lemon Grande said knowingly.

''Are you familiar with her?''

''Very well. We were once close and tight like two bull horns locked together''


''You don't need to know our history. I am glad I came back to Blue Town. I can get to see Prosecutor Ann in action. Chief Prosecutor, thank you for handling this case for me. My client will personally come to say his thanks in due time. As for Prosecutor Ann, you shouldn't get so high because of her. If you want to tame her, you will die before your time. She is like a zombie, you know them very well, right? They are hard to kill or get rid of. If you want to tame her, you have to do it slowly''

Lemon Grande stood up and patted the chief Prosecutor's shoulder before going out with a sly smile.

''Awww, That piece of dog ****, that animal. That jerk''

Mr. Hanson and Miss Jane looked at each other before turning back to look at Rosa who was busy cussing the defendant while sitting on her desk. She was crumbling the report papers as she cussed.

''God, damn it. That son of a dog really got me this time''

The door opened and Lemon Grande walked into laughing. Rosa looked at and saw her. She dropped all honorifics and asked her in a not so pleasant tone, ''what? What do you want again?''

''Well, what a way to welcome a friend you haven't seen in the last 7 years. I am fine, how are you too, Rosa? Oh, wait, are you not over what happened inside there?''

''Friend? The last time I checked, you and I were never friends to begin with. Tell me what you are doing here and scram''

''You are still cute when you are angry. I knew you would be here cussing me out but it is refreshing to see that you still have one thing going on for you; your consistency'' Lemon Grande said and pulled the chair across Rosa to sit.

''Didn't you see the people inside? What kind of rude attitude is that? Well, you were one without manners to begin with''

''Your heart must be so bitter seeing how you can't wait to trash me. Hi, Mr. Hanson, Miss Jane, how have you being?''

''What? Did you know them already?'' Rosa sat up and asked.

''Yes, we met during a case some time back''


''I came to give you my contact. With your fiery attitude, I doubt if you will be able to last long in the Prosecutors' office. If you want to leave this four walls, give me a call, I will take you in anytime, for old time's seek'' Lemon Grande placed her card on the table and Rosa took it and tore it into pieces.

''If you came here for old times' seek, you shouldn't have messed with me in the first place. I am not one to sit without getting revenge on those who wrong me. You know that very well. That man you are protecting so much, I will definitely get him to go to jail. You can bet on that''

Lemon Grande's smile stiffened but she quickly recovered and said ''I will be waiting to see what you can do. Oh, and one more thing, my client will be getting transferred to be treated home. If you intend to go and apologise as you have been ordered to, I suggest you do that today or you can go to his home which I know you wouldn't want to''

'He wants me to go and apologise to him, so that he can gloat over it, right? But, Lawyer Grande, you should know me very well. my fists always go before my words. You had better warn him of the kind of things to say and not to say in front of me or I can't guarantee that instead of going home tomorrow, he will need more days in the hospital. You know me, I am a mad dog without a lease, tell him to be careful and not get bitten by me'' Rosa finished and plucked her earphones inside her ears.

Lemon Grande looked at her for a while and stood up. She cast a final glance at her before leaving. This was what she hated the most about Rosa. Even when she was at a disadvantage, she wouldn't back down.