
Closing from her night academy class, Kylie and two girls walked out of the academy building chatting.

''So, Kylie, who was that guy who picked you up the last time?'' one of her friends asked. They were asking her about Genius.

''He is my brother in law''

''Such a hot brother in law. Lucky you''

''I say poor me, that guy is a brat who doesn't know how to respect anyone simply because he is smart''

''I am smart; why do I have to pretend I am not?'' Genius asked standing a distance away from them.

''You? When did you get here?'' Kylie asked while her two friends squirmed shyly around him.

''He is so handsome''

''If I had such a brother in law, I won't come to academy class anymore''

''Let's go'' Genius said and turned towards the car.