Mad dog 2

Rosa screamed once Lemon Grande left the office. She tussled her hair like a mad woman not caring about her image but both Mr. Hanson and Miss Jane already knew her character so well so they weren't that surprise to see her act that way.

''That woman really gets to me. This is so annoying'' Rosa said.

''Prosecutor Ann, are you going to apologise to that man at the hospital?'' Miss Jane asked.

''It was direct order from above'' Rosa pointed her hand to the ceiling, ''apologising is the least of my worries right now''

''What are you worried about then?'' Miss Jane asked.

''How I am going to do it without actually killing that man. I still can't believe a smart person like me was trapped into releasing that scum''

''Ah? Prosecutor Ann, then, should I go with you to the hospital?'' Miss Jane offered.

''Can you?'' Rosa was relieved, ''you have to stop me at all cost. No matter how much that scum provokes me, you have to remind me to remain calm, okay, Miss Jane?''

''Yes, I will do that''

''Let's go then. I still have to visit Kie High school this morning'' Rosa stood up and removed her suit from the hanger and put on covering her milky coloured blouse.

''Rosa, don't let him get to you'' Mr. Hanson gave a final warning before Rosa left the office.

''Don't worry, I will apologise and leave immediately before I go against my own words''

Blue Town Hospital.

Private ward.

Rosa knocked at the door and entered holding a basket of fruits with Miss Jane behind her. they saw Findley Martino on the bed while another man sat by his side. This man was Danitus Martino, the cousin of Findley and the same person Rosa met in the office of the Chief Prosecutor the day of her return to the office.

''Hello'' Rosa said to Danitus Martino who stood up after seeing them.

''Prosecutor Ann, fancy seeing you again'' Danitus Martino said with a smile and looked at Rosa, ''so I heard what happened. Apologies, my cousin can be a little wild and out of control sometimes'' he said and Rosa looked at him. She was about to open her mouth when she felt a pinch on her hand and stopped in time.

Instead of saying anything, Rosa simply smiled when she really wanted to start thrashing the pair of cousins but even Danitus Martino could sense that Rosa had probably crucified him a number of times in her heart. It made him want to chuckle seeing how she was trying her best to hold it in.

''Don't worry, I already visited the victim and offered a compensation. She also requested for the case to be dropped because as a woman, it wouldn't look to good on her either if this case was to be dragged on''

'So, you want to use your money and silence the voice of justice? What a bunch of insufferable bastards'

Rosa wanted to say that to him but then again, she felt another pinch from Miss Jane. It was beginning to annoy her the number of times she was been pinched.

Rosa smiled and said to Danitus Martino, ''is that so? I see''

''Aren't you here to apologise to me, Prosecutor Ann? Cousin, stop wasting time with her. here, I am watching. If you show me just how sincere you are, I might decide to drop the charges against you''

''Here, I brought you some fruits as a sign of my apology to you'' Rosa placed the fruit basket on the table and looked at him, 'I hope you choke on the apples and die, you son of a b****'. She smiled at him after cursing him in her mind.

''Is that all?'' Findley asked arrogantly.

'No, you idiot, I was supposed to add a little more injuries to the ones you already have but I'm holding it all in you j***'

''I hope that you will get well soon, Mr. Martino'' Rosa said, already on her limit. She felt like she was going to burst any moment from now as she wasn't able to do what she really wanted to.

''This isn't sincere enough, Prosecutor Ann'' he said to Rosa.

'Really? Should I just disfigure you or should I strangle you with the IV rope?' Rosa smiled again watching him quietly.

''You turned me into this invalid. Shouldn't you at least show that you really regret your actions by been a little sincere? I feel that you haven't reflected on your actions yet''

'I can't reflect on my actions because I don't regret, you animal. Lord knows how I want to beat you up into an unrecognisable pulp'

''How about this? If you kneel down and beg me once, I will drop the case and not pursue it any longer'' Findley said and took his phone from the side. He was going to record it and play it to himself or maybe upload it on to the internet. Seeing him do that, Rosa's pupils dilated and rose up as she looked at him.

Even Miss Jane and Danitus Martino were surprise to hear such a request from him and the fact that he was about to record such a thing. He was clearly bullying her from all indications.

Danitus Martino furrowed his brows and was about to ask Findley to stop when Rosa shocked them by falling to her knees.

''Prosecutor Ann'' Miss Jane called out but Rosa bowed in front of Findley as she knelt on the floor.

''I'm sorry'' Rosa said looking at Findley. Her hands were clutched so hard as she placed them on her knees.

''That's enough, Findley'' Danitus Martino shouted and snatched the phone from him. He threw it on the floor and went closer to Rosa. He held her hands and helped her to stand up, ''I'm really sorry about this Prosecutor Ann'' he said to Rosa.

The room was silent as Findley couldn't believe what hi cousin just did.

''Please, help Prosecutor Ann outside'' Danitus Martino said to Miss Jane and she nodded and quickly held Rosa's hand pulling her out. Rosa was quiet all the while. When they two left, Findley laughed and asked Danitus Martino.

''Don't tell me you are in love with that Prosecutor?''

''What business of yours is it?'' Danitus Martino asked back.

''Forget of her. She has a lot of men around her. Why do you think my case was sent to her? It was to mess with her. I don't know who that person is but you should forget of her if you like her. I know about three men who are after that woman''

''What are you talking about?''

''I heard this from Lemon. That woman has some sort of curse following her. Something happens to her every five years and people disappear without notice, especially those who wrong her. Do you remember the serial killer case five years ago? She was the Prosecutor in charge and she released the suspect and her licence was revoked for five years. Apparently her senior mentor who gave her that case was transferred to a rural place along with another Prosecutor who ridiculed her''

''If you know all this, then, why did you mess with her?''

''Lemon asked me to. She said it was to lure whoever was behind her to come out. If Lemon who has a perfect score in court cases is even wary of her, then, you shouldn't go near her. There are a lot of mysteries surround that woman''

''Still, she is no ordinary woman. I want to see what she is really made of because she is so unpredictable.


Rosa and Miss Jane reached outside and saw Carlos Ryan leaning against his car. she tapped Rosa and pointed at him saying, ''he must be here for you''

Rosa looked up and saw Carlos Ryan. He smiled and walked to her, pulling her into a hug. Miss Jane smiled and walked away not wanting to disturb them anymore.

''You did well, Rosa. I am so proud of you'' he patted her back saying to her. As if on her last straw, Rosa started sobbing in his embrace. ''Why are you suddenly crying when you did so well earlier on. It must have been hard on you but you held it in''

''I just feel that things are getting harder for me, Carlos. I don't know if I have the strength to move on or not''

''You have me with you. what is there to be afraid off, en? Any time things get tough or you feel that you can't handle the pressure, you can turn to me, okay?''

Rosa nodded her head saying, ''then, can you take me somewhere to eat? I feel so hungry after holding in for so long. It took all the energy in me to not beat the hell out of that j**k''

''You feel hungry after crying? Rosa, you are a unique woman'' Carlos Ryan chuckled.

''I still have to visit Kie high school''

''I know, I will take you to eat something good and then drive you to Kie high school'' Carlos Ryan opened the door for her to go in.


''Off course, I always deliver on my promises'' Carlos Ryan got in and started the car.